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疫情英语作文 篇一

This year's Spring Festival is an unforgettable one in my student life. This Spring Festival, China attracts the world's attention in a special way. However, Wuhan is not alone. It is difficult for one side to mobilize all over the country. Looking at all parts of the country, I walk in the opposite direction, and I am full of tears when I go to the "epidemic area" for materials and leave my family at the risk of my life and go to the battlefield for medical personnel. Moreover, Chinese people are not alone. There is a "epidemic" at home, which links the hearts of Chinese people and overseas friends around the world. A news report shows that all the tickets on the plane flying to China from abroad are sold, but there is not a passenger on the plane. On each seat, there are aid materials sent back to China by overseas chizi. The sudden epidemic has witnessed the cohesion and purchasing power of the Chinese people in the world! In less than half a month, masks, alcohol and other items around the world have been "snapped up" by the Chinese people! Where there is a shortage of medical materials, there is a Chinese figure.

The short-term "epidemic" can only scare the cowards. A war "epidemic" let the world see the backbone of the Chinese people. I am Chinese, I am proud. One spring festival, I feel the temperature of my home at home, a month's rest, also let me learn self-discipline.

2022年有关疫情的英语作文 篇二

Today, the number of confirmed pneumonia is 77041, the cumulative number of deaths is 2445, and the cumulative number of cured pneumonia is 22936. This is my father reading out this painful fact with his thick voice. Every morning, no matter who is in the family, the first sentence of the mobile phone is like this. Every day, listening to the live condition of New Coronavirus pneumonia is almost the habit of our family. The increasing numbers, like a heavy hammer, hit my heart. The whole country seems to have entered the dark from the light because of this small virus. It has become the legal obligation of every citizen to stay at home all day.

Early in the morning, the first ray of sunshine shone into the room and hit the warm face. Zhong Nanshan, a thunderous name, resounded throughout the country. It shines like a ray of sunshine, giving everyone hope and light in their hearts. He was the leader of the former combating war, and now the leader of New Coronavirus pneumonia. After discovering the epidemic, he immediately responded to the call and joined the team to fight the epidemic. Not only he, but also thousands of people like him who have made great contributions to the fight against the epidemic. Those angels in white volunteered to come to the front line of the fight against the epidemic, treat those patients and contribute to the dawn of China; Those people's policemen, who stick to their posts and never leave, contribute their part to the dawn of China; Those ordinary people, taking the initiative to provide materials for the soldiers on the front line, are also contributing their part to the epidemic control of the new coronavirus. With the joint efforts of millions of people, the Chinese people have united as one and made contributions to the fight. Behind this darkness, there is always a glimmer of dawn. I believe the dawn of fighting the epidemic is not far away!

And what can we do?

Only to study hard, only to enrich themselves, only to make themselves better and contribute to the prosperity of the Chinese nation in the future. In this epidemic, we can help very little, but I believe that after this, our new generation of Chinese citizens will also give their part.

Dawn is not far away. Come on, China!

抗击疫情英语作文 篇三

Look at the bravest and loveliest people on the battlefield - Angels in white. In spite of the danger, they perform their duties as doctors and stick to their posts all the time. They infect everyone in the battlefield with fearless courage, firm belief and amazing perseverance.

When we enter their hearts, we will know that the angels in white are not easy, they also have family members, they will also have concerns about home, and there will be a flash of worry in their hearts: in case I am infected, what should my children do But more importantly, as a white angel, their sense of mission and responsibility made them sacrifice too much and insisted on the belief of saving lives. They rush to the forefront of the battlefield and fight directly against the virus. Let's salute the angels in white!

抗击疫情的英语作文 篇四


Winter vacation is coming, we go back home as usual.


At home, there are "crackling" firecrackers and fireworks every day. In the early hours of every morning, the gunfire rang through the sky, and the acrid smoke burst into the sleeping room, which made me sleep all night. The next morning, looking down, the ground of the ancestral hall is really "the red wet place at dawn, the flower is heavy in the city of Jinguan!" I tell you, this is not a flower, but a thick layer of red paper left last night! After a brief complaint, I'm still very happy. Because every day can take the red bag, but also can bake the sweet potato to eat.


