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庆六一儿童节的英语作文 篇一

Since I can remember, every International Children's Day, I am very happy, happy! But this year's International Children's Day is very different, because I am a primary school student in grade one. This year, we had a party with our teachers. At the party, the students showed their talents, some singing, some dancing, and others told us very interesting stories!

At the party, I also performed a program. I told you an English story. The content of the story is the story between the cunning fox and the clever and brave chicken and duckling, but it's a pity that I didn't tell the students the Chinese meaning of the English story after I finished. Because we haven't had an English class yet, and we don't know if the students understand? I will tell my classmates again in the future!

My family will give me gifts every International Children's Day, but this year when my grandmother asked me what I wanted, I only chose a simple "rubber band" because I was learning the game of jumping rubber band with my classmates, so I chose it. I think I'm already a primary school student. The gifts I choose should be useful to my study and life. I can't ask for some useless toys like when I was a child.

Although my parents didn't take me out to play this year, my mother cooked a delicious meal for our family. The family spent the festival with me. The children who were busy with their parents and didn't have time to spend the festival with them had a better holiday than mine? Happy?

庆六一儿童节的英语作文 篇二

Today, we held the celebration of June 1. We performed many programs, among which my favorite is the collective Recitation in Grade 5, drum setting and the last hip-hop dance. Let's start with the collective recitation of grade 5. Grade 5 is very good on the stage. Some of them stand in front of the recitation. Their teachers read it with their classmates. At the end, the teacher read it very touching. We were reluctant to give up when grade 5 was about to graduate. I was moved to cry. In fact, I didn't want to leave some students in Grade 5.

Let's talk about drums. First of all, Liu zhanqun performed a song called horse racing, which was really as majestic as riding a horse. Many people followed us and rode together to the boundless grassland. And Nie zekun, who performed a song that he believed in himself. He waved his hands on the stage and performed with the rhythm of the music. It seemed that he had many hands and played very passionately off the stage, which won warm applause from the audience!

The last one is hip-hop dance. There are six hip-hop dancers. They dance very well, especially the middle student. He dances around on the stage like a little rabbit. Other students are very good. Everyone's face is sweating!

Today's celebration of June 1 is really beautiful! I really want to celebrate International Children's Day every day!

六一儿童节英语作文 篇三

On June 1st day, all children are very happy. On that day ,we dont go to of the children will go to the park.

In the park, some children are flying kites, some are playing football, and some are playing a game.In the sky,there are a lot of kites.But there is only once a year we will have this happy festival.I think Childrens Day is the most important holiday for the children.Because everybody has fun on that day!


六一儿童节英语作文范文 篇四

Looking left and right, we finally arrived at the annual International Children's Day. Today, our class organized 61 activities in a western restaurant.

As early as two weeks ago, the head teacher, Mr. Li, announced to everyone that he would start the program. Hearing the news program, everyone was so happy that they burst into a pot and enthusiastically reported their own programs.

Today, everyone is excited and nervous, because they will perform on the stage soon. Everyone is eager to show their style color on the stage, but they are afraid of any mistakes. But I'm not nervous at all, because I'm an audience. I took a glass of juice and watched the program attentively. All the students on the stage acted very seriously and intoxicated. There are also many kinds of programs, including singing, dancing, playing zither, painting, playing violin and performing sketches. Although the performance was not very professional, it was wonderful. After all, it was the students' own stage. They could give full play to their imagination and creativity. Everyone enjoyed it.

It was time for dinner. Under the temptation of food, everyone scrambled to grab it. The head teacher, Mr. Li, was afraid of scalding us when he saw this situation. He ran to maintain order and everyone lined up in order. As soon as Miss Li walked away, there was chaos again. We've never had such a delicious dinner.

The following is the general mobilization. Boys and girls are taking model steps, playing games, stepping on balloons, cutting ribbons, circling, etc. everyone has a serious and happy time.

Unknowingly, at nine o'clock in the evening, the happy time quickly flowed away. It's time for everyone to say goodbye. We left reluctantly. What an unforgettable children's Day!

快乐的六一儿童节英语作文 篇五

"61" children's Day is a favorite festival for some children. It also brings us laughter. I like children's Day best. Because every children's day, I can play with my classmates in the classroom and enjoy the happiness of children. So I like children's day. In my mind, "61" children's day can be the "boss" compared with other festivals. Take national day for example. Although the National Day holiday is a week, the teacher has a lot of homework these days. There is no time to play at all.

Although there is no holiday on children's day, there are still two classes for us to have activities, eat, or have some competitions in the afternoon, and there is no homework, which is good! I think the future children's day will be more interesting: let the headmaster find a darker place in the wild, and plant a lot of trees. Then rent a few cars and we'll go there for an event. Some timid students barbecue while some brave students come to have a game. There are several roads in this field, but there is only one starting point and one ending point. And only one way is right. Each student should bring a mobile phone with him so that he can get lost and contact the teacher.

