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英语作文 篇一

This year's May Day, I was particularly happy. I have done many meaningful things and had a great time these two days. My mother took me to many places, including Sanfang Qixiang, the underwater world of Zuohai, and the beautiful West Lake Park... Among them, my favorite is the Fujian Provincial Children's Library.

On the early morning of May 1st, my parents took me by car to the Provincial Children's Library located at 28 East Street. As soon as I got off the car, I was amazed by a huge flat roofed building in front of me. It was much larger than I had imagined. As soon as I walked into the hall, I was attracted by the statue of Bing Xin Old Man. My mother told me that Bing Xin Old Man was a famous children's writer. After reading the layout diagram at the entrance, we walked up to the second floor. Although there were many people here, it was very peaceful, and everyone quietly focused on reading the books they had borrowed. Subsequently, I also told the aunt in the library the name of the book I wanted to read. The aunt quickly searched for the book I wanted through the computer, and holding the borrowed book, I followed my mother to the reading room. I found a seat and sat down, reading with great interest.

Time passed quickly, and two hours passed unconsciously. However, I was immersed in the rich and colorful content in the book, completely forgetting myself. It wasn't until my mother said she was going home that I reluctantly left the library. My mother promised to bring me back frequently in the future.

Today I have gained a lot, and I have learned a lot from books. It was the happiest and most unforgettable May Day that I have ever had.





英语作文 篇二

It' s the annual Labor Day again, and I' m going to do something to experience the hardships of labor.

My grandfather has a mountainous area at home, and spring is the peak season for bamboo shoots. He goes up the mountain every day to dig bamboo shoots. The labor I want to experience is digging bamboo shoots three times. In the morning, I carried a small hoe and went up the mountain with my grandfather. After reaching the mountain, my grandfather started digging, and I couldn' t wait to swing my small hoe. But the soil on the mountain was very hard, and the hoe was heavy. After not digging for a while, I was tired and sweating profusely. So I sat down and rested.

I rested for a while and saw my grandfather sweating profusely. I quickly took a towel to wipe his sweat, and then handed him tea. My grandfather looked at me and smiled happily. I have experienced the hardships of labor today, and I also know the hardships of every achievement!




英语作文 篇三

Today is May 1,is the International Labor Day.And my father dig up some bamboo shoots cousin,cousin,readily agreed.With my cousin had never been dug bamboo,which is first,of course,is an innovative idea.

cousin came to our hill.But days go halfway,it began to rain,followed by rain.But this did not detract from our interest in digging bamboo shoots,but the firm will of the U.S.,as the saying goes: "springing" them! We fought so hard to mountain climbing,sweat,rain confusing.

Father is an iron-general way.In a moment,it apart."Wow,bamboo shoots,have head many really ah!" And my cousin looked up at the head are "pathfinder" cries the father.When we arrived,his hands had been tied with a big bamboo shoots,head.Can both of us to no avail.I am anxious,hard tohair and think: why we could not shoot it dug? I think maybe too,and accidentally,a bad fall,but alsothe blood,stomp my beat their chests shouting: "God,why do you torment me like this,I am also a person,but also Lord of all things,what do not give me wild,but also throw my! "At this time of my great chagrin.Father then told us that: "not as good as you,there may be a harvest."


"Cousin,fast shoots look." Did not walk a few steps,a prey entered my eyes,my very pleasant surprise.

"I also have their prey,and cousin."

Not too long,we can shoot the competition and the number of the father.We are delighted.

I finally understand that with the father at the back are less than dig bamboo shoots,and only go up in front of only has Harvest."Open up our own road,Do not talk behind others." Yes I am 51 working in a small token of enlightenment.









英语作文 篇四

From the beginning of the new year to now, workers who have been busy for several months can finally have a good rest today—— Today is the national holiday - "May Day".

Yes, workers who work hard should have a holiday to relax themselves! However, our students have a holiday on May Day! Maybe the country realizes that our students should also relax when reading! But as students, should we have a real and meaningful "May Day"?

Someone said: "our students are really hard-working. They spend all day reading, doing homework and taking exams... It"s too stressful!" Yes, we students really have a lot of pressure, and it"s hard to read with our brain! However, compared with the labors who work hard in society, go out early and return late, and work in blood and sweat, what are we?

