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My Favorite Season我最喜欢的季节英语作文 (菁选优秀9篇

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My Favorite Season我最喜欢的季节英语作文 (菁选优秀9篇


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My favourite season英语作文 篇一

My favourite season is autumn. It is a harvest season. Farmers are all busy getting in the crops. There are lots of different fruits in the season, such as apples, oranges, bananas and so on. The Mid-Autumn Festival is the Chinese traditional festival in autumn. People often have a big family dinner to celebrate it. The whole family have mooncakes and admire the full moon in the open air at night.

It is cool in autumn. So autumn is a good season to travel. National Day is on October 1. Lots of people go out for a trip during the holiday. We can learn a lot about the history of our country from the trip. I want to visit Beijing, the capital of China, with my parents this autumn. People also do many different kinds of sports in autumn. For example, children often fly kites in the park. The young like climbing the hills and having a camping trip at weekends. The old can go out for a walk and do some exercise.

There are many beautiful flowers in autumn. Chrysanthemums are the most popular. They have a sweet smell.

I like autumn best. What about you, my dear friend?

My Favorite Season我最喜欢的季节英语作文 篇二

My favourate season is spring. It neither too hot nor too cold. Everything is full of life in spring. The flowers come out, and the trees become green. The sun is warm, and the whether is usually good. I like to go camping in spring, and I feel so refreshed in the surrounding of nature. The birds sing in the trees and the flowers smell so good. Feeling all this, I would forget about all the bad moods in my life. I love spring!

我最爱的季节英语作文 篇三

My favourite season is autumn. The weather in autumn is neither hot nor cold, it's so cool, that makes people feel very suitable. Also it is the season that people can get the harvest of the crops from the field. We can go to fly kites in autumn 。

《My Favourite Season》英语作文 篇四


I most like the spring, because spring is a vibrant season. You see, the sun with a smile, the bird bathed in warm sunshine, just grow green branches on twitter, as if to greet the arrival of spring.


I like spring best, because All flowers bloom together. spring, winter jasmine, plum.。.。.。 Contests. The peach blossom endure endure crowded crowded, a group of three, a group of five, like the cute little baby; from afar, like floating clouds from the hillside.


I most like the spring, because spring is a beautiful symphony. Small animal hibernation wake up from the dream. "Ji Ji", "cuckoo"。.。 This is the first symphony always make people intoxicated.


I most like the spring, because spring is a season of dreams. Square, children were flying kites happily. They run fast, kite with their vision and hope to fly high in the blue sky.。.。.。


I like spring best, it is not so hot in summer, not like autumn leaves, winter is also not so cold, let me enjoy the warmth and hope of spring.

英语作文 篇五

Sakura is the Japanese name for ornamental cherry trees, Prunus serrulata, and their blossoms. Cherry fruit (known as sakuranbo) come from a different species of tree.

Sakura, a well-known and ubiquitous symbol of Japan, are represented on all manner of consumer goods, including kimono, stationery, and dishware. Cherry blossoms are an enduring metaphor for the ephemeral nature of life, and as such are frequently depicted in art. There is at least one popular folk song, originally meant for the shakuhachi (bamboo flute), titled ”Sakura“, as well as a number of pop songs. ”Sakura“ is also a common Japanese female name.

Sakura is indigenous to the Himalayas and east Asia. Some trees can be found in China and Korea but the largest number and variety of sakura, more than 305 species, can be seen in Japan. Many of them were artificially hybridized or grafted by the Japanese many centuries ago.

”On the other hand, in China, cherry blossom is the symbol of feminine dominance, female beauty and sexuality. Additionally, the cherry blossom is the Chinese symbol of feminine principle and it also symbolizes love in the language of herbs. Interestingly, cherry blossom is the flower of the April in China, whereas in Japan, it is wisteria.“ Spring flowers of Japan

Japan's most beloved variety is the Somei Yoshino. Its flowers are nearly pure white, tinged with the palest pink, especially near the stem. The flowers bloom, and usually fall within a week, before the leaves come out. Therefore, the trees look nearly white from top to bottom. The variety takes its name from the village of Somei (now part of Toshima in Tokyo). It was developed in the mid- to late-19th century at the end of the Edo period and the beginning of the Meiji period. The Somei Yoshino is so widely associated with cherry blossoms that jidaigeki and other works of fiction often depict the variety in the Edo period or earlier; such depictions are anachronisms.

Other categories include yamazakura, yaezakura, and shidarezakura. The yaezakura have large flowers, thick with rich pink petals. The shidarezakura, or weeping cherry, has branches that fall like those of a weeping willow, bearing cascades of pink flowers.

Annually, the Japanese Meteorological Agency and general public track the sakura zensen, or Cherry-Blossom Front. Nightly forecasts follow the weather segment of news programs. The blossoming begins in Okinawa in January, and typically reaches Kyoto and Tokyo at the end of March or the beginning of April. Then it proceeds north, arriving in Hokkaidō a few weeks later. Japanese pay close attention to these forecasts. They will go to parks, shrines and temples with family and friends and hold a ”flower viewing party“ known as hanami. Hanami festivals celebrate the beauty of sakura, and for many, it is a chance to relax and enjoy the beautiful view. Hanami custom in Japan dates back to many centuries ago. It is witten in Nihon Shoki that the Hanami festival were already held in the 3rd century.

Most Japanese schools and public buildings have sakura trees outside of them. Since the fiscal and school year both begin in April, in many parts of Honshū, the first day of work or school will coincide with the cherry blossom season.

