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中考英语作文万能模板:议论文的框架 篇一

(1) 不同观点列举型( 选择型 )  there is a wide spread concern over the issue that __作文题目_____.but it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. a majority of people think that _ 观点一________.in their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______.furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____. so it goes without saying that___观点一_____.  people, however, differintheiropinionsonthismatter.somepeoplehold the idea that ___观点二_______. in their point of view, on the onehand, ___原因一_______. on theother hand, ____原因二_____.therefore, thereis nodoubtthat ___观点二______.  as far asi am concerned, ifirmlysupporttheviewthat __观点一或二______.itis not only because ________, butalso because _________. the more _______, the more________.  (2)利弊型的议论文  nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______. in fact, there are both advantagesand disadvantages in __题目议题_____. generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects asfollows. firstly, ___优点一______.and secondly _____.  just as apopular saying goes, “every coin has two sides”, __ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. to begin with, ______. in addition, _________.  to sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of ____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. inthat case, we will definitely make a better use of the___.

高中英语作文万能句子 篇二

1.It is time that we should take measures to solve this problemFirstly,… (第一) Secondly,(第二)Last but not least,…(最后也是最重要的是)

2.As far as I am concerned that solve these problems are very necessary(就我而言,解决这些问题非常必要)。。。Only in this way can we solve this problem

It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned,…(就我所知…)

3.Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus.==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注)

4.Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题) 4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题)

5.With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……)

英语作文万能句子 篇三

1、It must be realized that.


2、All in all,we cannot live without But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.总之,我们没有是无法生活的。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题。

3、I sincerely believe that.


4、It is natural to believe that,but we shouldn't ignore that.


5、Obviously,if we don't control the problem,the chances are that will lead us in danger.


6、Obviously,If we want to do something,it is essential that.


7、Only in this way can we.


8、Recently,the problem of has aroused people's concern.


9、The best way to solve the troubles is.


10、No doubt,unless we take effective measures,it is very likely that.


11、It is time to take the advice of and to put special emphasis on the improvement of.


12、People have figured out many ways to solve this problem.


13、Here are some suggestions for handling.


14、There are different opinions among people as to.


15、Many people insist that.


16、Nowadays,(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.


17、Personally,I am standing on the side of.


18、People's views on vary from person to person.Some hold that.However,others believe that.


19、From my point of view,it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.


20、It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.


21、Different people hold different attitudes toward(failure)。


22、It may be true that,but it doesn't mean that.


23、As far as something is concerned.


24、Hence/Therefore,we'd better come to the conclusion that.


25、It is commonly believed that/It is a common belief that.


26、Attitudes towards(drugs)vary from person to person.


27、Taking into account all these factors,we may reasonably come to the conclusion that.


28、There is no doubt that(job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.


29、I cannot entirely agree with the idea that.


30、It is high time that we put an end to the(trend)。


31、With the development of science and technology,more and more people believe that.


32、There is no evidence to suggest that.


33、Taking all these factors into consideration,we naturally come to the conclusion that.


34、A lot of people seem to think that.


35、People may have different opinions on.


36、There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of.


37、In my opinion,it is more advisable to do than to do.


38、The Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

大学英语作文万能句子及句型 篇四

1、„ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way. „„已成 为人们的热点话题,尤其是在年轻人当中,并且引起了激烈的争论。

2、„ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

„„在我们的日常生活中扮演着越来越 重要的角色。它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引起了一些严重的问 www.shancaoxiang.com 题。

3、„ is a common occurrence in our daily life. Whatever we do, „ can’t be avoided.

„„在我 们的日常生活中普遍存在。无论我们做什么,都无法避免„„

4、„ is now „, and at the same time, „。 These two factors have caused „。 Then what shall we do to solve „ in the face of such a situation?

„„现在„„,与此同时,„„。这两 个因素造成了„„那么面对这种情形,我们应该怎样做才能解决„„呢?

