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东京英语作文 篇一

In the melodious and ethereal music, the Olympic flame was slowly extinguished, and the 32nd Summer Olympic Games closed in the night of the new national arena in Tokyo on August 8.

President XX of the International Olym that this is a "hope, unity and peace" Olympic Games and an "unprecedented" Olympic Games. In his closing speech, he said that in this difficult period, you have given the world the most precious gift - hope! For the first time since the outbreak, the whole world has united. Sports return to the center of the stage. Hundreds of millions of people in the world share the same feelings and share the moments of joy and inspiration. This gives us hope, this gives us faith in the future.

Under the guidance of the Olympic five ring flag, athletes from 206 delegations entered in turn. Su Bingtian, who set the men's 100m Asian record in 9.83 seconds in Tokyo, held high the five-star red flag as the flag bearer of the Chinese delegation.

In the current Olympic Games, the Chinese sports delegation consists of 777 people, including 431 athletes, who participated in 30 major events and 225 minor events, which is the most minor events in the overseas Olympic Games. After 16 days of hard work, the Chinese delegation won a total of 38 gold, 32 silver and 18 Copper, with a total of 88 medals, ranking second in the gold medal list and medal list. The number of gold medals tied the results of overseas participation in the Olympic Games.

With 39 gold, 41 silver and 33 bronze, the U.S. delegation still ranked first in the gold medal and medal lists. The host Japanese delegation ranked third in the gold medal list with 27 gold, 14 silver and 17 copper.

After more than an hour of athletes' admission and closing ceremony performance, the final award ceremony of the Olympic Games will be held. The women's and men's marathon winners enjoyed the honor of receiving medals at the closing ceremony.

Japanese fencer XXXX, who has just become a member of the IOC Athletes Committee, presented commemorative gifts to Olympic volunteers and urban volunteers to express their gratitude for their hard service. This is the first time that urban volunteers have won Olympic recognition.

In the sound of music, the Olympic five ring flag was slowly lowered and put away. The governor of Tokyo xxxxx handed it to XX, and then XX handed it to XX · XXXX, mayor of Paris, host of the 33rd Summer Olympic Games, thus opening the prelude to the video version of "Paris eight minutes".

The Olympic flame is slowly extinguished, and the flame platform is slowly closed and restored to a sphere. In the cheers of the on-site athletes and staff, people said goodbye to the Tokyo Olympic Games.

东京英语作文 篇二

We, who pretend to be ordinary, "may only have one or two brilliant moments in our life - even we may spend our life in mediocrity", but the struggle of Olympic athletes in the Tokyo Olympic Games recently makes us pay tribute to and really feel the extraordinary of ordinary people.

"Except for the triple snow on your body, who in the world matches white clothes" Yang Qian; "-- Sun Yiwen of "Jian Guang Han Ding Kyushu"“ Chen Yuxi and Zhang Jiaqi, whose young Phoenix is clear in the sound of old phoenix“ One is an old hero with lofty aspirations, the other is Pang Wei and Jiang ranxin, who are "the rising sun and the future can be expected"“ Xiao ruotang with thunder in his chest and a face like Pinghu“ I. Chen Yunxia, Zhang Ling, LV Yang and Cui Xiaotong who are "in the carefree world"“ Wherever he goes, the tiger roars, the wind gives birth to the dragon, and the Dragon rises up in the clouds

The most reassuring event is table tennis. We will know that we are champions without looking.

It was Malone who let us know that "the opening of an era will not end easily"; It was fan Zhendong who let us know that "looking back, there are scenery all the way"; It was sun yingsha who let us know that "young people have great aspirations and have their own time to work hard"; It is Chen Meng who let us know what is accumulation and thin hair; It was Malone and Xu Xin who proved to us the position of the combination of right-hand horizontal racket and left-hand direct racket as the first men's Doubles of national table tennis; It was Xu Xin and Liu Shiwen who let us know that "victory is not arrogant and defeat is not discouraged"; It is the national table tennis men's team that let us know the reasons for the long-term prosperity of Chinese table tennis and let us understand the true meaning of inheritance.

In the mixed doubles of men and women in the first event of table tennis competition, Xu Xin and Liu Shiwen lost, but at the same time, the mentality of a big country also showed that the process is more important than the result, and the spirit is more important than the gold medal. We can not only win brilliance, but also lose atmosphere, fight tenaciously, and have the calm of "victory is not arrogant and defeat is not discouraged" and the bearing of "struggle is victory". It is not the idea of "becoming a king and defeating an enemy" and the view that "failure is failure".

What I want to say is that no matter the ranking, as long as the athletes who go to the competition are amazing, what is infiltrated behind is countless sweat and hard work, many years of persistence and love of faith.

