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暑假的英语作文 篇一

My summer life is very colorful. Because I chose to study some interesting classes.

Among them, I love to learn guzheng, because its tone is like flowing, small brook, birds chirping, if let the senior play a tune, youll be immersed among them, unable to extricate themselves. Even in the noisy city, the harmony of the guzheng can appear unusually quiet and peaceful, and there is the intoxicating atmosphere of the ancient times. When you are sad, a song called "cabbages" will accompany you to tears. When youre excited, youll have a song called "the six boards"。 When spring comes, lets sing "Yang liuqing"; In the night, a song called "quiet"; Seeing the farmers uncle happy to harvest the crops, a song called "happy work"。 I have a happy, sad, sad day!

The summer holiday is also a natural time for natural weather.

Yesterday came the typhoon and everything changed. "Matha" was so mad that there was a degree of damage to grass or anything else. According to news reports, hangzhou some substandard housing roof almost all damaged, room is leaking water, the government had to those who live with temporary residents committees or school, including migrant workers. A miss zhou came home and was crushed by a fallen tree. Some construction workers have also been covered with construction materials under the typhoon. For a while, the coastal cities were flooded. The sight was terrible and frightening.

My summer life is full of artistic and special atmosphere. I love my summer vacation!

关于暑假的英语作文 篇二

During the summer vacation, I went back to my hometown to help my grandmother work. I also did a very interesting thing there. Do you know what it is? It's digging sweet potatoes.

"Lala, Lala, I'm an expert in selling newspapers.。." I hum a tune, carry a hoe and grandma happily go up the mountain to dig sweet potatoes.

When I arrived in the field, I saw sweet potato seedlings shaking and dragging their young bodies dancing in the wind. It was very cute! I can't wait to pick up a hoe and dig up sweet potatoes.

But sweet potato is very disobedient. No matter how I dig, it will either break or crack. I clapped my hands and stamped my feet in anger. At this time, grandma's gentle voice came from a distance: "Dear grandson, you should take the sweet potato seedlings as the center, start harder, and be stronger."

After listening to grandma's advice, my confidence came back. I picked up the hoe again, got full of gas, and was ready to "fight" with sweet potatoes again. I picked up the hoe and made a detailed gesture to the sweet potato seedlings before I plunged the hoe. The result of this time is the same as that of the last time. The hoe stabbed the sweet potato hard, and there was a deep crack.

I saw the sweet potato raising his head and sticking out his belly as if he were saying, "little boy, will you dig me? Let your grandmother dig me."

The more I look, the more sad I feel. Suddenly, I sat on the ground and cried, "grandma.。. Grandma.。. Sweet potato bullied me!! You don't care!"

"Good grandson, sweet potato didn't bully you. It's your wrong way." As soon as the words fell, grandma picked up the hoe and showed it to me again, so that I could understand the "mystery" of digging sweet potatoes

third time. I learned from the experience of the previous two times and "went to war" with sweet potato again!

I picked up a hoe and carefully pushed away the soil on the sweet potato; Then the position of sweet potato was compared in general; Finally, dig out the sweet potato with a hoe and clean the soil!!

I hold the sweet potato that I dug out first, jumping and jumping with joy, and refuse to put it down for a long time!

Later, I dug many sweet potatoes, and more and more! Dig faster!! The more you dig, the more energetic you are!

The sun sank inch by inch into the mountains. Grandma and I are walking on the way home. I am always happy because we returned home with a full load today!

关于暑假的英语作文 篇三

I hope and hope, finally came the happy and long summer vacation, and finally I can run off my homework and play happily.

In the morning, there is no mother's urging sound or annoying alarm bell in my ears, so I can sleep comfortably. I woke up from my dream at more than 9:00 in the morning. It's really a happy morning!

On the first day of summer vacation, I came to my room and began to do my homework seriously. I thought as long as I finished my homework "bitter before sweet", I could really play carefree. So I wrote my homework meticulously every day, "struggling" for a month, and finally swept my homework forward.

In the afternoon, my friends and I came to the swimming pool to have a water fight and compare our swimming skills together. We will keep drawing water from each other, but no one is angry. We had a very full afternoon!

Once, Grandpa and I went fishing together. Grandpa fiddled with the fishing rod, put the line in place and waited quietly. I couldn't bear to be idle, and also picked up a fishing rod and fiddled with it a few times. I didn't expect that this fishing seemed easy to do, but it was difficult to do: the hook either hung on the grass or fiddled too hard. Once, I almost threw myself out. Ah! Fishing is really difficult. Let's look at Grandpa's harvest. Ah! Grandpa had many small fish in his bucket. I watched grandpa fishing and wanted to learn more. I saw grandpa holding a fishing rod in one hand and a line in the other hand. It was good to throw it out not far or near, and hit the edge of the Xiuhe river. After a while, a fish was hooked. I also caught the first pot of gold like my grandfather. In the evening, I returned with a full load.

This is one of my happy summer vacation life. This summer vacation is full of happiness.

关于暑假的高中英语作文 篇四

Go Outing

Last weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic。 We bought some cakes with us for lunch。 We left quite early before there was too much traffic。 After aborn two bours we came to a nice place。 It was near a river, with some large trees beside it。 So we parked our bicycles under the trees and went for a swim。 It was a very hot day and the water was very refreshing。 After having a swim, we had lunch in the cool shade under the trees。 Then we went for a walk。

We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies。 After walking for about an hour we re turned to our bicycles and began to ride home。

We got home very late and terribly exhausted。 But we enjoyed it very much, for it was one of our most interesting weekend's outings。





关于暑假的英语作文 篇五

From the X, we have our summer vacation. It's summer vacation, but what are we going to do? I don't want to go through the past like I did when I was a child. I want to do something different. But I don't know where to start and where to end. Maybe it doesn't start or end. Life is the same. This is the time in summer vacation. If you cherish her, he will cherish you. On the contrary, if you do not cherish her, he will not treat you kindly. The so-called: no pain, no gain. Time is life. The time in summer vacation cannot be wasted. Life is like summer vacation. In the eyes of children, it is simple and rich in business, and the society is full of truth, goodness and beauty, while in the eyes of adults with rich life experience.

In life, there are not only truth, goodness and beauty, but also falsehood, evil and ugliness, with ups and downs. Why do adults and children have very different ideas? I think there is no hypocrisy or ugliness in the eyes of children because they are still young. There is no positive contact with society, and adults, for the sake of family and life. I have to go outside to be busy and have a wide range of contacts, so I have experienced countless. This is the difference. In the vast world, everything has two sides. Although adults have rich experience, they see things more comprehensively. And children will not always be children, but will eventually grow up. I remember a teacher told me that life is a training ground and a stage for sharpening people. On this stage, everyone will encounter different things in the world. We can only summon up courage and set sail.

This summer vacation, I want to be pro social, kiss nature, understand life, and be a person who cherishes time!















