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《小妇人》Little Women的英文读后感(精选7篇)

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《小妇人》Little Women的英文读后感(精选7篇)


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《小妇人》Little Women的英文读后感 篇一

In Little Women,you will meet the March sisters,Meg,Jo,Beth & Amy who live with their mother,Marmee,and their maid Hannah,during the Civil War.The first half of the novel takes place while their father is away,serving in the war.Each sister has a distinct personality,a reader,an artist,a musician,the quiet one.You will get to know this family in touching little stories of their daily life.Each chapter seems to set up a moral lesson for the reader to learn.We also meet a wonderful set of neighbors,Mr.Laurence and his nephew "Laurie" who quickly find a place as part of the March family.

The second half of the novel,focuses on the girls as they leave their childhood and begin their journey into adult life.Lessons of friendship,family,and love are covered as we join the characters through the ups and downs of life,good times and bad.It seems that Louisa May Alcott used her own family as the basis for the stories in Little Women,basing the character Jo on herself.It is amazing how though the book was written in the late 1800s,so many things about humans remain the same.The foundations of life that are important in friendships,family & love dont change through time,as Alcott has shared with us.This is a book that young and old can read and appreciate.

《小妇人》英语读后感 篇二

"Little Women" is an autobiographical nature of the family with a novel, the author is a U.S. Aoerkete.

This book will be the main Marchi is home to four different character of the girls through their own good and hard work to find their own well-being of the story's ups and downs of rock or no plot, no suspense spectacular, but by using plain language description of the Marchi home Tianlun love. Are good, the love of family love and loyalty to the desire deeply touched me. The author describes only a very ordinary life in the details, but it is always exposed to love the vision of a better life.

Marchi family home while the girls poor, but they have it has anything positive and optimistic attitude. Novels stressed their individuality and dignity, but they have shown self-restraint, self-reliance and independence are the four girls are the common characteristics they always keep to identify their weaknesses and efforts to correct. It is also worthy of everyone's learning.

I like Meg, like her love to be willing to poverty, not by the temptation of money for the character of ladies like her style. I like Joe, like her freely, like her dream and work hard for the unwavering determination. I like Beisi, like her quiet, do anything Haowuyuanyan, for others like her always think of good moral character. I also like Amy like she's strong, pro-poor economic poverty as Jiren conviction. They were not ideal and the fate of the same, but they all found themselves the best destination.

In their view, the growth of their home is a place, but also a sacred place of refuge. To listen carefully to their mother's teachings, to use their dexterous hands intelligence of the brain invented one after another innovative at the same time beautify the soul of the game. The four sisters grew up is like the richest man in an interesting education poetry. With neither the author nor boring gorgeous language to show us great human family, friendship and love. It seems to me that in the eyes of four sisters, and they will always love and love of their life together is the most well-being of all things.

From them on, I learned how strong and learned to understand but can not meet the contentment I learned to always full of hope for the future and try to chase the dream of optimism. I also learned how to redouble our treasure owned by, do not die, and so lost only know their commendable. We should be careful that each person's strengths rather than put on a colored eyes only see other people's shortcomings.

Meg, Joe, Beisi, Amy their four strong, optimistic spirit will always be stored in my mind. They smile back to exist forever in my mind, to remind me and to strong, have a pure heart








《小妇人》英语读后感 篇三

Recently read a foreign translation of classics, "little women", often by the author that humorous and lively simple words moved by impregnation, sometimes strongly hope not delay the breath read it; Sometimes can't help to slow down to careful aftertaste its classic discourse; Even my mind will appear in the book of the picture, the mood ups and downs with the plot ups and downs.

Open the cover page of the book, the author of the translation press said it was all girls must read good books. Is curiosity, attracted me to read on it is the introduction, the above said by a little girl's experience to us a person what happiness, how to meet the truth.

In this materialistic flying so-called height of the development of the network world, people often ask what is happiness blankly, I also will feel perplexed in the face of such problems. What causes such a dull numbness of the world? And who can be responsible for the "materialistic" situation?

Wish all the girls read this book. Happiness is in jail, we hand out trick; Happiness is when the storm of thunder lightning outside, we can stay warm hut; Happiness is another when a child is with parents who are severe control, glad that you have a pair of amiable honorable mom and dad. Happiness is when people have money but also ignominy, you I'm glad you have good character.

Is really full paper absurd speech! I wish every one of us can cherish the hands have treasure! Hope we would be happy!

《小妇人》英语读后感 篇四

Little Women

Before I read this book, I had watched a cartoon movie made by Japan. So I have a strong interest on it.

It all begins in the dead of winter; The Christmas Season. The coldest one of all, were the war has made fuel for heating very scarce. While her husband is off at war, Marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy.

On Christmas Eve, Marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to the less fortunate with a letter from her husband, the girls father. The all gather together around the fire to read the letter. Afterwards, the girls are teary eyed. Marmee kisses them and they are off to bed.

Jo is longing to become a writer. So, every night she stays up late writing the script for soap operas. As morning comes she is the last one awake. The table is set, and food prepared for their Christmas feast.

As dusk falls, the girls are all up in the attic acting out Jos play, which she reads from the local (fake) newspaper. As they are performing, their rich, next-door neighbors grandson watches from the window.

The 2 oldest girls: Jo and Meg, get ready to attend the Christmas Ball. While Jo is curling Megs hair, there is a strange smell to the air. Amy screams, Megs hair is being singed. They continue digging through the old clothes bin for a pair of white gloves.

