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An Announcement(通知)

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An Announcement(通知)


An Announcement(通知)

  Attention, please. I have something to announce. On May 1st, that is next Saturday, we will visit the Windows of the World. That day we will gather at the school gate at 8 o'clock in the morning and then set out by bus. Everyone is asked to wear school uniform and bring water and lunch with you. And all of us need to hand in 30 yuan as the entrance fee. After entering the Windows of the World, we can visit freely and take photos.

  We will return by bus at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Don't be late.

  That's all. Thank you.




  May I have your attention, please? Next Saturday we will pay a visit to the Windows of the World. So we should gather at the school gate at 8 a. m.on May 1st. And then we will go there by bus. All of us are asked to hand in 30 yuan for the ticket, wear school uniform and take water and lunch by ourselves. After getting into the Windows of the World, we can visit freely and take photos.

  We will get back at 6 p. m. by bus. Don't be late.

  That's all. Thank you for your attention.




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An Announcement(通知)