5、„ just like many other things, are preferred by „。 While being attacked by the idea that „ some people consider „。 They point out that „。

„„象其他许多东西一样,受到„„的 青睐。尽管受到„„观念的冲击,一些人仍认为„„他们指出„„

6、According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the table/chart/bar graph/line graph, it can be seen that … while …。 Obviously, …, but why?

根据表格(图表、柱状图、曲线图)中的数 据(数字、统计数字、百分比),我们可以看出„„而„„很显然,„„,但原因何在呢?

7、According to the two graphs presented, it can be observed that „。 In the left graph, „。 At the same time, „, as the right graph shows.

根据所示 图表,我们可观察到„„在左图中,„„同时,右图表明„„

8、At no point in history has the issue of „ been more „ than „。

有史以 来,„„问题从未比„„更„„

9、Everything has two sides and „ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

任何事物 都有两方面,„„也不例外,它既有优点也有缺点。

10、Faced with 。.。, quite a few people argue that „。

面 对„„,许多人争辩道:„„

11、For years „ had been viewed as „。 But people are taking a fresh look at it now.

多年 来,„„一直被看作„„但人们现在对它有了新的认识。

12、From the graph / chart, we know the statistics of „ and „。 It can be seen easily that „。

从表 (图)中,我们得知„„和„„的统计数字。很容易看出„„

13、In recent years, there is a general tendency to „。 According to a study, there is „, compared with „ last year. Why „?

近年 来,„„成为一种普遍趋势。根据一项研究,与去年„„相比,„„原因何在?

14、It has been stipulated by the government that „。 To this stipulation, many people respond actively because „。 政府规 定„„许多人对此规定积极回应,因为„„

15、It is only during the last few years that man has become generally aware that „。

就在前几 年,人们才开始普遍意识到„„

16、Man is now facing a big problem — „, which is becoming more and more serious. First, „。 Second, „。 人类现在 面临着一个大问题——„„,且此问题正日益严重。首先,„„其次,„„

17、Many people are inclined to „。 In their opinion, „ They believe that „。

许多人往 往„„在他们看来„„他们相信„„

18、Never in our history has the idea that 。.。 been so popular.

„„的看 法在我们的历从未如此受欢迎。

19、Now / Perhaps most dangerous / undesirable / harmful for our nation / society / world / college is the trend / tendency / phenomenon of „ which is apparent / obvious / evident in „

现在(可能)对我国(社会、世界、我 校)最危险(不利、有害)的就是„„趋势(现象),在„„中尤为明显。

20、Now in many big cities / countries, an overwhelming majority of the public / a significant proportion of college population „

如今在许 多大城市(国家)中,绝大部分公众(大部分高校学生)都„„

证明句型 篇五

1、 No one can deny the fact that …

2、 The idea is hardly supported by facts.

3、 Unfortunately, none of the available data shows …

4、 Recent studies indicate that …

5、 There is sufficient evidence to show that …

6、 According to statistics proved by …, it can be seen that …

高考英语作文万能句子 篇六

Recently,  the problem of … has aroused people’s concern. 最近,……问题已引起人们的关注。

The  Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.  It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as  well.


Nowadays,  (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face.


It  is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为……

Many  people insist that … 很多人坚持认为……

With  the development of science and technology, more and more people believe  that…


A  lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎认为……

。  至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为……

As  far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think  that ____.

2、  总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。

In  a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of  ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.

Recently,  the problem of … has aroused people’s concern. 最近,……问题已引起人们的关注。

The  Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.  It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as  well.


Nowadays,  (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face.


It  is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为……

Many  people insist that … 很多人坚持认为……

With  the development of science and technology, more and more people believe  that…


A  lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎认为……


People’s  views on … vary from person to person. Some hold that …。 However, others believe  that…。人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为……,然而其他人却认为……

People  may have different opinions on …人们对……可能会有不同的见解。

Attitudes  towards (drugs) vary from person to person.人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。

There  are different opinions among people as to …关于……,人们的观点大不相同。

Different  people hold different attitudes toward (failure)。 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同。


Taking  all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion  that…


Taking  into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that  …


Hence/Therefore,  we’d better come to the conclusion that …


There  is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.


