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1. online_____________ 2.educational________ 3.traveller______________
4. role_______________ 5.reach_____________ 6.knowledge____________
7. pass______________ 8.purple____________ 9.keyboard_____________
10. print_____________ 11. e-dictionary_______ 12. connect____________
13. total_____________ 14. Mars_____________ 15. course_____________
16. tour_____________ 17. package___________ 18. order______________
19. producer_________ 20. create_____________ 21.电视______________
22.程序_____________ 23.正确地____________ 24.等级______________
25.语法_____________ 26.屏幕______________ 27.做标记____________
28.菜单_____________ 29.鼠标______________ 30.广泛地____________
31.重新启动_________ 32.错误地____________ 33.自由的____________
34.每天的___________ 35.电话______________ 36.收音机____________
37.涉及;包括_______ 38.简单的____________ 39.制作______________
1.在线旅游_____________________ 2. look like_____________________
3.打开(电器类)________________ 4.change the channel____________
5.玩游戏________________________ 6.search for information_________
7.收发电子邮件__________________ 8.carry you off to______________
9.写电脑程序____________________ 10. educational CD-ROMs________
11.出版,发行_____________________ 12. at the same time______________
13.……的设计者_________________ 14.the main character___________
15.“痒痒脚” ____________________ 16.a thirteen-year-old boy_________
17.“八小时周游世界” ____________ 18. lie on the grass_______________
19.看着蓝蓝的天空_________________ 20. fall asleep_________________
21.做两个奇怪的梦_________________ 22. answer a question correctly_____
24. the knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary_______________________
25.许多有用的信息_________________ 26. for example_________________
27.世界地图_______________________ 28. sell out_____________________
29.把……正确地连接到……上______ 30.in all________________________
31.被错误地回答___________________ 32. listen to people talking__________
33.在收音机上_____________________ 34. order a package online__________
I_______ _______ _______.
It________ _______ _______television.
_______ _______you_______ _______your computer_______?
This CD-ROM can help you _______the knowledge of English and Geography _______ _______ _______ _______
This game_______ _______ _______Mr Smith.
This game_______ _______ _______,and _______ _______will _______you about an hour_______ _______.
He is_______ _______ _______.
The _______ _______of this_______ _______ _______Ritai.
One day, he _______ _______ _______the grass and _______ _______ the_______ _______ sky, when he_______ _______and_______ _______ _______ _______ dream。
You get a point________ ______you_______ _______ _______ _______.
The telephone is_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ the market.
Word processing skills________ ______ _______our Computer lessons.
_______ _______the Computer Club _______ _______ _______Mr Li.
It________ _________ _______ _______tourists and students.
Can you _______ _______ _______ _______ _______this online tour of Australia?
Do you know this program _______ _______ _______ you _______some exercises?
Do you_______ _______ _______ _______ _______use this function?
1. Computers are widely used in our d_______ life.
2. - Are you interested in the sports news on the c_______ of CC,TV-5?
- Yes, I am.
3. There are a lot of t_______ coming to China to spend their holiday in autumn.
4. She is the d_______ of the popular clothes. She is great.
5. He made a mistake and answered the question_______(不正确地).
6.- Do you want me to_______(订购)a cake for you?
-Yes. Thank you.
7.How many_______(老鼠)are there in the old house?
8.It was a_______ (令人愉快的)holiday. All of us had a nice time.
9.This is an _______(教育的)software. It is very useful.
10. This new program_______(包括)a book and five CD-ROMs.
11. The_______(宝藏)box is hidden somewhere in the Arctic.
1. A new bike_______ (buy) for me tomorrow.
2. The Great Wall_______ (know) all over the world.
3. Computers _______ (use) to search for information.
4. This kind of silk _______ (produce) in Hangzhou.
5. A football match_______ (hold) next week.
6. The thief _______ (catch) last night.
7. My bike_______ (mend) last week.
8. English_______ (speak) in many countries.
9. This bridge_______ (build)3 years ago.
10. Do you mind _______ (tell) me how to play this game?
( )1. The main character of this game is _______girl. She saves her father in the end.
A. a 11-year-old B. an 11-year-old
C. a 11l-years-old D. an 11-years-old
( )2. (2011.呼和浩特) - Did you go to Jim's birthday party?
- No, I_______.
A. haven't invited B. didn't invite
C. am not invited D. wasn't invited
( )3. (2011.毕节)He likes reading very much. Most of his money _______on books.
A. is spent B. spend C. spends D. are spent
( )4.A large TV can be used _______ the screen of a computer.
A. in B. at C. by D. as
( )5. - May l watch some TV now?
- Yes. _______and you can watch any programme you like.
A. Turn on it B. Turn it on
C. Turn off it D. Turn it off
( )6. Don't lose heart. You can play the game well. But it _______time.
A. takes B. costs, C. uses D. spends
( )7. Andy can finish all his work _______an hour. He is usually quick.
A. in B. since C. for D. at
( )8. Wendy wants to order a book in this bookshop, _______?
A. doesn't Wendy B. doesn't she
C. does Wendy D. does she
( )9. The places I have visited are _______ in bright purple on the map.
A. mark B. marked C. marking D. to mark
( )10. Ping-pong and basketball_______ by many millions of people in China.
A. like B. likes C. are liked D. liked
( )11. In Chinese families, children _______use chopsticks when they are very young.
A. teach B. are taught C. are taught to D. teach to
( )12. We need to _______the document before we turn off the computer.
A. open B. protect C. keep D. save
( )13.- _______ the magazine Top Novels(小说) come out?
- Once a month. And it always sells well.
A. How often does B. How often is
C. When does D. When is
( )14. Some of the victims in the earthquake were badly hurt. But luckily, they _______ in hospitals now.
A. are taking good care of B. are taken good care
C. are taken good care of D. are taking good care
( )15. - The game _______in China, right?
- No. The story in Britain, during World War Two.
A. is set; happened B. is set; was happened
C. sets; happened D. sets; was happened


