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汉译英的优美句子 百度_优美句子

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汉译英的优美句子 百度_优美句子


汉译英的优美句子 百度 第1张


The morning of November 1 Lotus Hill Park, the sun bright, and we nearly 40 Shenzhen Daily English small press here excited about the arrival of the activities of small-press oath. Along the way we are very happy. After we went to the Lotus Hill, the first, and all other personnel in place, and then we started to climb the. In the mountain the way I have been very excited. In Up on the hilltop, we rested a bit first, and then we began to swear by. Another is a collective photo. Finally, we come down the number of batches. And then return to school. 上面就是翻译了






这就是Chinese english,外国人有他们自己的语言习惯的


暑假我有幸去北京观运会, I'm lucky to watch Beijing Olympics in this Summer holiday.北京非常的干净处都可以看到奥运的标志。

Beijing is so clean, we can see the signs of Olympics everywhere.我觉我印象最深的是志愿者,你甚至可以在任何地方看到他们。


Volunteers strongly impress me.You can find them everywhere. they're friendly and warm-hearted.去场馆看比赛的交通是非常方便的,最好的选择是坐地铁。

The transportation to watch games is very convienient. the best choice to take the Subway.这是一场足球的半决赛。

this is the semi-final of Football 这里座无虚席 here the seats all fully occupied.这是田竞比赛。

this is the track and field competition.这是北京奥运专线的地铁。


this is the subway exclusively used for Beijing Olymipics, full of Chinese characters.这是在奥林匹克公园里的麦当劳 this is the Mcdonald in Olympic Park.是全世界最大的麦当劳,有1000多个座位 it's the biggest Mcdonald shop in the world, with more than 1000 seats.这是篮球比赛场馆。

是不能带水进入的,所以里面有许多商店 this is the basketball stadium. water is not allowed to bring in. so there're many shops inside.这是韩国队对澳大利亚队,之后是美国女篮。


this is the match between South Korea and Australia. the next will the American Woman basketball. Many NBA stars also come to this spot. 最后这张是一个北京奥运标志在长城上the last one is a Beijing Olympic sign on The Great Wall

汉译英 句子 急用









画画让我觉得很享受,尤其是当看到简单的线条被赋予了色彩,被赋予了活力,仿佛充满了生命力,让我不得不感叹设计的神奇和有趣 i like drawing since i were young and cartoon is my favourite. watching cartoons can bring happyness and imagination moreover, it is a combination of painting and computer design which is filled with challenge and creativity. Painting satisfied me with great enment especially when the simple lines become vivid under my pen. 我的父亲是一位军人,同时也是一位作曲家,曾经为,蒋大为,等歌手作过曲,在移动公司上班,是公司宣传队的舞蹈演员,可以说,我出生在一个艺术之家i was born in a family of art. my father is a soldier as well as a composer who has composed for some famous singer such as zhangye, manwenjun and jiangdawei. although my mother worked in the china mobile company, she is a dancer.3。

我认为XX大学有着悠久的人文历史和良好的学术氛围,在这里深造一直是,并且一直为之奋斗,相信在这里,我可以提高自己的综合素质,并且不断开阔自己的眼界 Further more,我非常热爱我的专业,相信在这一领域继续学习,研究,是一件非常快乐的事情 it has always been a dream for me to study here since its long history and great academic atmosphere. I believe studying at here will enable me to expand my view and develop myself.4 。

来复试的每个同学都很优秀,每个人都有自己的特点everyone around me is excellent, they all has their own advantage.如果没考上会怎样

我会以积极的心态面对各种可能的结果,相信总有自己发挥才干的地方、太阳依旧升起 if I was t good eugh to get the chance to study here, I will continue working hard with positive attitude and I believe I will be brilliant some where.6.在完成学校规定的各项课程之余,可以不断提高自己的绘画水平和设计能力,尽可能多选修一些学科,以提高自己的综合素质, If possible, 我会利用课余时间,多去一些实习,以提高自己的实践能力 I will try my best to improve my painting and designing ability by complete the compulsory course and do more practice in some design compony.7. 我想从事与美术相关的行业,可能是设计师,抑或是艺术研究者。