All  in all, we cannot live without … But at the same time we must try to find out  new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.



It  is high time that we put an end to the (trend)。该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了。

It  is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement  of …


There  is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of …


Obviously,  … If we want to do something … , it is essential that …


Only  in this way can we … 只有这样,我们才能……

It  must be realized that …我们必须意识到……


Obviously,  if we don’t control the problem, the chances are that … will lead us in  danger.


No  doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that …


It  is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.



From  my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than  the second. 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。

I  cannot entirely agree with the idea that …我无法完全同意这一观点……

Personally,  I am standing on the side of …就个人而言,我站在……的一边。

I  sincerely believe that …我真诚地相信……

In  my opinion, it is more advisable to do … than to do …。


Finally,  to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why …


This  phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. First, … Second, … Third, …


Why  did …? For one thing …,for another …。 Perhaps the primary reason is…


I  quite agree with the statement that … The reasons are chiefly as follows.



Here  are some suggestions for handling … 这是如何处理某事的一些建议。

The  best way to solve the troubles is … 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是……

People  have figured out many ways to solve this problem. 人们已找出许多办法来解决这个问题。


As  far as something is concerned, … 就某事而言,……

It  was obvious that …很显然,…。

It  may be true that …, but it doesn’t mean that …


It  is natural to believe that …, but we shouldn’t ignore that …


There  is no evidence to suggest that … 没有证据表明……


强调  still, indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly,  interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case,  anyway, above all, in fact, especially, obviously, clearly.

比较  like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally.

对比  by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike,  instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise,  whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast.

列举  for example, for instance, such as, take …for example, except (for), to  illustrate.

时间  later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually, meanwhile, from now on, at the  same time, for the time being, in the end, immediately, in the meantime, in the  meanwhile, recently, soon, now and then, during, nowadays, since, lately, as  soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier, now, after a while.

顺序  first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first  place, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most  important.

可能  presumably, probably, perhaps.

解释  in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is, namely, in simpler  terms.

递进  What is more, in addition, and, besides, also, furthermore, too, moreover,  furthermore, as well as, additionally, again.

让步  although, after all, in spite of…, despite, even if, even though, though,  admittedly, whatever may happen.

转折  however, rather than, instead of, but, yet, on the other hand, unfortunately,  whereas

原因  for this reason, due to, thanks to, because, because of, as, since, owing  to.

结果  as a result, thus, hence, so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, as a  consequence

总结 on the whole, in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, in brief, in summary, to  conclude, to summarize, in short.

其他  mostly, occasionally, currently, naturally, mainly, exactly, evidently, frankly,  commonly, for this purpose, to a large extent, for most of us, in many cases, in  this case

衔接词 篇七

另外 what's more, more over beside apart from  事实上 in fact ,as a matter of fact  结果是 as aresult,  原因是results from the fact that.。. because  列举:forexample  对 比 :onthe other hand,  我们都知道 aswe all know.。.  结论:in aword

英文作文万能句子中考 篇八


1、 It is a fact that…。

2、 It is well-known that…。

3、 There is no doubt that…。

4、 I think that…。

5、 Contrary to the popular thought, I prefer…。

6、 Some people say/believe/claim that…。

7、 It is generally believed that…。

8、 It is widely accepted that…。

9、 It is argued/held that…。

10、 While it is commonly believed that…, I believe…。

11、 It can be concluded that…。

12、 People’s views vary from person to person.


1、 The table/diagram/bar chart/pie graph/tree diagram/curve graph /column chart shows/illustrates/reveals/describes/depicts/reflects that/how…。

2、 The graph provides some interesting data regarding…。

3、 The data/statistics/figures can be interpreted as follows:

4、 The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that…。

5、 As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table, …。

6、 It is clear/apparent from the table/chart/diagram/figures that…。

7、 The vertical/horizontal axis stands for…。

8、 There was rapid/noticeable/great/sharp/steep/remarkable/slow/little/slight/gradual rise/increase/decrease/fall/decline/drop/change in development in …。

9、 The percentage remained steady/stable at…。

10、 The figures stayed the same…。

11、 The figures bottomed out/peaked at…。

12、 The figures reached the bottom/a peak/a plateau during…。

第二部分 常用于正文段的句型的4类表达方式


1、 A is completely / totally / entirely different from B.

