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Module 1 unit 1. Ⅰ、1.look 2.taste 3.smell 4.sound Ⅱ、1.看起来可爱 2.have a sweet tooth 3.感觉柔软 4.strawberry jam 5.听着美妙 6.smell fresh 7.尝起来有点酸 8.lucky day Ⅲ、1.looks lovely 2.tastes a bit sour 3.sounds nice 4.smell fresh 5.fell soft 6.have a sweet tooth Ⅳ、1.look 2.smell 3.is 4.look 5.sounds 2. Ⅰ、1.tastes 2.sounds 3.felt 4.tastes 5.looks Ⅱ、1.salt 2.sour 3.lovely 4.tastes 5.jam 6.pies Ⅲ、1.I don't like jeans because they fell uncomfortable. 2.I don't like hamburgers because they are unhealthy. 3.I like classical music because it sounds beautiful. 4.I don't like lions because they look ugly. 5.I like flowers because they look beautiful. 6.I like fish because it tastes nice.

unit 2 1. Ⅰ、beautiful,nose,pie,hear,noisy,hands,soft,taste,sweet Ⅱ、1.Do the girls look happy? NO,they don't.They look sad. 2.Does the milk smell fresh? No,it doesn't.It smells sour. 3.Does the music sound great? NO,it doesn't.It sounds noisy. 4.Does the coat feel soft? No,it doesn't.It fells rough. 5.Do the cookies taste sweet? NO,they don't.They taste bad.



