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选择的英文作文 篇一

Every day, when you wake up from your sleep, you will have two choices: live a happy day or live a gloomy day. I think everyone will choose happiness, but after choosing happiness, have you done it?

Tell you a story. The story goes like this: There is a man named Jack, who is a restaurant owner. He is optimistic by nature and always heartless and happy. No matter who told him annoying things, he would show them the good side of things.

Once, Jack was robbed and hit by three bullets in his belly. His life was very dangerous, but he was discharged soon after. When asked why he recovered so quickly, he said, "When my life is in danger, I have two choices, one is life and the other is death. Fortunately, I chose the former. So I think the doctor there is the best. of.

This story must have been seen by many people. People with optimistic minds can dance without music! In the face of setbacks and misfortunes, instead of bowing your head and crying dejectedly, it is better to put your fears and worries aside for a while and sing a beautiful song, which can relax yourself and inspire others.

Every day, you have two choices. Choose a good mood? Or choose a bad mood? In any case, it is up to you.

选择的英文作文 篇二

There are so many crossroads in life. When facing them, it is really difficult for us to walk to a crossroad confidently and firmly from the beginning. After all, a choice often determines the future direction. But we can't hesitate at the intersection and stay where we are? So how do you make the choice that suits you best?

You must first have a comprehensive understanding of yourself, and then choose according to your own ability status quo. If you have a rich family background and a business acumen, then business may be a very suitable path. If you love painting and have talent, painting is a very suitable way out. You have to combine your own situation with reality in order to have a greater certainty on the road of life.

There is also a need to collect a lot of information. As the saying goes, "the predecessors planted trees and the descendants will enjoy the shade." You have to collect the relevant information of the person who has made this choice before, analyze why he succeeded, why he failed, and then analyze whether you can succeed. Learn all kinds of experiences, learn by analogy, and you will always become a person who can make important choices with ease.

There are so many choices in life, we must treat it with caution, seize opportunities, and grasp life.

选择的英文作文 篇三

Everyone knows that if you have a choice, you will give up.

The roads of life: prosperous, rich, difficult, ordinary, great, healthy, and carefree. As for the road to defying laws and regulations, it is the road to darkness. Most of us will not choose.

I used to make a choice for myself-glory and wealth, but as I grow older, my choice has also changed-I have chosen to spend my life ordinary, free from any disease. I understand that my choice will change.

Life is a crossroads. Once there, we will follow a different path based on our interests and ideals. Someone failed, walked back to the intersection and made another choice. Someone fails and falls on the road forever. If someone succeeds, they stop on the way for a long time, and they are ultimately a loser. Someone succeeded, but they were not satisfied with their own success, and went forward harder. Good luck also met him and achieved eternal success.

Everyone wants to succeed, but some people do not want to work hard, so they become losers. There are also people who don't want to fight anymore because they are frustrated. There are others who are struggling to succeed, and on the road to success.

In short, I want to be a person who is good for the end, and leaves again when it is bad.

选择的英文作文 篇四

A person’s life has gone through countless choices, which is equivalent to countless paths. The right path can make your life very glorious, and the wrong path can even ruin a person’s life.

Once, I saw a set of encyclopedias in a bookstore and I wanted it very much, so I asked my mother if I could buy it for me. My mother said that if I got 100 points in the exam, I would buy it for me. Later, I really got 100 points in the exam. My mother gave me the money and asked me to buy it myself. I came to the bookstore and found the encyclopedia. I bought it. The cashier was supposed to ask me for 10 yuan, but the cashier asked me for 20 yuan. Happy, with this 20 yuan, I can buy the stationery I dream of. I took the money back home, and I put it in my cabinet for the 20 yuan. I have been useless for the 20 yuan. I always Thinking about what happened that day, there seemed to be a big rock in my heart that I couldn’t let down. After a fierce ideological struggle, I decided to return it to the cashier aunt. The big rock in my heart finally fell. I was very happy, and I felt like eating. It's as sweet as honey.

I finally made a choice in "money and integrity", did you do it?