Our parents work hard for our family and for us as children to live better! As children, do we find that our parents have added a trace of white hair? Do you find that there are a few more wrinkles on your parents" faces? Do you find your parents" hands rough again? Yes, our parents are getting older. They are no longer young! However, we, as children, are behind all this!

Today is may day. As children, did we say to our parents, "Dad, mom, happy may day, you"ve worked hard!" Does it really make it easy for parents to celebrate Labor Day? Did you really help your parents with the housework? Did you cook a meal for your parents

If you, as a child, haven"t done it yet, please do it quickly!

Not only do you have to treat your parents like that, but also help the hard-working people around you! Even if there is only one "happy May Day!"

Let"s all have a meaningful may day!

假期英语作文 篇五

The May Day golden week I play very happy.

The first day, we play the family to go to the ocher mountain. To ocher mountain before, my mother bought me a hammock, let me to the mountain swings in the woods. We came to ocher mountain, all the rest place occupied by others, we very not easy to find a big rock and sits down. I think: ok, now can play a good play. Mother found two trees near the tree to tie a hammock, I lay in a hammock, like a big spider is very comfortable to sit in the middle of the network. At noon, the weather some hot, I bought ice cream and shoveled eat it.

On the way home, mom and dad let me as a guide, I have a good memory, so easily take mom and dad out of the "maze"。

Ah! Ocher mountain is a good place for leisure.

的英语作文 篇六

The holiday of labor’s day i spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st may, we went to the zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.

On 2nd may, i visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well.

On 3rd may, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie. all the other days lefti didn’t go anywhere, no only becasue i still have some homework,but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere!

英语作文 篇七

Today is the International May Day, and television programs are promoting the glory of labor. I think I should also help my mother with something. Mom has so many things to do!

Mom bought a pile of strawberries to wash, and I said, "Mom, I' ll come. "Mom handed me the strawberries. I first put the strawberries on the plate, then took a basin of water, and then put the strawberries in. I carefully rubbed each strawberry with my hand. After washing, I checked again and found that some of the strawberries were not washed clean. So I washed them again and finally the strawberries were washed clean. I' ll put the strawberries on the plate, complete! It' s time to taste the fruits of my labor, ah, it' s so sweet!

I swept the floor again and wiped the table clean. I think I' ve done everything I need to do. No, there are still bowls to wash. I poured water into the basin, carefully washed them one by one with a towel, and then wiped the bowls with a cloth. It was really clean.

Today I am very tired, but I am very happy because I can do housework.





英语作文 篇八

On July 14, 1889, by the marxist socialist congress convened, the grand opening in Paris, France. The conference, the French representative lavin proposal: put on May 1, 1886 American workers struggle for eight hours a week, as the international proletariat holiday together. The delegates agreed to by the historic resolution. From then on, "51" international labor day was born.

Why to this day as international labor day? This is from the American workers' movement in the 1880s.

At that time, many countries in the United States and Europe, and gradually by the development of capitalism to imperialism stage, in order to stimulate the economy high speed development, to extract more surplus value, in order to maintain the capitalism of the high-speed machines, take the capitalists increasing labor time and intensity of labor to ruthlessly exploit workers.

In the United States, the workers work 14 to 16 hours a day, some even up to 18 hours, but wages are low. Massachusetts a shoe factory supervisor said, "let a strong able-bodied 18 years old young man, next to any machine work here, I can make his hair to gray at the age of 22. " Heavy class oppression provoked proletarians great anger. Know, they want to fight for survival conditions, only together, fighting through strike and capitalists. Workers' strike slogan put forward, that is, requirements shall institute an eight-hour working day system.


为什么要把这一天定为国际劳动节呢? 这还得从19世纪80年代的美国工人运动说起。



假期英语作文 篇九

May Day Holiday at last came! I have lood forward to it for a long time. Because I studied very hard in my school life and L was always thinking of having a holiday and relax myself.

During this holiday, at first I spent two days finishing my homework. Then I spent three days visiting my relatives. At last I spent two days reviewing my lessons.

It was fun to communicate with my relatives,especially my cousin Li Ping.Li Ping and I are very good friends. We have a lot in common.But he lives in another city which is far from mine. So we seldom have a chance to play together.

This holiday, I went to his city and we spent two days togrther. He ledme to many places of interest in his city. And together we played many games. we talked a lot about our schools,our school lives and our friends. We also talked about the best ways to learn well, especially about how to learn English well. Because he was good at English, he gave me some useful advice on it. How I wish I could stay with him for a longer time!









