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I. 1-5 BADBC   6-10 CCABD

Ⅱ. 1. should be given back     2. Did; put     3. can’t go; unless

4. What did; try       5. What a

6. which / that was built; attracts         7. bought; for

8. don’t think; will      9. what to      10. at the age of

III. 1. more expensive改为expensive   2. too改为so

3. because改为because of  4. won’t改为will   5. late改为latest

6. widely改为wide      7. accepted改为received

8. dead改为death      9. it放到up前面   10. having改为to have

IV. 1. well     2. yourself  3. skills    4. earn      5. staying

6. more    7. goes    8. With    9. important    10. first

第16版 暑假作业(十六)

I. 1-5 BDABC 6-10 ABACD

II. 1. ones   2. go     3. most    4. in     5. they

6. help   7. says     8. offering   9. another   10. that

III. (A) 1. problems   2. speak  3. join    4. Listening to   5. improved

(B) 1. with     2. taken   3. But    4. sleep     5. What

6. pieces     7. and   8. exercise 9. less       10. follow

(C) 1-5 EABGD

IV. One possible version:

Thank you, my best friend

Two years ago, I was a cool girl and looked like a boy. I didn’t like to talk to others. One day, a special girl named Wang Hui came into my life. She was very lovely. She often helped me and played with me. We became good friends soon. With her help, I became outgoing.

Now, I am a happy girl. I’m often moved by the people around me. I also learn to help others. Although I have made lots of new friends, Wang Hui is still my best friend.

第17、18版 综合测试(一)

1-5 BBADC    6-10 BDCCA    11-15 AABDC    16-20 DAABC

21-25 BCDAC   26-30 DDACD

31-35 CADAB   36-40 DCABD   41-45 CDCAD   46-50 BCBAC



