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一、单项选择 (20分)
1. Your clothes look lovely on you. Are they __________ animal fur?
A. make of B. make by C. made of D. make of
2. If people find baby pandas alone, they will __________.
A. take it away B. take them away
C. took them away D. take away
3. He continued __________ English after a rest.
A. to read B. to reading C. reads D. read
4 Can you learn English_______? No,I can’t.
A.on your own B. on one’s own
C.in your own D. by your own
5. Six years __________, she grew __________ a beautiful young lady.
A. later; into B. late; into C. later; in D. late; in
6. __________ of the girls has a beautiful dress.
A. Both B. Every C. All D. Each
7. He came to school late again this morning __________ heavy traffic.
A. because B. why C. if D. because of
8. There __________ elephants if we don’t protect them.
A. won’t be any B. will have to
C. won’t be some D. will be some
9. The old woman walked __________a rainforest carefully.
A. through B. cross C. across D. over
10. I __________ to sleep until I __________ my homework last night.
A. didn’t go; finish doing B. went; finishing doing
C. didn’t go; finished doing D. didn’t go; finishing to do
11. What made him sad was the __________ of his wallet.
A. lost B. losing C. loss D. lose
12. The dog has five or six babies __________.
A. at one time B. at a time C. in time D. on time
13. The number of the students in our school is getting __________.
A. more and more B. least and least
C. larger and larger D. small and smaller
14. The work is too difficult for Mr. Zhu to finish in a week. He needs __________ days.
A. more two B. two more C. two another D. another more
15. If farmers cut down trees, giant pandas will have nowhere __________.
A. to live on B. to live in C. to live D. to live at
16. There __________ more air pollution if people use more and mor e cars.
A. will be B. has C. will have D. is
17. We can see __________ and __________ in Australia.
A. sheeps, kangaroos B. sheep; kangaroo
C. sheep; kangaroos D. sheep; kangarooes
18. We didn’t play football __________ it rained heavily yesterday afternoon.
A. so B. becau se C. because of D. as
19. The clothes made of animal fur look nice __________ my mother.
A. on B. in C. about D. with
20. The baby __________ 4 months enjoys smiling at people.
A. in B. on C. for D. at

二、完形填空 (10分)
Mr. Jenkins lives in a town. He works in a museum. There are a lot of old wo nderful things in it. He likes his work and _____21_____ goes to work on time.
One day he left his office at twelve. He went to eat something. As soon as he went out of the gate, he met an old friend of _____22_____. They hadn’t seen each other for about five years. Of course they were very _____23_____. His friend asked him for dinner. In a restaurant they _____24_____ a lot. Then his friend said, “Perhaps you’re drunk n ow. Let me help you to your _____25_____.”
“No, no,” said Mr. Jenkins. “My office is only two minutes’ walk. I _____26_____ go there myself.”
When his friend left, he felt _____27_____ to stand. He was afraid to be late and stopped a taxi. When he got on, the driver asked, “Where are you going, sir?”
“_____28_____ the Park Street.”
“Oh! _____29_____, sir,” the driver said in a hurry. “It’s just the Park Street.”
“OK!” Mr. Jenkins said and got off. He brought out some money and threw it to the driver. He _____30_____, “But don’t drive so fast next time!”
21. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. seldom
22. A. he B. him C. his D. himself
23. A. happy B. angry C. sorry D. surprised
24. A. took B. got C. drank D. bought
25. A. home B. house C. factory D. office
26. A. must B. should C. can D. have to
27. A. difficult B. easy C. happy D. afraid
28. A. From B. To C. Over D. Up
29. A .Thank you B. Sorry C. Certainly D. I’d love to
30. A. asked B. said C. told D. shouted
三、阅读理解 (10分)
Leopards (豹) live in many parts of the world , from Siberia to Africa .They have a very beautiful yellow skin with large black spots. They live for about 15 years and eat small mammals (哺乳动物) such as zebr as, monkeys, and antelopes (羚羊) .They sleep for about 12 hours a day. Leopards are very solitary(独居的)animals. Th ey spend most of their time alone in trees, where they wait until a small animal passes. They jump on the animal and then drag it up into the tree, where they eat it.
Like many animals, leopards are disappearing because people hunt them. They kill them for their beautiful coats. The Sinai leopard, for example, from Egypt, is now probably extinct (绝种的).