Yang Shuyu, one of the three women's basketball players, said: "youth does not mean childishness. A powerful country has me." In this Olympic Games, the veteran will take the lead, and some young generals will strive to catch up with the veteran and go on for them.

They are also human beings, but they have a special identity to represent the country, regardless of these labels. They are also ordinary people, but even the most ordinary people have to fight for the existence of his world. If they are not willing to sink here, they will not feel submerged by the waves of life.

东京英语作文 篇三

The women's 10m air rifle final arrived as promised tonight. In front of the TV screen, we held our breath and wished two veterans of the Chinese team, Du Li and Yi Siling. Since the project adopted the new competition system, the competition has been extremely fierce and cruel. It's hard to imagine that the women who dare to shoot the rifles on the same plateau in Tokyo are full of suspense at the other end of the earth. During this period, their grades changed due to mood fluctuations. In any case, they all face the difficulties under pressure and try their best to narrow the gap between the scores.

Every shot is as important as a penalty. When the media people participating in the commentary joked that "only expect the opponent's mistakes". However, the fledgling American youngster won the first gold with his stable and excellent performance. Although the two veterans missed the first gold medal, they still made great contributions to the Olympic gold rush of the Chinese team. They shoulder the ardent hope of the 1.4 billion Chinese people. They deserve to pay and wait for four years in exchange for a trip to Tokyo to show the style and look of athletes from big countries. Although they have lost, they are still proud.

I can't help but think of my friend who told me about her brilliance in her shooting career with persistence and efforts step by step. She once said: "shooters are lonely, fighting is psychological quality, is a person's battle!" In order to enhance her physical fitness, she once braved the severe cold and ice and insisted on running 10 kilometers a day. She has studied her movements in the shooting range and kept improving. She has also emerged in the Provincial Games and ranked among the best in the competition many times.

I think every Olympic athlete has to experience a Nirvana on the road of winning the championship. Not all participants can achieve what they want. And our desire to touch the gold medal is like climbing the top of a mountain. After we successfully arrive, we embark on a new journey without stopping.

东京英语作文 篇四

On August 24, 2021, at 17:30 p.m. Tokyo time, 150 people of the Chinese sports delegation were neatly dressed, gathered in a team downstairs where they were stationed, waited for the bus, and then drove to the site of the opening ceremony of the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games - Tokyo new national arena. Chinese athletes are full of energy and in good condition. They take group photos in groups or take small videos to pass on to their relatives and friends.

On that day, the most eye-catching of the Chinese sports delegation were naturally the two flag bearers - archery team Zhou Jiamin and track and field team Wang Hao. They were all outstanding athletes who performed well in their respective sports. Watching everyone take pictures with the two flag bearers, I couldn't resist the beautiful temptation. I asked the group members to help Kaka take some photos, and then quickly sent a circle of friends. Alas, life is short. If you don't leave some images for such a precious moment, wouldn't it be a pity?

Surrounded by group members, they took photos like a national treasure giant panda. Flag bearers Zhou Jiamin and Wang Hao always smiled and were calm. Also, how can we defeat our opponents and ourselves without super psychological quality? Zhou Jiamin, in particular, has a tough and sharp look in her eyes, which is unforgettable at first sight. Zhou Jiamin is an athlete with a story. We'll talk about it next time.

I walked through the crowd, taking photos and interviewing randomly, but I always thought of a girl in my heart - a Hebei girl who wanted to attend the opening ceremony. Because the epidemic strictly limited the number of people to enter, she finally failed to realize her wish. I said silently - this girl, won't hide in the room and cry alone for this? On second thought, no, she is so lively and free.

Yan Shuangyan, post-90s. She is handsome, cheerful, straightforward and likes to laugh. She likes to sleep in when she is free. Sometimes she is confused and works very seriously - don't ask me why I know her so well. She has been my roommate since she moved into the China Disabled Sports Management Center on August 16. Later, when the Chinese sports delegation settled in the Paralympic Village in Tokyo, she and I were assigned a room.

Yan Shuangyan's job is as a reporter of China Disabled Persons magazine. This time, as a staff member of the Chinese sports delegation, she came to the Paralympic Village in Tokyo, mainly responsible for specific daily affairs at the League Headquarters and other colleagues. This time, the 437 people of the Chinese sports delegation came to Tokyo. In addition to participating in the competition, they also had to deal with the serious local epidemic. Safety and epidemic prevention can never be ignored. In order to ensure that the epidemic prevention measures are in place, the League Headquarters arranged for everyone to take turns on duty every day. Yan Shuangyan and League friend Yan Lichun were assigned to the same group to completely kill the newly arrived League members' luggage, door handles, floors, elevator rooms, toilets, etc.