One of the prominent themes in Little Women is the coming of age or maturation of the girls. During the course of the novel we see them grow in many ways -- physically, intellectually, and especially emotionally. One question which readers must ask themselves is whether the views the characters have on the coming of age process are shared by Alcott. If they arent, what are Alcotts views and how do they differ from those of the women in her story?

It is interesting to examine the last half of Chapter 20, "Confidential." Jo addresses the maturation issue as she speaks with Marmee of the situation between Meg and Mr. Brooke. The possible love between these two represents one of the very important aspects in coming of age for a teenage girl. Jo treats this natural process as if it were some sort of disease, however. Jo cannot understand why Meg would want to stop behaving "like a sensible creature" (p.202), and refers to love as "such nonsense."










小妇人英语读后感 篇五

It is known to the entire world that Little Women by Louisa May Alcott is one of the representatives of feminist works. This paper analyzes feminism embodied in Josephine’s view on love in Little Women. In the introduction of the paper, I will talk about the background, literature review and my writing perspective. As for the body part, in Chapter one I will analyze Josephine’s character from many examples in the story; in Chapter two I will give a comprehensive analysis of Josephine’s view on love, which mainly covers the love choice she made and the reasons of the choice; in Chapter three, I will analyze feminism reflected form Josephine, including the aspiration for freedom, the desire for independence, and the worship of true love. In Chapter four, I will discuss the enlightments and limitations of Josephine’s feminism in modern times. At last in the conclusion, I will give a brief summary of this paper.

Even if having the small flaws, Little Women is still an undoubtedly great work. It put eyes on women’s growth, fights and efforts to realize the value of life in a patriarchal society. Even in today, it still has realistic values for modern girls to learn.

Through the daily lives of March sisters, Louisa drew a vivid picture of the life of temporal American pioneers, especially Jo. She impressed us by her goodness, honesty, insistence…and her precipitancy, rebellion… She’s like a close friend to us, and as well an inner spirit of us.

In order to get closer to this work, I’ve talked about the social background at that time, Louisa’s family history, literature review and the definition of feminism; and then to figure out the reasons of Jo’s choice, I’ve analyzed Jo’s personality, the process of Jo’s choice and the reasons of it, so I not only had a clearer impression of Jo, but also got a deeper understanding of her choice; at last in order to learn the feminist spirits from Jo, I discussed some extraordinary feminist qualities of Jo and got some constructive tips and suggestions about feminism for all the girls.

After finishing this work which is definitely a masterpiece in history, I’ve learned the importance of freedom, both physically and spiritually, without it, I think I even can’t live well; and also I’ve known the value of independence, there’s no one can accompany and help me forever, so being independent can make me live better and feed myself just on my own; last but not the least, I’ve also been reminded with the preciousness of true love which makes people truly happy from the bottom from the hearts.

Reading Little Women can be an enjoyable thing, to seek the peace in the blatant, and to seek an aim in the hesitation. We can learn so much from this book. Over a century passing by, the glory of this book doesn’t vanish, instead it becomes more excellent, and it connects people generation by generation.

《小妇人》英语读后感 篇六

"Little women" describes the love of the march family tianlun, tells the story of four girls grow up. For love and willing to poor Meg, Jo through his struggle as a writer, smile and strong in the face of death beth, FuRuoJiPin Amy.

"Little women" took me into a colorful world, beautiful words, real plot, warm and beautiful family, relatives of comfort and understanding, and makes me forget all about eating and sleeping. Everyone has his own pursuit and ideal, four sisters grow up just like a beautiful poem, soothe the wound in our hearts, with we face life setback education should lay down their depressed mood, with positive attitude to look at anything.

Let me learned a lot from four sisters: Joe let I learned to strive toward the dream, will be successful: beth, let me see the life is fragile, and let me know how the both happy and painful things, have to face life with a smile.




小妇人英语读后感 篇七

Little Women,

Before I read this book, I had watched a cartoon movie made by Japan. So I have a strong interest on it.

It all begins in the dead of winter; The Christmas Season. The coldest one of all, were the war has made fuel for heating very scarce. While her husband is off at war, Marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy.

On Christmas Eve, Marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to the less fortunate with a letter from her husband, the girls father. The all gather together around the fire to read the letter. Afterwards, the girls are teary eyed. Marmee kisses them and they are off to bed.

Jo is longing to become a writer. So, every night she stays up late writing the script for soap operas. As morning comes she is the last one awake. The table is set, and food prepared for their Christmas feast.

As dusk falls, the girls are all up in the attic acting out Jos play, which she reads from the local (fake) newspaper. As they are performing, their rich, next-door neighbors grandson watches from the window.

The 2 oldest girls: Jo and Meg, get ready to attend the Christmas Ball. While Jo is curling Megs hair, there is a strange smell to the air. Amy screams, Megs hair is being singed. They continue digging through the old clothes bin for a pair of white gloves.

One of the prominent themes in Little Women is the coming of age or maturation of the girls. During the course of the novel we see them grow in many ways -- physically, intellectually, and especially emotionally. One question which readers must ask themselves is whether the views the characters have on the coming of age process are shared by Alcott. If they arent, what are Alcotts views and how do they differ from those of the women in her story?

It is interesting to examine the last half of Chapter 20, "Confidential." Jo addresses the maturation issue as she speaks with Marmee of the situation between Meg and Mr. Brooke. The possible love between these two represents one of the very important aspects in coming of age for a teenage girl. Jo treats this natural process as if it were some sort of disease, however. Jo cannot understand why Meg would want to stop behaving "like a sensible creature" (p.202), and refers to love as "such nonsense."

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《小妇人》Little Women的英文读后感(精选7篇)