Originally, we planned to return to Dongguan on the 7th day of the first month, but the plan did not change quickly. Due to the spread of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus in Hubei Province, we were forced to return to Dongguan on the 2nd day of the first month.


Now, I can't go out to play, eat out, go to the movies All kinds of "can't" have come. When you have to go out, you have to "arm" yourself. But after reading all kinds of news reports, I understand why to do so. Because of pneumonia, Wuhan has been closed, vehicles and personnel are not allowed to enter. And those white angels who are fighting in the front line work day and night, and with their mission, pull one pneumonia patient after another back from the edge of death. Salute the angel in white! Pray to Wuhan! Salute to China!


Dad said, "no game! Game has virus! "


I said: "villagers can't set off firecrackers, fireworks and pollute the environment like competitions!"


I, my father and my mother said together: "and you, pneumonia, go back if you have nothing! Don't harm the people again! "

对抗疫情英语作文 篇五

Before the Spring Festival, my mother told me: "now there is a kind of New Coronavirus, the country has not yet developed drugs for this virus, so we have to go out less." Since then, I found that my father seems to have changed.

My father is a doctor. When I heard of the outbreak, I seldom saw him. Every time he comes home, he just stays at home for 30 minutes. I call him "30 minutes dad"。

The "Ding Dong" doorbell rang.

Mother said, "it must be dad who came back." My brother and I sprinted to the door and opened the door for my father. As soon as he entered the house, I immediately took my brother two meters away from my father. My father looked at us and smiled and began to disinfect himself. After Dad "handled" himself and entered the house, our house became lively like a vegetable market.

Grandpa smiled and poured a cup of hot tea for his father. His 3-year-old brother jumped on the sofa like a happy monkey. Mom and grandma happily brought steaming meals from the kitchen. Dad couldn't catch up with the meal every time he came back, so he had to sit at the table alone. Looking at the back of my father eating alone, I love him very much. The back of "30 minutes dad" is like a high mountain, blocking the dangerous "thousands of troops", safe and warm.

I know that my father is in close contact with patients face to face every day. He is worried about the virus on his clothes and is afraid of infecting us. He wants to protect us. The whole family supports his work very much. Dad went back to the hospital after dinner and worked overtime.

The slogan of "epidemic" in our family is: wash hands frequently, drink more water, wear masks when going out, and don't go out.

抗击疫情英语作文 篇六

This winter vacation, the sudden new pneumonia disrupted the pace of people's celebration of the Spring Festival, especially in Wuhan, a serious epidemic area, a large number of people's livelihood diseases led to doctors' emergency, beds' emergency, medical supplies' emergency, and a war without gunpowder is starting.

The virus has no lover. Every change of the epidemic affected the hearts of the people of the whole country and even the people of the world: neighboring Japan not only did not refuse Chinese tourists to enter China, but also gave a large number of medical materials to our country; overseas students tried their best to raise masks and transport them back to China at the first time; medical students and nurses from all over the world left their families and rushed to the front line to cure the disease and save the people, and they worked day and night, tired and trapped Lying on the table and resting on the ground for a while, Huzhou's 83 year old grandfather made a living by picking up rubbish, but he did not hesitate to donate the ten thousand yuan saved by frugality; an uncle from Anhui ran into the police station, threw 500 masks, turned around and left, silently giving his love

Looking at the warm stories on the Internet, I am deeply moved and would like to offer a love and do my best to help those in need. However, I have neither protective equipment to donate, nor the ability to cure the disease and save people. What should I do? Just when I was sad, Dad smiled and pointed out a way for me - online donation. So, I quickly took out 130 yuan of class scholarship that I earned through my hard work last semester, and asked my father to donate through the online donation platform of Ningbo Charity Federation. After receiving it, the Charity Federation gave me a donation certificate! Although the money was not much, it was my own income from labor, which represented my intention.