选择的英文作文 篇五

In current society,thanks to the deepening reform and opening-up,there is so much unemployment, the petition for jobs is very fierce.In an effort to land a decent job ,a host of school-leavers choose to attend the graduate school‘s test.They want to learn more knowledge before acquiring a fine job.They also can be confident in taking ,attending the graduate school‘s test is pevalent increasingly in late several years.

Among other folks intend to secure a job after graduating.Although the petition for jobs is very fierce,it is also very difficult to find out a fine job for colleage students.After a couple of years,the number of the graduate students is sharply up-swing.It is same to face job problems for graduate students.Secuing a job after graduating can accumulate experience in order to get on well in the future.

In my eyes,the Middle kingdom enjoys a booming economy, a rising number of panys from overseas e to built themselves factories.We are facing opportunities and challenges.We might well choose to land a job after graduating.Plus,we are still young,we can choose to attend the graduate school‘s test after accumulating working experience.It will be wise for us to do that.

选择的英文作文 篇六

One of the most important problems a young person faces is deciding what to do. There are some people, of course, who from the time they are six years old “know” that they want to be doctors or pilots or fire fighters, but the majority of us do not get around to making a decision about an occupation or career until somebody or something forces us to face the problem.


Choosing an occupation takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about as you try to decide what you would (金笔头网☆)like to do. You may find that you will have to take special courses to qualify for a particular kind of work, or you may find out that you will need to get actual work experience to gain enough knowledge to qualify for a particular job.


Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision. At most schools, there are teachers who are professionally qualified to give you detailed information about job qualifications. And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions.


选择的英文作文 篇七

Occupation choice is a personal for their employment type,direction is selected and confirmed.It is the people enter the real social life domain important behavior,life is a critical link.

Through the choice of occupation,is beneficial to people and labor post better,make the person goes into social labor post.

Occupation choice is the important content of human socialization,it is advantageous to socialization and implementation.

Through the choice of occupation,is beneficial to obtain bigger economic benefits.

Through the choice of occupation,can achieve the social benefit.

First of all,in the occupation planners professional guidance,scientific system about ourselves.

Again,combination of consulting work experience,education degree,disposition,intelligence,physical condition,social resources and other factors,to determine the next step or the next few steps how to get the occupation,A personal career proper or not is related to his understand their own personality characteristics are very important things,predictions can provide personal characteristics parameters,can effectively grasp the business direction.






选择的英文作文 篇八

When students graduate from college, most of them choose to start their career. In general opinion, a college student should work on something that is related to their major, if not, what they learn is believed to be wasted. In my opinion, everyone has their right to choose what they want to do, regardless of other’s criticism.


Recently, it has been reported that a student who graduated from first class university worked as a deliver guy. A lot of people felt pity for him, because they believed that this guy deserved a noble job, such as sitting in the office. While some people objected, they thought that every job was equal. There was no rule for people to decide what kind of job they should work on.


I believe that we should respect young people’s choice. The job they work on doesn’t mean they must use their major knowledge. The meaning of receiving education is to teach us to be a better person. Even though we choose to be a farmer, we are the different farmers, because we have better skill and more polite.


选择的英文作文 篇九

There are winds and rains in life, and when we encounter obstacles, we turn back and head on. But there are inevitably many choices.

For example, when you eat, you will think about whether you eat more or less; when you dress, you will think about whether you wear more or less... This is just the simplest, and it will not cause harm to your person or life. We will encounter some big problems more or less, but at that time, it is not a choice, but a choice.

The ancients said: "Fish and bear's paw can't have both." This may be the earliest understanding of choice by the ancients. But some choices made by the ancients were also unwise.

Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, had a prosperous society in the early stage of his rule, but he later chose to have fun in order to cause the Anshi Rebellion that destroyed the Tang Dynasty. This shows that the choice is extremely dangerous.

But there are also disadvantages and advantages. Tao Yuanming, a great poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, finally chose to "not bend the waist for five buckets of rice", and in the future generations, he has a reputation of being clean and self-contained and not in harmony with the world. If now, his choice may make us unthinkable.

One life, one choice; one choice, one answer.