2、 A and B are different in some/every way / respect / aspect.

3、 A and B differ in…。

4、 A differs from B in…。

5、 The difference between A and B is/lies in/exists in…。

6、 Compared with/In contrast to/Unlike A, B…。

7、 A…, on the other hand,/in contrast,/while/whereas B…。

8、 While it is generally believed that A …, I believe B…。

9、 Despite their similarities, A and B are also different.

10、 Both A and B …。 However, A…; on the other hand, B…。

11、 The most striking difference is that A…, while B…。


1、 There are several reasons for…, but in general, they come down to three major ones.

2、 There are many factors that may account for…, but the following are the most typical ones.

3、 Many ways can contribute to solving this problem, but the following ones may be most effective.

4、 Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.

5、 The reasons are as follows.


1、 Because/Since we read the book, we have learned a lot.

2、 If we read the book, we would learn a lot.

3、 We read the book; as a result / therefore / thus / hence / consequently / for this reason / because of this, we’ve learned a lot.

4、 As a result of /Because of/Due to/Owing to reading the book, we’ve learned a lot.

5、 The cause of/reason for/overweight is eating too much.

6、 Overweight is caused by/due to/because of eating too much.

7、 The effect/consequence/result of eating too much is overweight.

8、 Eating too much causes/results in/leads to overweight.


1、 Here is one more example.

2、 Take … for example.

3、 The same is true of…。

4、 This offers a typical instance of…。

5、 We may quote a common example of…。

6、 Just think of…。

第三部分 常用于结尾段的句型的3类表达方式


1、 From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that…。

2、 Taking into account all the factors, we may safely come to the conclusion that…。

3、 Judging from all the evidence offered, we may safely arrive at/reach the conclusion that…。

4、 All the evidence supports a sound conclusion that…

5、 From what is mentioned above, we may come to the conclusion that…

6、 To sum up/draw a conclusion, we find that…。

7、 In short/brief/a word/conclusion/sum/, it is…。

8、 Therefore/Thus/Then, it can be inferred/concluded/deduced that…。

9、 From/Through/According to what has been discussed above, we can come to/reach/arrive at/draw the conclusion that…。

10、 It is believed that…。

高中英语作文万能句子 篇九




1.The girl is improving remarkably.这个女孩大有进步。



He speaks the language badly but read it well.这种语言,他讲得不好,但阅读能力很强。

Naturally we expect hotel guests to lock their doors.当我们期望旅馆的旅客把房门锁上。


(1)时间状语,多位于句末和句首,有时亦可置于句中 Shall we do the shopping today or tomorrow?In China now leads the world.

(2)地点状语,多置于句末,有时也位于句首和句中。There are plenty of fish in the sea.

She kissed her mother on the platform(月台)。

(3)原因状语,包括表理由的状语,多置于句末,有时亦可置于句首。 Because he was ill ,Tom lost his job.I eat potatoes because I like them.


She woke(醒) suddenly to find someone standing in the doorway.She spoke so softly that I couldn’t hear what she said.

(5)目的状语,多由不定式、介词短语和从句等表示,常位于句末,强调时可以置于句首。He ran for shelter(隐蔽处)。他跑去避雨。

In order to get into a good school,I must study even harder.

(6)条件状语。多由短语和从句表示,常置于句末和句首。 We’ll be lucky to get there before dark.

If he were to come,what should we say to him?


For all his money,he didn’t seem happy.他尽管有钱,但似乎并不幸福。 He helped me although he didn’t know me.

(8)程度状语。常由副词、介词短语及从句等表示。 The lecture is very interesting.