I believe that the difficulty is only temporary. Through our joint efforts, we will win the war against the virus and usher in a warm spring day as soon as possible.

抗击疫情英语作文 篇七

The Spring Festival in 2020, in the hearts of all Chinese people, is destined to be a memorable memory forever. The novel coronavirus's raging force makes the bell ring for the old and new year more heavy, and the mask on people's faces makes the Spring Festival feel cold.

This winter, the plum blossom is still quietly open; this winter, the blue sky is still bright and clean; this winter, Wuhan is very difficult, but the people of the whole country are very difficult. On this special day, we would like to follow the doctor 's advice and stay at home quietly. We are worried about Wuhan, we are happy with the increase of cured cases, and we are worried about people in Wuhan.

At the same time, there are a group of people, they are rushing forward, using their ordinary bodies to build a fortress for the hundreds of millions of Chinese people behind them. They leave their small homes for everyone, sleepless, fighting in the forefront of this battlefield without smoke of gunpowder. They are the most beautiful rebels from all over the country. They are the most beautiful pioneers in the new era. They are amiable and respectable angels in white.

Among these people, there is an 84 year old academician named Zhong Nanshan. 17 years ago, the old academician fought in the forefront of anti Africa and made great contributions to the fight against SARS. 17 years later, he was ordered to take the high-speed railway to Wuhan and go to the front line of fighting the epidemic again. Professor Dong zongqi, 86, sat in a wheelchair and saw more than 30 patients in the morning. He said, "my life is to save people"; Professor Li Lanjuan, 73, knew that the country was in trouble. She did not hesitate to go to Wuhan and firmly said her oath: "I intend to stay in Wuhan for a long time and fight with the medical staff there!"

There() is no time in this world that is quiet, just because someone is carrying the weight for us. There is no natural hero in this world. Only because people need, can someone be willing to sacrifice themselves to become a hero.

Although I don't know who they are, I know who they are for. They may not be rich, or even poor; they may not be tall, or even thin; they may not be bright, or even a little humble, their image in my heart is so fuzzy, but their spirit in my heart is so bright; regardless of life and death, do not ask for return, they stick to silently, guard health, protect life.

Ordinary we can't reach the front battlefield to fight against the virus. We can only do our logistical work well, not going out, not going out, washing hands frequently, wearing masks, so as not to give them trouble, and wish them a safe and early victory.

Rainbow as evidence, eternal, I want to sing. For the joy of life, all things sing of your love, and the earth speaks of your kindness.

关于疫情的英语优秀作文 篇八

With the coming of the NewYear.People all over the country are immersed in an atmosphere of happiness. In the meantime,a war without smoke is about to begin. In WuHan,CHINA.Because people are greedy and do not take the law seriously,people were infected with the new virus from the wild animal.The virus spreads very quickly.Many people died in a short time.WuHan has become a major disaster area.After a short while,the virus began to spread throughout CHINA.The stmosphere of happiness was gradually replaced by panic and sadness.It is the Spring Festival holiday,the turnover is huge.This make the disease more difficult to control.The national government took active measures to control the disease.In these difficult times,we know and familiar with many selfless people.They are front-line workers,hard working behind the scenes,medical staff volunteers and so on.Even the elderly ZhongNanShan academician also insisted on the first line.People all over the country donated money and materials for the disasterareas.They all have a heart of dedication and responsibility.The whole nation is confident to win the war without smoke.Behind this outbreak we see the unity of chinese people.It also sees some serious problems.Many people don't obey the law and take some extent,this is reflected in the inadequate supervision of some national departments.I sincerely hope that the state department will improve their supervision.Let lwabreakers have no opportunity to do some harmful things.As a chinese citizen,we must obey the law and spread positive energy in society.As the new youth of the new age,we should actively maintain social harmony and contribute to the prospercity of the country.
















