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介绍春节的英语作文 篇一

hen, representative of bedroom zhu guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to above situation. he added that li xinmin alone was born in year of dog and or three were all born in year of chicken. y left us all in confusion. and it was our monitor who was quickwitted. he shouted our, " day breaks as cock crows three times at dawn." hall after that, y had anor item. this time li xinmin was placed in middle of circle. while he was standing re, or three stood around him, each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. it was an idiom. this time i got it right:" dog stands out among a group of chickens."

介绍西安的英语作文带翻译 篇二

Xi'an (Chinese:西安),is the capital of the Shanxi province in the People's Republic of China 。As one of the oldest cities in Chinese history,Xi'an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China because it has been the capital of some of the most important dynasties in Chinese history,including the Zhou,Qin,Han,the Sui,and Tang dynasties.Xi'an is the eastern end of the Silk Road 。The city has more than 3,100 years of history,and was known as Chang'an (traditional Chinese:长安)。

Long holidays are usual during Spring Festival,Labor Holiday (1-7 May),and National Holiday (1-7 October)。The number of travellers is often greater during Summer (May-August),although the most pleasant season for visiting Xi'an is Autumn.




介绍朋友的英语作文带翻译 篇三

Mention my good friend, a kind of admiration of love. She is Liu Yanzi. She has a baby face, a neat row of the sea, a pair of small eyes twinkle, she's always smiling, start to his spine is very straight, but spirit.

Speaking of her first feature, her handwriting is very neat and beautiful. Learning a new word, she would observe earnestly the structure of the word, and then write with rapt attention. And she again and again every day to practice calligraphy, wrote her satisfaction.

The second feature, is that she is very careful. The final exam last year whole year only one person to play 100 minutes, who is this man? She is Liu Yanzi, later I ask her, she said: "the test of time first to the topic, earnestly to thoughtfully, meticulously check again after finish."

The third characteristic is that she is ready to help others. One day the teacher told us to clean the classroom, we will pick up the dishcloth to clean up, after a while, the classroom was cleaned. And now, the classroom clean, cloth is dirty. Before I go to the faucet rub rub, can is still not clean. She came over and said to me: "a la hora: let me help you wash!" I saw her in one hand and a Angle, hard to rub up and rub her hands were red, finally the cloth to rub clean, but she was too tired to full head big sweat.

Look! This is my good friend Liu Yanzi, you like her?






友谊的英语作文 篇四

making friends is a skill like many other skills. it improves with practice. if you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to take some actions. you must first go where there are people. you won’t make friends staying home alone. join a club or a group. taking with those who like the same things as you do is much easier. or join someone in some activities. many people are nervous when talking to new people. after all meeting strangers means facing the unknown. and it’s human nature to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown. most of our fears about dealing with new people come from doubts about ourselves. we imagine other people are judging us of finding us too tall or to short, too this or too that. but don’t forget that they must be feeling the same way. try to accept yourself as you are and try to put the other person at ease. you’ll both feel more comfortable.

try to be self-comfident even if you don’t feel that way. when you enter a room full of strangers, such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, look directly at other people and smile.

if you see someone you like to speak to, say something 。 don’t wait for the other person to start a conversation.

just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with that person-friendship is based on mutual liking and “give and take”。 it takes time and effort to develop.

母亲的英语作文 篇五

I dont know how God looks like but I am cent percent sure he cant be better than you mom.


I asked God for a flower and he gave me a garden; I asked God for a mom and he gave me the best one. I just wanna tell you mom that you are everything to me. May the Lord keep you under His wings always.


You may have tangible wealth untold; Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be - I have a mother who reads to me.


You mean a lot to me mom. You are the friend who lend me a hand whenever Im down and hurt. You are a wise person who advice me and lead me the way when Im lost. You are the lap that keeps me warm whenever Im cold. You are the shelter that I turn to whenever Im in trouble. You are everything I cant live without and everything that I want to be in the future. Im proud to say to everyone that you are my mother.


Mom, do you know that a man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest? To me theres no need for Moms Day because every day to me is Moms Day.


Mom, you are the place I came from, my first home, my first love, my first friend, even my first enemy, but nothing on earth can separate you from me. Not time, not space.。.not even death!


Though I have not seen you mom for the last 7 years, you are always in front of my eyes. My one eye bears your picture, while the other looks on to the world to which you brought me in. I hope one day I will meet you, and tell you how much I have missed you. I will be reborn again, when I put my head on your lap and fall asleep, like you used to put me to bed during my sleepless nights.


If tears could build a stairway and memory a lane, we would walk right to heaven and bring you home again.


快乐的英语作文 篇六

The bell rang and the class was over. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom. I was just chatting with some of my classmates when Li Hong came to me. She smiled and said to me, "What's four minus four? Do you know?" "It's zero. That is easy." answered I.

But Li Hong shook her head and said "It's wrong. It's eight." "Why? That's impossible!" "You will understand if you cut down four corners of a desk." said Li Hong. "Is that a joke?" "Oh, yes." We all laughed. During the class break, we had a good rest. We often have a pleasant break.



快乐的英语作文 篇七

Can you imagine the world full of crying and shouting, under the control of power, covered with darkness? However, it’s not just a joke I make, It is the veritable describe of a world without happiness and laugh. So, just be happy, spread sunshine all over the world.


If compare our life to a pie, our all emotions to all sorts of stuffing, what do you want to make the most part of the pie if you control the process of making the pie of life? Obviously, the majority of people will add happiness to the pie as many as possible. Do you know why? It’s just because happiness stands for sweet in most people’s mind, including me.


Don’t consider it just as a comparison. It is the reflection of what you want. Happiness is a flower living in the sunshine and it is not difficult to reach for it. We have a variety of emotions like blues, anger, fear, enthusiasm, happiness and all of them would naturally appear when something affects our feelings. So, if we can change our attitudes towards things in the world, we can surely adjust our emotion in a good state. It means that we can choose to be happy if we want, as long as we can comment on everything in a positive way.


You may have ever heard about that kind of story that a patient recovering from a serious disease because of his optimism. That’s not a wonder. We can also own happiness, can feel the power of it, and the key to happiness is just in our own hands.


If we can be happy, why not choose to be? Let’s try together to create a world filled up with smiling faces and sunshine.


追求梦想的英语作文 篇八

When we want to achieve something ,we should make our effort and try our best.Of course ,the most important thing is persistance.Many people start with much passions ,but after a while ,they will feel it boring and get depressed for it.Then they suspect themselves and lose heart. All that hinder us to be successful.

So I think I learn a lesson from all kind of instances 。I am not sure whether I can hold on my belief,but I try my best.I have set up a goal ,which may be a bit deal,and I wont give up until I finish it ! Its true.

In my opinion,an individual cant complete all the things;an individual cant do well in all the things;an individual cant face all the difficults and solve them pefrectly.A team show its strength in such situations.In a team ,everyone has his advantages and disadvantages,a man could make up for his disadvantages with other peoples advantages,so we say "1+1>2",that is to say a team can have much more influences and impacts than a man did.

Third,a idiom says "give makes better than get"。Everytime I help a person ,I always have a feeling of satisfaction,which comes from the behavior 。 I can tell the feeling,but its charming 。I cant get out of it since I taste the wonderful sense.

Here I share my personal point of view.I dont want to cheat any of you 。I just have something to talk. I hope I make progress constantly until I achieve my goals.

I have a dream ! I can realize it someday!