These brave students are divided into two parts. One part puts on a mask and hides in the trees on the way to scare people. If a classmate chooses the right way, he can reach the end. The headmaster puts two bricks at the end, and the student who reaches the end first takes one of the bricks back. The student who returns to the starting point first with the brick wins. I really want to have such a children's day.

快乐的六一儿童节英语作文 篇六

In my little heart, I have experienced many things, happy, regretful and memorable.。. In my memory, I can't forget the happy thing of "June 1" children's day.

That year's "61" children's day, the teacher organized us to play a game in the classroom - beating drums and passing flowers. The whole class said with one voice, "OK"!

At this time, the teacher began to knock on the table, which was slower than the snail. I saw the flowers reach the monitor. In the blink of an eye, the teacher stopped and the monitor was going to perform on the stage!

A burst of warm applause burst out, and the monitor sang a song: "Red Dragonfly in the sunset, where are you.。." unknowingly, the song has been sung, and more than half of the class are still intoxicated with the monitor's beautiful song. I hope he can sing another song.

At this time, the sound of a leopard hitting the head of Chen Tinghua has reached the hand of the teacher. It was her turn to perform. She thought hard. At this time, she thought of a mystery and said, "I don't know a mystery today, black haired poodle." The class was so quiet that even the sound of the wind blowing on the grass outside could be heard. At this time, a classmate raised his hand and said, "it's silence!" Chen Shangting was surprised that a mystery that even adults can't solve was solved by a primary school student.

In the blink of an eye, the flower has reached my hand. I was a little flustered, but then I calmed down, strode onto the stage and said loudly, "what is higher than the Paris tower?" As soon as the voice fell, a female classmate in the class raised her hand and said, "anyone is possible!" I was secretly surprised.

At this time, I only heard the teacher say, "let's play here today!" The whole class is still immersed in happiness. When I recall this incident now, it seems that it happened yesterday!

快乐的六一儿童节英语作文 篇七

Today is International Children's Day. We are very happy. In order to celebrate our happy holiday, the teacher asked us to have a get-together in the afternoon and allowed the students to bring snacks. Suddenly, the whole class was boiling.

In the afternoon, the students brought colorful flowers and balloons. Look! The colored flowers are red, yellow and green. The students are pasting them on the blackboard, windows and TV with balloons. The students are not willing to fall behind. They blow up the balloons respectively. As soon as they let go, the balloons "fly" up, and the classroom instantly becomes a children's paradise. The Chinese teacher invited the art teacher. The art teacher wrote a line of words on the blackboard with blue chalk, which was "the red scarf meets the future", and drew a circle with red chalk, which immediately added a color to the blackboard.

The bell rang and the party began. After the host reported his lines, the program began. He ruiruirui was the first to play. She sang a song called "a loving family"。 After singing, she said thank you loudly! Then, Chen Jia sang another song "Cherry Blossom Grass", which sounded good! Chen Yu's violin is also very good and moving. Xia Yuqi also played a song "Golden Snake Dance" with erhu, sang an English alphabet song in Liu Xin's language, and mobilized the students to sing together. Qian Shanqian played the electronic organ track "little star"。 Although he stammered, it can be seen that he worked hard and worked hard. When he finished playing, there was a burst of warm applause accompanying him to step down. It's the guitar cooperation between Tong Duanxin and Wang Liyu. Tong Duanxin sings while playing. Wang Liyu dubs. After playing, the teacher took a picture of them!

"61" children's day has passed imperceptibly. I really hope the next 61 will come soon!

六一儿童节英语作文 篇八

As soon as I arrived at 7:00 in the morning, my mother made breakfast and told me to get up. I was like a spring, whizzing and bouncing out of bed! Mother said in surprise, "Oh, how can you get up so fast today? You don't get up without calling you three times."

"Because today is International Children's Day, I want to participate in the food festival with my classmates."

After I finished washing and eating breakfast, my mother gave me 30 yuan and I went to school immediately. After I came to school, I saw some students come earlier than me. When the whole class arrived, the teacher told us to gather on the playground and the food festival began.

Stalls with various specialties are placed around the big playground and the small playground. I took the 30 yuan given by my mother and went to the coke stand. I felt a little thirsty, so I bought a cup of coke and drank coke. I also wanted to eat ice cream. I went to the ice cream stand and bought a cup of ice cream. There was chocolate on the ice cream. I liked chocolate ice cream best. Later, I also bought fruit juice, potato chips and burning fairy grass. My stomach was full and burped. How happy I ate today! I haven't been able to eat such delicious food at such a time as today.

Happy International Children's Day, happy International Children's Day!