当然,若有机会,我希望能够继续深造,实现个人价值 I wanna do jobs which is relevant to art, maybe designer or do some research about art. If possible, I wanna do further study in order to realize myself.8.喜欢读哪方面的书

喜欢读关于绘画的书,散文,以及人物传记 I like books about painting. What else, I do enjoy reading beautiful essay and biographies. 9.我的偶像是俞敏洪,因为他是一个勤奋,待人宽厚,在挫折面前不屈不挠的人,并且最后取得了成功 my idol is Yuminhong, I admire him because he is a diligent person and never give up. The most important is that he know the meaning of mercy and finally succeed.10. 如果能考上研究生,如何像本科一样,不断提高专业上的水平,并且取得优异的成绩。

11.上了研究生之后,如何协调好理论与实践的关系,对于一个综合型人才来说,理论与实践都是不可缺少的,如何在有限的时间内达到两者的平衡,我正在积极的协调当中 after being admitted, I will try my best to balance the theory and practice.12.我认为应该利用自己的专业知识,在所学领域有所突破,为学校出一份力,为社会作贡献。

in my opinion, I should take advantage of my professional knowledge to achieve a specific goal in academic field in order to contribute to school and society.13.在我看来,最好的大学应该有着开放,自由的学术环境,悠久的人文历史,并且和国内外有着广泛的交流。

I think the best university should has great academic atmosphere and long history with frequent communication from abroad.14.是的,因为随着社会不断的发展,对于城市的规划,以及艺术设计都有着更多的需求,伴随着我国第三产业的迅速发展,我所学的专业会与社会联系的更加紧密,很有发展前景 yeah~ with the development of society the demand of fabulous designer is growing. Thus, my major will be more closer to the society which is quite prospective.15. 我想即便是有这么一个机会,我也不会去改变,因为我非常喜欢我的专业 Since my love to my major, I won’t change whenever and wherever.16.喜欢关于描述亲情方面的电影,例如《当幸福来敲门》《天堂电影院》,每次看到这类影片,都会让人感动,深受启发,提醒自己亲情真的是无价的 I like movie about the love in family, for example, the pursuit of happiness. Every time I watch it, I was deeply touched. From the movie, I know that the love from family is priceless.17.只要是好的音乐,我都会喜欢,尤其喜欢轻音乐和爵士乐 my favorite music is light music and jazz.(此类问题可举例,也可说说喜欢的原因,例如release pressure, relax oneself…~)18.我打算学习更多的艺术史论知识以及提高自身的软件设计能力 I plan to learn more theory about art history and more software to improve my ability of designing.19.现在就业问题已经是个社会大问题了,找不到工作的人普遍存在,当然大学生也不例外,但是我不会气馁,因为我相信只要付出,就会有回报,只不过回报有可能来的晚一些,我始终相信一句话,机会总是留给有准备的人 I believe, chance are always wait for people who has prepared well. Though finding a good job is very hard, I won’t give up easily. I think, once you paid, you will gain someday sooner or later.20.我平时在网上做兼职来接一些小的设计项目,来承担我的学费 I do some simple design online in order to afford my tuition.21.我曾经在武汉XX动画公司实习过半年 I have worked in Wuhan XX company for half a year.22.、我非常期待能尽快见识到各位老师授课的风采,请问院里有哪些主要的课程呢


I’m looking forward to see the professors. And , I have a question, what are the major courses in the college? How many can I choose?23.这个问题我目前还欠研究,虽然现在不太了解,但是上研之后,一定跟随老师把这个问题好好的钻研清楚 eh… this is really a hard question. I haven’t considered it before. While, if I have to say , I think(给出自己观点,针对外教。


)如果按原句翻译,后面可以说while, once I was admitted, I will do some research with my tutor.24.谢谢各位老师,我的回答完了 以上就是我个人对这个问题的看法Thank you, this is all my opinions. Thanks for your time and patience.

汉译英 句子 请英语好点的给答案

1. In the long run, what we most concern is how to deal with the on-going financial crisis.2. For farmers wherever they may be, autumn is the ideal season for harvesting.3. He has experienced little difficulty or hardship except when he was a child.4. When it comes to keeping the current law and order, the actions that the government has taken are far from enough.



汉译英的优美句子 百度_优美句子