To what extent would you trust them?你对他们信任程度如何?

(9)伴随状语,常由短语和独立主格等表示。对位于句末和句首。 My train starts at six,arriving at Chicago at ten.He stood there ,pipe(烟斗) in mouth.




(1)。We have two children,a boy and a girl.我们有两个孩子,一男一女。

(2)We,the Chinese people,are determined to build China into a powerful and prosperous country.我们中国人民决心将中国建成一个强大的繁荣的国家。


(1)They all wanted to see him.他们都想见他。

(2)Let’s you and me go to work,Oliver.咱们俩去工作吧。


(1)Are you two ready?你们俩准备好了吗?

(2)They two went,we three stayed behind.他们俩去了,我们三个留了下来。


(1)Their latest proposal,to concentrate on primary education,has met with some opposition.他们最近提出了集中全力于初等教育的提议遭到了某些人的反对。

(2)The first plan,attacking at night,was turned down.第一个计划是夜袭,被拒绝了。

5.Of 短语用作同谓语

The city of Rome 罗马城 the art of writing 写作艺术 The vice of smoking 吸烟嗜好


(1)The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true.明天放假的消息不确。

(2)We are not investigating the question whether he is trustworthy.我们不是在调查他是否可信赖的问题。




(1)。She is a natural musician.她是一位天生的音乐家。

(2)。He must be the best violinist alive.他一定是最好的在世的小提琴手了。(后置定语)


如 (1)。A baby girl 女婴

(2)。well water 井水

(3)。Sports car 双座轻型汽车

(4)。A fool’s paradise 梦幻的天堂


(1)。Your hair needs cutting.你该理发了。(物主代词用作定语)

(2)。Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.人人负责就是无人负责。 (不定代词所有格作定语)


(1)。There’s only one way to do it.做此事只有一法。

(2)。Do it now,you may not get a second chance.现在就干吧,你可能再没有机会了。

基数词用作后置定语: page 24 Room 201 the year 1949 4.副词充当定语时常后置,如:

the room above 楼上的房间 the world today 今日世界 the way out 出路 a day off 休息日


(1)。Her promise to write was forgotten.她忘记了答应写信的事。

(2)。That’s the way to do it.那正是做此事的方法。


A walking stick 拐杖 sleeping pills 安眠药

eating implements 吃饭用具 learning method 学习方法


a sleeping child 正在睡中的小孩 a drinking man 嗜酒者

a retired worker 一个退休工人 a faded flower 一朵谢了的花


(1)。This is a map of China.这是一幅中国地图。

(2)。The wild look in his eyes spoke plainer than words.他那凶暴的目光说明得再清楚不过了。


The car that’s parked outside is mine.停在外面的车是我的。 Your car,which I noticed outside,has been hit by another one.我在外面看见你的汽车了,它给另一辆车撞了。


补语(complement)是一种补足主语和宾语的意义的句子成分。补足主语意义的句子成分叫做主语补语(subject complement),补足宾语意义的句子成分叫做宾语补语(object complement)。


Tired and sleepy,I went to bed.我又累又困,就去睡了。

有时可以置于主语之后,前后都有逗号,与非限定性定语相似。如: The man,cruel beyond belief,didn’t listen to their pleadings.那人不可置疑地残酷,不听取他们的恳求。


1.They named the child Jimmy.他们将孩子命名为吉米。(名词用作并与补语)

2.My mother looks so young that you would think her my sister.我的母亲面很嫩,你会以为她是我的姐姐(名词短语作宾语补语)

3.He boiled the egg hard.她将鸡蛋煮老了。(形容词用作宾语补语)

3.I found the book very interesting.我发现那本书很有趣。(形容词短语用作宾补)

4.The comrades wanted Dr.Bethune to take cover.同志们要白求恩大夫隐蔽一下。(不定式用作宾语补语)

5.I call this robbing Peter to pay Paul.我把这个叫做拆东墙补西墙。(动名作宾补

6.Don’t take his kindness for granted.不要把他的友善看作是当然的事。