Yan Shuangyan is very attentive to her work. She wears protective clothing, gloves and masks every time. She kills a circle carefully. When she is happy, she often hums songs like a cheerful little swallow. To tell you the truth, I've rarely seen such a person at work these years. Compared with many people's complaints about hard work, she is simply a model worker and an example. In the past few days, what she said most was that she had to dress up for the opening ceremony, so that all her relatives and friends could see it. When the camera shook, she would try her best to compete with the camera

Due to the limited number of people, only 150 of the 437 Chinese sports delegation were arranged to attend the opening ceremony. The others were watching live TV at the station. Yan Shuangyan was also one of the group members watching TV. On the day after receiving the notice, she immediately wilted and "baked big cakes" on the bed. She wanted to cry, but she finally resisted. That night, she lent the new leather shoes she brought to the opening ceremony to a group friend. When the other party knocked on the door to get the shoes, she smiled and said, "my leather shoes go to the opening ceremony venue, which is equivalent to going for me!"

I was moved to tears when I heard her say so.

Yes, many times, there are always a few who can appear in front of people, and more are those unknown heroes behind the scenes. They pay a lot, but maybe we will never know their names.

Write here, I want to say - Shuangyan, you are so kind and lovely, God will take care of you, and there will be more good luck waiting for you! Bless you!

东京英语作文 篇五

The pace of the Tokyo Olympic Games has gradually approached. For Chinese sports people, each Olympic Games is a big test. What kind of answer paper can be handed over in 2021 is a test for Chinese sports.

In the new era, Chinese sports people also bear a newer mission and heavier responsibility. In the historical intersection period of the "two centenary" goals, sports will play a more diverse role. Facing the Tokyo Olympic Games, we have to compete for gold and silver, but what we need to do is far more than competing for gold and silver.

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has drawn a grand blueprint for us to build a sports power. The new forms of sports in the new era and people's new demands for sports in the new era all require Chinese sports people to embark on a new journey with new ideas, new ideas and new goals. We should make the vigorous development of national fitness, the colorful competitive sports, the rapid development of sports industry and the rapid change of sports culture, and the "four carriages" go hand in hand to give a multi-dimensional Chinese interpretation of the "Olympics".

The Olympic Games is no longer a simple collection of athletes' competition results, but a large platform integrating spiritual motivation, cultural inheritance, national display, cooperation and exchange. Under such a background, the test of the Tokyo Olympic Games on the Chinese delegation will not only be on the field, but also outside the field.

Athletes need to strive for excellent results, practice faster, higher and stronger, win glory for the country and provide strong positive energy for social development. However, the "gold content" of these achievements needs to be higher. Athletes are required to strictly abide by sports rules and sports ethics, constantly break through self transcendence limits, show national spirit and become a model for the young generation.

The criteria for evaluating the performance of the delegation will no longer be limited to the number of gold medals and medals. It also depends on whether we have fully demonstrated China's feelings of great power in friendly competition, foreign exchanges, communication and cooperation, and built a bridge of mutual benefit and mutual trust between countries and regions with sports as a link.

The Olympic Games is not only an arena, but also a big stage. Today, with the increasing development of Internet technology and the smoother communication between ethnic groups in the world, the cultural value and industrial value of the Olympic Games have been more and more deeply developed. This value belongs not only to the host, but to every participating delegation. How to discover and embrace these values in Tokyo in 2021 is also a major task for the Chinese delegation.

We have never been closer to the center of the world stage and to the goal of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In this great journey, sports are playing an increasingly important role. There are more and more questions about the "Olympic Games", which are more and more difficult. Only a pile of medals is far from the perfect answer in the eyes of adults. People need to see athletes who can truly represent China's positive and energetic, show the outstanding style of the Chinese nation, show China's image in an all-round way on the world stage, and make their own contributions to the harmonious progress of mankind.

东京英语作文 篇六

In the women's team table tennis match last night, China won four consecutive Olympic titles. At the 32nd Tokyo Olympic Games, the Chinese team met the Japanese team in the final. Chen Meng, sun yingsha and Wang Manyu beat the Japanese team 3-0 and won the gold medal.

The final was very exciting. In the first set, Chen Meng and Wang Manyu beat Ishikawa Jiachun and yemeiyu 3-1 in doubles. In the second set, sun yingsha played against Itoh Meicheng. In the singles semi-final, sun yingsha beat Itoh Meicheng 4-0, but in the team game, sun yingsha beat Itoh Meicheng again 3-0 and won the second set. In the third set, Wang Manyu beat Meiyu Hirano 3-0 in singles.

Tonight, the Chinese team's "dragon fat Python" against the German team. At first, in the men's singles table tennis semi-final, ocharov of the German team played against Malone. Although the competition was very fierce and Malone also narrowly won, ocharov had a good interaction with the national table tennis players, expressed his friendship and respect for China, and then beat Japan in the men's team semi-final, which made me feel good about him. The men's team final was also very difficult. China won the doubles in the first set, xiaopang narrowly beat ocharov in the second set, and Malone's victory in the third set made China the champion of t→←he table tennis team competition.