31. How long does a leopard usually live?
A. Fifty weeks B. Fifteen months C. Twelve days D. Fifteen years
32. Leopards __________.
A. live in family groups B. live alone
C. live together D. live with other animals
33. Leopards spend much time in tree because they want to __________.
A. sleep B. jump
C. wait and catch small mammals D. rest
34. Which is not true?
A. Leopards have beautiful fur B. Leopards eat animals and plants
C. Leopards sleep 12 hours a day D. The Sinai leopard probably extinct
35. Why do people hunt leopards? Because __ ________.
A. they kill them for their meat B. they attack people all the time
C. they are dangerous D. they kill them for their coats
There is a small island ca lled “Snake Island” at Bohai Sea. There are many different kinds of snakes on the island. Some of them are dangerous, and some are not.
No people live on the island. But some scientists visit the island every year. Do you know why? They go there to catch snakes and study them. they get poisonous liquid (毒液) from the snakes’ teeth and make them into useful medicine.
In fact, no snake is dangerous. If you don’t disturb it, it won’t hit you. But many people catch snakes. They sell them to restaurants to make money and people in restaurants kill them for food. We people are actually more dangerous than animals.
We must save animals. We must try our best to prevent people from killing them.

36. All the snakes on the Snake Island are poisonous.
37. The snake is a kind of useful animal.
38. The snake’s poisonous liquid is in its back.
39. People are more dangerous than animals.
40. We must stop people from catc hing snakes.

四、填空 (20分)
41. When the baby was born, she w__________ 3 kilograms.
42. Everyone should take action to p__________ the wild animals.
43. If we go on keeping the land, many more wild animals won’t s__________.
44. Many hunters kill wild animals only for their f__________.
45. After a strong wind, the ground was full of fallen l__________

46.He started_______(look) after himself when he was only 6 years old.
47.Jill says she will arrive on the _______(follow) day.
48.I guess there are _______(mouse) in the kitchen.
49.What’t the ______(weigh)of the horse?
50.Don’t touch these animal . They are _____(danger).
五、同义句转换 (10分)
51. The bad news made him sad.
She was sad__________ __________ the bad news
52. I will stay at home. It will rain tomorrow(用if和并句子)
__________ ,__________.
53. The old man lives in a wooden house alone.
The old man lives in a house __________ __________ __________.
54. He went to school when he was seven years old.
He went to school __________ __________ __________ __________ seven.
55. The animal with the name Xi Wang is a panda.
The animal __________ Xi Wang is a panda.

六、翻译句子 (10分)
56. 请不要带走幼小的动物。
Please don’t __________ the baby animals __________.
57. 如果人类不离开保护区,动物们将无处容身。
If people don’t leave the reserves, animals will __________ __________ __________ __________.
58. 如果参加野生动物俱乐部,你会了解更多有关野生动物的信息。
If you don’t __________ the Wild Animal Club, you __________ __________ __________ about the wild animals.
59. 如果猎人来了,老虎妈妈会保护她的孩子的。
If hunters come, the mother tiger will __________ __________ her bab ies.
60. 如果没有了竹笋和竹叶,熊猫将很难生存。
It’s very __________ for giant pandas to __________ without __________ shoots or __________.

