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( )1.A.adul B. but C. use D. public

( ) 1.A.cold B. post C. hope D. lot

( ) 1.A.thief B. lie C. pie D. tie

( ) 1.A. six B. example C. exercise D. taxi

( )1.A.eight B. high C. laugh D. bright



1.It is (real)cold today

2.This (write)writes lots of interesting stories for kids.

3.Many people do not enjoy (live)in big cities.

4.I am in my (three)year in this middle school.

5.As we all know, the weather in southwest china is (dry)than any other time in history.


6.I usually have a piece of (面包)and some milk for breakfast.

7.You need to (浇水) the flowers twice a month.

8.They planted many trees (在····之间)and two buildings.

9.Do not always depend on others. You can do it by (你自己)

10.He was as (聪明的)as a monkey.


( )11.What is wrong?

A. the matter B. matter C.that D.bad

( )12.I like dolphins because they are kind of smart.

A.a little B. little C. a bit of D.a lot

( )13.Students usually have 8 to 9 lessons every day.

A.subjects B. classes C.books D. times

( )14.Were you terrified of the dark when you were yong?

A.surprised B. scare C. afraid D. interested

( )15.My dad will return home the day after tomorrow.

A.go back to B.give back C.give back to D.go back


( )1.They often take walk after dinners.

A. a B. / C.the D.an

(  )2.-What`s your ?

A.job B. age C.hobby D.number

( )3.-Tina,is this schoolbag ?

A.his B. her C. yours D. your

( )4.Chian lies the east of Asia.

A.in B on C. to D.of

( ) 5.- Are you going to the airport tomorrow,Linda?

A.What B. How C.When D. Why

( )6.-You have a beautiful voice .I love your songs.

- .

A. sorry,you do not B.thank you

C.It is OK D.That is all right

( )7.-How many gold medals did China at the 2010 winter Olympics?


A.win B. to win C.winning D.won

8.The students how to do the experiment in class yesterday.

A.were taught B. taught C. was taught D. teach

9.Do you like music makes you relaxed?

A.it B.what C.who D. that

10.He does not play the violin so as his father.

A.good B.better C.well D.best

11.-let`s go hiking.look,what a beautiful day!

- .

A.Good job B.Good idea C.That`s all right D.It doesn`s matter

12. girls took part in the Happy Girl Competition but only few of them succeeded.

A.Million of B.Many million of

D.One million of D.Millions of

13. ,is there a restaurant in the neighborhood?

A.Sorry B.Yes C.Excuse me D.Pardon me

14.-Mr.Li is ill in hospital .His daughter is looking after him.

A.I`m sorry to hear B.Not at all

C.I`m afraid D.It doesn`tmatter

15.She had a stomachache she ate something bad.

A.so B.because C.or D. although

16.-What would you like,Sir?


A.Two pop B.Two bottles pop C. Two botters of pop

D.Two.bottle of pop

17. worried about me,Mom.I`ve grown up.

A.Don`t B.Don`t be C.Not D.Not be

18.-Could you tell me ?

-Sure.Just go straight and turn left.you can see it on your right.

A.how I can get to the library B.where can I find the library C.how can I get to the library D.where is the library

19.-Hello, may I speak to mary ,please?

- .

A.No,hold on B.I`m Mary C.this is Mary speaking

D.Wait for

20. meeting it is!

A.What a important it is B.what important

C.How an important D.What an important

21.-Jack?Jack?Can you come?

-I my homework.

A.do B.will do C.am doing D.was doing

22.-Who`s that man? Is he Mr.Brown?

-That be Mr.Brown.He never walks this way.

A.cann`t B.mustn`t C.must D.can

23.The smile on my teacher`s face showed that she was with me .

A.sad B.pleased C.worried D.angry

24.-Did you have a good weekend?

- .We enjoyed ourselves in an amusement park.

A.I`m afraid not B.I don`t think so

C.Of course D. I hope not

25.-What volunteer work would you like to do?

-I`d like to sick people in the hospital.

A.turn up B.stay up C.Look up D. cheer up


A) 选择动词的适当形式填空。

1.-Must I leave the room now? No,you .

A.needn`t B.can`t C.mustn`t D.couldn`t

2.There some milk in the glass.

A.is B.are C.be D.has

3.The boy is looking forward to a good time after the exam.

A.to have B.has C.having D.have

4.-I cleaning my bedroom. It`s clean now.

-Wow. When you it?

A.have finished, did,finish B. finished, have finished C. finish, do, finish D. have finished, have, finished

5.-Where the 2010 world EXPO ?

- In Shanghai

A.does,hold B. has, held C.will, hold D.is,held


go to sleep, learning…by themselves,used up,come true,be angry with,working hard at, be bad for,knocked into, put out,pay attention to

6.sometimes,I would my best friend, but not for long .

7.Tom,it`s time for you to or you will get up late tomorrow.

8.Please your spelling, you always make mistakes in it.

9. your study will give you a bright future.

10.The young man all the paper.

11.Eating too much meat your health.

12.I think my dream will sooner or later.

13.The rabbit a tree and died.

14.The students in poor areas are some subjects .

15.You`d better the fire before going to bed.



1.sometimes you`re supposed to come early. (改为否定句)

sometimes you supposed to come early.

2.Mrs.Smith is busy. She is doing her housework now.(合并为一句)

Mrs.Smith is her housework now.

3.Tom visits his grandparents once a week.(对划线部分提问)

does Tom visits his grandparents?

4.My pen pal is from America.(用Japan改为选择疑问句)

Is your pen pal from America ?

5.The teacher said, “Don`t cheat in exams.children!”(该为同义句)

The teacher told the children cheat in exams.



It`s for many foreigners use Chinese chopsticks.


It`s only me ten minutes to to school every day.


The park is quite near, go there on foot?


He always makes me a long time.


Would you my the door?


Of all the things we eat and drink ,water is the 1 important. The human body can go 2 food for a long time,but two 3 three days without water could make people 4 .

A lot of people don`t understand how 5 water the human body needs 6 well and many people don`t drink enough,especially in 7 weather. Most people dtink 8 they are thirst but in fact they need more water, especially when they take 9

A man`s body is 65 to 75 percent of 10 .If we don`t have enough water.we feel tired and may become ill.

1.A.more B. most C.less D.least

2.A.with B. on C.without D.by

3.A.or B.and C.of D.but

4.A.died B. to die C.dies D.die

5.A.many B. lillte C. few D.much

6.A.work B.working C.to work D.works

7.A.hot B. cold C. cool D.warm

8.A.so B. that C.when D.since

9.A.fun B.exercise C. exercises D.work

10.A.blood B.water C. air D.food



Hong Kong has about forty public beaches .Some of them are very famous around the world. People can go there for a swim. You can go to most of them by bus .To go to some beaches you must take a boat .

You will swim there without danger if you remember these instructions :

∙Never swim alone.

∙Never go out in a boat if you cannot swim

∙Never swim after a meal or when you feel hungry or tired .

·Don’t stay in the water too long

Remember: A red flag means that it is dangerous for anybody to go into the water.A blue flag means that is is dangerous for children.


1. There are about 40 pubic beaches in Hong Kong .

2. You should swim after a meal.

3. You can take a bus to go to most of the pubic beaches.

4. You`d better swim when you`re alone

5. If you were a child, you could swim when you saw a red flag.


A smile will tell people around you that you are a kind and friendly person. However, many people don`t smile because they have ugly(丑陋的)teeth. For