Go all out to fight, so as to play the morale of the Chinese team. It is precisely because of the spirit of not admitting defeat that the Chinese team can avert danger and create miracles many times.

China now ranks first in the medal list of the Tokyo Olympic Games, surpassing many gold medals of the United States and Japan. I hope China will make persistent efforts and firmly occupy the first throne.

东京英语作文 篇七

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is one of the opening links of the Olympic Games. It has always been the highlight of the Olympic Games and the focus of attention. At the opening ceremony, we should not only reflect the Olympic spirit aiming at peace, unity and friendship, but also show the national culture, local customs and organizational work level of the host country, but also express our warm welcome to guests from all over the world.

At the opening ceremony, in addition to a series of basic ceremonies, there are generally wonderful group gymnastics and literary or military sports performances with national characteristics.

The 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games will simplify some links of the opening ceremony. On December 23, the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games announced the dissolution of the director team of the opening and closing ceremony, with Wanzhai Nomura as the general director. On July 3, 2021, the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games said that it decided to extend the end time of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games by 30 minutes.

At the opening ceremonies of previous Olympic Games, the lighting of the main torch is always the most anticipated moment, and it is always kept secret until the last minute.

At the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, rapolo, the archery medal winner of the two Paralympic Games, lit the arrow with fire and accurately shot at the flame platform 70 meters away and 21 meters high.

At the 20xx Sydney Olympic Games, female sprinter Cathy Freeman lit the main torch in the water, and then the main torch tower rose from the water, like a sun rising on the sea.

In the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games, Chinese gymnast Li Ning, holding a torch, stepped over a long roll slowly unfolding above the stadium like a flying man in the air, and finally lit the main torch of the bird's Nest stadium.

In the 20xx London Olympic Games, the main torch tower is composed of 204 copper petals. Seven young athletes ignite the petals together. Finally, these copper petals converge to the center to form the main torch.

Different from previous Olympic Games, the main torch of this Olympic Games is far away from the stadium and located in the waterfront of Tokyo.

东京英语作文 篇八

The Tokyo Olympic Games are opening! Chinese athletes are ready to hit the medal list. Although I am at home, I still support the athletes to return home in triumph.

In order to better support the Olympic spirit, I asked my father to take me and my cousin to the swimming pool of the Provincial Sports Center last night. Although it was raining, I couldn't quench my enthusiasm for sports. Dad drove to the swimming pool and we could change into water. Because there are not many people in the natatorium on rainy days, it is conducive to swimming after entering the water. I started with breaststroke and then freestyle. Although the speed can't catch up with Sun Yang, it will continue to rise as long as you work hard.

After swimming for a while, I taught my cousin to swim. He hasn't learned it yet. I seriously taught him how to row by hand and how to pedal. And how to hold your breath. Unknowingly, the time passed for more than an hour. It was late and had to go home. Tokyo Olympics, Carnival begins!

东京英语作文 篇九

A more realistic situation is that the attention of the Paralympic Games is indeed lower than that of the Olympic Games. For example, many Paralympic Games are not broadcast live. Although we want to care, sometimes we can't see the live. For the Chinese people, the impressive Paralympic Games may still be Beijing in 2008, because CCTV undertakes the task of transmitting signals to the world, and Chinese people can watch most programs on TV.

The lack of broadcasting does not mean that the Paralympic Games are "not good-looking". I once saw a blind sprint race. Under the leadership of the accompanying runners, the athletes sprint with all their strength. Her speed is much faster than me. Such a scene is moving, because for the blind, every step should overcome their inner uneasiness and sprint with all their strength. How much fear should they overcome?

I even think that compared with the summer Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games are closer to the Olympic spirit.

Compared with ordinary athletes, disabled athletes not only have to overcome more difficulties, but also need more assistance. They need the support of their families, and some need to take care of them when they participate in the competition; They need team support and the support of the whole society. They embody the unity of mankind as a community of common destiny.

If we understand the Olympic spirit as surpassing ourselves rather than defeating opponents, as overcoming the limitations of human body and showing the possibility of body, rather than simply pursuing achievements, we must admit that disabled athletes are extremely powerful in the spiritual field. When watching the Paralympic Games, we will feel shocked and sometimes ashamed, because we will find our vulnerability.

In them, we see more of the fighting spirit of human beings not to yield to fate. This spirit is not only reflected in the competition with rivals, but also self transc end ence to a greater extent. This may be the portrayal of the Olympic spirit. It is the most passionate and peaceful. Therefore, disabled athletes may not be able to achieve dazzling results or contribute wonderful performances, but their noble spirit is worth seeing.