七、用方框中词的适当形式填空 (10分)

see find wait long happy
fly with late mouse safe

One day a snake was looking for food. She _____61_____ a hole and went into it. “Hooray! It’s a house for mice,” she said to herself _____62_____. There she saw some little babies of mice. “They are good dinner for me!” She came to them and asked, “Where are your parents?” the babies answered, “They went out for food.” “Good!” said the snake. “Listen, I came here _____63_____ your parents and tell them not to steal people’s grain (谷物) any _____64_____, or I will kill you all.” The little mice worried about their own _____65_____. “Don’t be afraid. My body is like the hole. It is a safe place. When I open my mouth, you can come into it one by one. Then we _____66_____ your parents to come back. Are you clear?” The little mice came into the snake from her mouth one by one.
A moment _____67_____, the _____68_____ parents came back with some grain. Just then they found a snake in their room and they asked, “Who are you? Why did you come into our house? Where are ou r babies?” The snake answered coldly, “Your babies are in my body. Don’t you want to see them?” _____69_____ these words, the snake _____70_____ at the mice.

八、任务型阅读 (10分)
The polar bear is a very big white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives inside the Arctic Circle near the North Pole. There are no polar bears at the South Pole.
At the North Pole there is only snow, ice and water. There is not any land. The polar bear lives in the snowy and icy world. You cannot see the polar bear in the snow because its coat is yellow-white. It has a very warm coat because of the cold weather in the Arctic Circle.
The bear is 3m long and it weighs 450kg. It can stand up on its back legs because it has very wide feet. It can use its front legs as arms. The polar bear can swim 120 kilometers in the water. It catches fish and sea animals for food. It goes into the sea when it is in danger.
Some people kill the polar bear for its beautiful white coat. The governments of Canada and the United States say that no one is allowed to kill polar bears now. they do not want all of these beautiful animals to die.

The Polar Bear
Appearance 1. big, yellow-white, _____71_____ long
Living place 2. lives inside the ______72_____ _____73______ near the North Pole.
Ability 3. can stand up on its ______74_____ ______75_____, use its front legs as ______76_____, swim well and ______77_____ fishes
Food 4. fish and ______78_____ _____79______
Danger 5. people kill it for its _____80______

九、首字母填空 (10分)附加题
Fire is quite useful in our everyday life but it can be very d_____81_____. So we must keep away all the things which can easily catch f_____82_____. We should be c_____83_____ with matches. Don’t put a_____84_____ hot into the rubbish bin. When we discover a fire in our building, we should c_____85_____ up the fire station at once. At the same time we should call our n_____86_____ out and try to stop the fire from spreading. If you can’t, don’t be f_____87_____. Leave the building as q_____88_____ as possible. Do remember we mustn’t go b_____89_____ to the building until the firemen come to p_____90_____ it out.

一 单选
27 A of 七 填空 86 neighbours
1 C 28 B 52 much 61 found 87 frightened
2 B 29 B weigh 62 happily 88 quickly
3 A 30 D 53 on 63 to see 89 back
4 D 三 阅读理解 his 64 longer 90 put
5 A 31 D own 65 safety
6 D 32 B 54 at 66 wait
7 D 33 C the 67 later
8 A 34 B age 68 mice’s
9 C 35 D of 69 with
10 C 36 F 55 called 70 flew
11 C 37 T 六 翻译句子 八 任务型阅读
12 B 38 F 56 take 71 3m
13 C 39 T away 72 Arctic
14 B 40 T 57 have 73 Circle
15 C 四 词汇 nowhere 74 back
16 A 41 weighed to 75 legs
17 C 42 protect live 76 arms
18 B 43 survive 58 join 77 catch
19 A 44 fur won’t 78 sea
20 D 45 leaves learn 79 animals
二 完型填空 46 mice more 80 coat
21 A 47 thirsty 59 look 九 首字母填空
22 C 48 medicine after 81 dangerous
23 A 49 continues 60 difficult 82 fire
24 C 50 feeding survive 83 careful
25 D 五 句型转换 bamboo 84 anything
26 C 51 owner leaves 85 call