五年级英语Myfavouriteseason教学反思 篇六

一 教学分析


人教课标版教材的的编写以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,逐步引导学生能够运用英语完成由实际意义的语言任务,即:话题---功能---结构------任务。本课是人教课标版小学英语五年级下册Unit 2 My Favorite Season第一课时,包括A部分Let's Learn ,Let's star,Let's find out。主要学习四季单词并且简单描述自己喜欢的季节。内容与学生的生活联系密切。符合小学生兴趣的需求,易于学生理解和掌握。第二单元主要话题之一是season,所以首先应让学生掌握四季单词的名称,这是十分重要的,也是必要的,是接下来的话题学习的基础。


小学生的模仿力和记忆力强,爱玩、爱唱、爱游戏、爱活动,他们学习英语的基本形式是模仿,这就要求教师选择合适的方法,让学生易于接受。五年级学生在已学习了两年英语之后,具备了一定的英语知识,有自己独到的思维意识,重视在群体或伙伴交往中的地位和作用。因此,采用表演,对话交流以及任务型的教学模式进行学习语言,运用语言是最恰当的。学生在第四册Unit 4中已进行过weather的认知和应用。在第五册Unit 3关于食物的话题中曾接触过What’s your favorite fruit?语句,对本课时内容有了一些相关知识的储备。



二 教学目标

(一)知识与技能目标 知识目标:

1.会听说读写本课四会单词:spring, summer, fall, winter, season 。

2.会听说认读句子:What’s your favourite season?并能在实际情景中进行运用。 能力目标:

1.能够用What’s your favourite season?询问并表达最喜欢的季节。

2.引导学生注重小组合作学习,培养沟通和交流的。能力,让学生有兴趣用英语表达,能积极参加与课堂活动。 (二)过程与方法目标

运用交互式电子白板、flash、图片、视频等多媒体的方法与手段;通过创设情境、小组合作、TPR活动,等多种形式;采取激励策略,任务型教学和多层次评价促使学生多说、多练;在快乐、自主、合作、探究中学会关于季节的句型。 (三)情感态度、学习策略及文化目标:


三 教学重点和教学难点:


1.能够听说读写:spring, summer, fall, winter, season 等单词

2.能够听说认读句子:What’s your favourite season?并能在实际情景中进行运用。 难点:

1.“spring” “fall”的发音。

2.使学生能在真实的语境中熟练运用“What’s your favourite season?”

四 教学过程: (一)教学流程图

教师活动 学生活动


整合点一 动画说唱,激发兴趣

Step 1: Let’s chant and review

1、播放Let’s chant:(四年级下册Unit4) Mmm! It’s warm today! Take off your jacket! Phew! It’s hot today! Put on your T-shirt! Oooh! It’s cool today! Put on your sweater! Brrr! It’s cold today! Put on your coat! 配上形象的动作说唱,充分调动学生的积极性。


2、Use “ask and answer ”to lead in new lesson.


T:Which words about weather can you hear? (warm、hot、cool、cold)复习以前学过的内容。 T:What’s the weather like today?(It’s warm .) T:What’s your favorite weather ? (Warm days)

T: Do you know any other weather ? ( rainy , sunny , cloudy , snowy , windy)

教师呈现四季图片:What’s the weather like in this picture ? And what about this one ?教师将学生的回答有意识的分成四季进行板书,并将图片贴在相应的位置上。


整合点二 利用动画 趣学新知

学习四个季节的单词: (1) 播放动画和图片

T: We know there are four seasons in a year . Today we’ll learn something about season.

1、让学生猜出season的汉语意思,并尝试发音[si:], [zn]→[’si:zn]


Now look at the screen carefully, then answer my questions: What season is it?(播放春天动画) 学生认真看动画,回答问题。

T: 点击声音:“What season is it? ” T: It's spring. (教授单词spring ) T: Do you like spring? Why?

S3: Yes.The spring is green and warm,the flowers bloom.

(教师出示一首歌谣Spring,spring,spring,spring is green with flowers and songs.教师和学生一起吟唱。) 教学其他季节单词方法同上。





T:Ok, we know there are four seasons in a year, but my favorite season is spring, what's your favorite season?(板书句型并且教学)

Ss: ...

T: What's the weather like in...? Ss: It's...


整合点三 趣味操练 灵活运用

分层练习,从A – B –C 由易到难:

Task A: let’s guess / Let’s play / Let’s interview


Task B: Let’s make


整合点四 巩固拓展 分享收获

My Favorite Season英语作文 篇七

My favorite season is summer. I love it because it’s always full of sunshine. And I like swimming very much. In summer, I can play with my friends and classmates on the beautiful beach. I like summer because I can taste all kinds of delicious ice cream. But

sometimes it’s very hot. But anyway, I like summer the best.



My favourite season英语作文 篇八

Someone says he likes spring,for there are many flowers. Someone says he likes summer,he can go swimming.There are lots of people who like autumn,because there are a great many fruits to eat. But l like winter. l can go skating with my family.lf it snows,l can make a snowman. Though winter is the coldest season,the air is very clean,so l like it best.

我最爱的季节英语作文 篇九

Summer I like summer best. In summer,the weather is sunny and hot.I can eat my favourite food—ice creams!I'm very happy!I like swimming in the pool with my friends.In summer,the flowers are beautiful,the grss is very green.I can have a picnic with my parents.And we have fun! I like summer best!Do you like it,too?

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My Favorite Season我最喜欢的季节英语作文 (菁选优秀9篇
