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  某班即将召开 “How can you be a good child?” 主题班会,请你根据下面所给的提示及要求,准备一段演说稿。(演说稿的开头已给出,不计入总词数) 提示:

  1. What should you do at school?

  2. What can you do to give help at home? 要求:

  1. 演说稿必须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。

  2. 演说稿中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。

  3. 演说稿不少于60词。

  Well, to be a good child, I should study hard at school. I must listen to the teachers carefully. I should also be friendly to others and take part in all kinds of activities. At home, after I finish my homework, I can help my parents clean the house, wash the dishes and clothes. I should always be polite to them and talk with them as often as possible. And on their birthdays, I will give them presents or do something special to show my love.


  根据中文和英文提示,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出, 其词数不计入所完成的回信内。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。

  假设你叫李利,是英国中学生大卫的笔友。你收到了他的来信,请你给他写一封回信,回答他的问题, 并就这些问题谈谈你的认识和对学校生活的感受。

  Hi! David,

  I’m glad to get your letter and I’d like to tell you everything.

  Our school life has two different sides. On one hand, our teachers are really strict with us. We stay at school for about 7 or 8 hours a day. And we usually spend two hours doing our homework after class. On the other hand, our teachers love us very much, so they want us to be perfect. At school, we study so many subjects and they are both useful and interesting. Our homework helps us review what we’ve learned in class. It’s really necessary.

  In a word, our school life is busy but happy. I enjoy my school life very much.

  I hope what I’ve said can help you.


  Li Li


  成长中每个人都受到周围的人帮助。在你即将初中毕业之际,班里召开以 “Thank You” 为主题的英语班会,请你准备发言稿。描述你要感谢的一位同学(Wang Hong),简单陈述理由,并谈谈感受。

  Wang Hong is tall and thin. He likes reading very much and he is very good at English. We often went to the library together. We sometimes borrowed the same English book. Whenever I had problems in reading, he would explain to me. My English improved with his help. Now we are leaving school. I often think of the days we spent together. These unforgettable days will be my sweet memories of the last three years. I would like to take the chance to say thank you, my friend.


  相声是中国传统的一种幽默艺术形式。请结合下面所提供的要点用英语写一篇文章,介绍“中国的相声(Chinese crosstalk)”。

  1.清朝时期形成于北京,之后流行于全国各地;2. 表演形式分单口、对口和群口三种;3.随着现代文化的发展,相声文化已经复苏。

  Chinese Crosstalk

  Crosstalk is a traditional art form, which is a kind of Chinese humor. It is said that it came into being first in Beijing during the Qing Dynasty and spread across China quickly.

  Crosstalk is usually performed by two people, but it can also be performed by one person or even a group of people. The performers will try their best to make fun of the funny people or things by playing with words skillfully.

  With the development of modern culture, crosstalk has come back to life again. Although there are hundreds of traditional crosstalk pieces, modern crosstalk artists create many new wonderful pieces to suit the audience’s tastes, so more and more people begin to enjoy the art form.


  传统文化的继承To Inherit the Tradition

  Today, we live in the modern world, most things we do can use the machine. The technology brings so many convenience to us, it facilitates our life. As we are facing the new products all the time, the traditional things are fading away. Take the paper-cut for example. When I was very small, paper-cut was so popular in my grandma’s generation, most women could cut all kinds of interesting shapes. While today when I went back to my hometown, I found that most of them had stopped cutting papers, because they could buy them at the very low price. What’s more, the young people don’t learn such art, for the parents think it is not necessary for their children to learn the old-fashion thing. The tradition should not be abandoned, it is the reflection of our culture. Even facing the challenge, we need to inherit the tradition.

  今天,我们生活在摩登时代,我们可以使用机器做大部分的事情。科技给我们带来了很多方便,它便利了我们的生活。我们每天都面对着新产品,传统的东西正在慢慢消失。以剪纸为例。在我很小的时候,在我祖母的那一代,剪纸很受欢迎,大多数女性可以剪出各种有趣的形状。现在当我回到家乡时,我发现他们中的大多数已经停止剪纸,因为他们可以以很低的价格购买。更重要的是,年轻人不了解这种艺术, 以为父母认为他们的孩子没有必要去学习这种不时髦的东西。传统不应该被放弃,这是我们文化的反映。甚至面临挑战,我们仍然需要继承传统。


  失败并不可怕 Failure Is Not Terrible

  I did very bad in the mid-term exams two weeks ago. After that, my life seemed to be so dark and hard. My parents felt disappointed to me, and they always told me to study during my free time. I couldn't watch TV for more than half an hour and I couldn't search the Internet or play games. Besides, I feel depressed and I almost lost my heart. But yesterday, my friend came to see me. She knew I was not happy. She encouaged me that nothing is impossible. If I could try hard from now on, I would do good in my study. Where there is a will, there is a way. Only confidence and hardwork can pull me out from failure. If I want to be good as before, I have to let this failure go and restart again.




  Last weekend, I helped my grandparents their trip to Beidaihe.

  On Saturday morning, together with my grandparents, I searched the Internet for the train schedule, the weather in Beidaihe, and some hotel information. In the afternoon, I went to the train station and managed to buy two tickets for my grandparents although there was a long queue. After dinner, I packed into the suitcase the things my grandparents need, such as clothes, glasses, an umbrella, and a map.

  The next morning, I went to the station to see them off. Waving goodbye to them on the platform, I felt happy for them and myself and wished them a safe journey.


  网上交友的风险The Danger of Making Friends Online

  As the development of high technology, people count on the computer so much, some people even stay at home all the time and use the computer to order the thing to support their lives. Making friends online is a fast and easy way for people to know others, they can chat whatever they want and don’t have to make time to know each other. But such way of making friends is dangerous, people may be cheated. We can see the news that people were cheated by the online friends and lost a lot of money, even their lives. Internet is a big world, there is no way for people to know what kind of person the other people are, so don’t count on the Internet so much.















