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英语专四作文《能力》 (菁选【优秀7篇】

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英语专四作文《能力》 (菁选【优秀7篇】


能力 ,是完成一项目标或者任务所体现出来的素质。 人们在完成活动中表现出来的能力有所不同。是指顺利完成某一活动所必需的主观条件。能力是直接影响活动效率,并使活动顺利完成的个性心理特征。能力总是和人完成一定的实践相联系在一起的。离开了具体实践既不能表现人的能力,也不能发展人的能力。那么你知道能力用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。金笔头网的小编精心为您带来了7篇《英语专四作文《能力》 (菁选》,希望朋友们参阅后能够文思泉涌。

能力的英语作文 篇一

In the 21st century, human beings are in an era of information and knowledge. In such an era, interpersonal communication plays an increasingly important role. All people have to communicate with others.

Why is interpersonal communication so important first? Secondly, to help people understand each other better. It helps people get more information and knowledge. Thirdly, without interpersonal communication, our life is the most important It will eventually become a desert of emotion and friendship.

The communication between people makes our life lively, interesting and lovely. As a social animal, human beings must communicate with each other. This is very important.

Why is interpersonal communication so important? Interpersonal communication is like a bridge of understanding between people. If one can communicate with teachers and colleagues in the family, it is very important to communicate with each other More friendly communication between employers and employees helps to create a more effective working and family communication.



能力的英语作文 篇二

Students compete to get into the best universities in the belief that the degrees will give them a slight advantage in the job market when they graduate. a degree is regarded as proof that someone has a good education. therefore, some people regard diploma(毕业证)as a passport to an ideal job.

but a degree cannot be regarded as the only proof that someone has all the necessary skills.people with good human skills can manage relationships and are prepared to take responsibility.when students start university, academic degrees look certain to success.by contrast, degrees can appear much less useful, if graduates lack in human skills.clearly, people with high academic degrees and good human skills will have a passport to an ideal job. peoples performance shapes their benefits. remember, it takes students years to pursue academic degrees, while it takes graduates lifetime to acquire human skills.

能力的英语作文 篇三

As increasing significance is attached to well-rounded quality, the role played by reading has never been more highly regarded than nowadays due to its subtle yet profound influence toward the prosperity of personal growth, which serves as an indispensable part in the process of self education.

So why has the importance of reading attracted so much attention? The hidden reasons behind the phenomenon are as following: Primarily, it is worth noticing that the benefit derived from reading is obviously remarkable, enabling the reader to enrich his knowledge. What is more, we can not afford to overlook the fact that the role played by reading is essential, which ensures that the reader can keep up with the news. To a larger extent, there is no exaggeration to say that the importance of reading can not be more emphasized, which undoubtedly exerts positive effect toward habit of lifelong study.

To sum up, it boils down to that in order to keep pace with the development of the society, it is sensible for every individuals to enhance the awareness of reading as well as take practical measures, such as taking advantage of taking note and planning the reading list on monthly basis, so as to maintain the welfare and prosperity of personal improvement.




能力的英语作文 篇四

In China, the students have to take part in many exams, they need to get the high mark, so that they can enter the better school and have more chances to get to the college. Chinese education pays special attention to the score, it occupies important position, it seems that score decides the students’ future. In my opinion, score doesn’t mean everything, the score just proves that the students is good at studying, but not including his ability of other things. I have a classmate, he is good at studying, every time when he takes the exam, he almost can get the full mark, but he is week in hand work. When the teacher asks us to make some art work, he always fails and even doesn’t want to finish it. High score doesn’t mean overall ability, we should pay more attention to the ability of life, it can make sure us to be a better man.


能力的英语作文 篇五

When man first appeared on earth, he had advantages over other creatures. He had a large brain, an upright body and a pair of clever hands. These enabled him to make tools and make fire, which is vital in his struggle for existence. Furthermore, man invented languages which allowed him to communicate with his fellow men.

Up to the present, man has made tremendous achievements. He has invented all kinds of means of transportation to travel from place to place. He has conquered many diseases and prolonged his life span. He has also developed such new scientific and technological tools as laser, computer, not to mention the use of nuclear power and the landing on the moon. So there is no limit to man's ability to create miracles.

However, man is also faced with many challenges. The biggest is population explosion. With so many mouths to feed, food production can hardly keep up with population increase. Next comes the exhaustion of natural resources. Man has to think of the prospect that some day the world may run out of water and energy. Finally, man has to fight against enviromnental pollution for a clean world.

能力的英语作文 篇六

The Impact of the Computer on Writing Ability

As we can see, from left to right, there is a brush, a pen and a computer in the picture, which indicates the development of the way people write with. Under each one of them, there are two Chinese characters meaning “handwriting”。 Obviously, the two characters under the computer are not as beautiful as the rest ones, which implies that with the popularity of computer people’s writing ability has deteriorated.

This picture brings us the question whether we are going forward or backward after the popularity of computer. There is no doubt that our life has become much easier owing to the conveniences computer has brought. However, people have depended so much on computer that they can hardly do things well without it, which result in the degeneration in some abilities, such as writing ability and communication ability. In this sense, computer has made us go backward.

Alarmed by the issue reflected in the picture, we should do something to prevent ourselves from the side effects of computer. As far as I am concerned, we should limit the time we spend on computer and try to develop as many good habits as possible in spare time.

能力的英语作文 篇七

The influence of Internet on interpersonal communication when I saw a father and his daughter for the first time, I heard my father ask about his daughter's school life. To my surprise, the girl told her father to read her blog so that he could get what he wanted. The Internet plays an increasingly important role in our daily life, and it has a great impact on us, especially in me In our interpersonal communication.

On the one hand, the Internet makes our interpersonal communication more convenient. Whenever and wherever, the Internet can make full use of time and space, and can also share our daily life and knowledge with others through QQ, MSN and blog. On the other hand, we can speed up our interpersonal communication.

However, the Internet also brings many problems, such as security issues, cheating, etc. anyone who spends too much time on the Internet does not have time to interact with people in real life, which leads to the lack of communicative competence in reality. There are both advantages and disadvantages to interact through the Internet.

We can solve problems in work and study, but it is not limited to that we must talk with people and develop our communication ability in reality.




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英语专四作文《能力》 (菁选【优秀7篇】
