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1--5 B A C B B 6--10:A C B A C
11—15CBAAB 16—20 ABABC
I.. 单项选择 1-5 CBDBD 6-10 DBBDB 11-15 ADCBC 16-20 DBBBB
II. 完形填空1-5 BCADC 6-10 CABDC
III. 阅读理解1- ABCCC 6-10 BADDD 11-15 CABBA 16-20BADDB
IV..补全对话1-5 EGDAC
一、1,to be 2, making 3, to eat 4,going 5, clean 6,helping 7,shopping 8, to go 9,carry 10,working
二、1,beef 2,mind 3,idea 4,spend 5 Palace
三、1,Did go 2, Don't wear 3,are doing 4,How was 5,Why do

1. A. here B. hair C. hand
2. A. agree B. again C. great
3. A. be B. get C. arrive
4. A. on holiday B. on vacation C. for vacation
5. A. having dinner B. eating dinner C. eating lunch
6. A. He’s medium height. B. He’s thirteen years old. C. He’s funny
7. A. She is a girl. B. She is a doctor. C. She wants to be a doctor.
8. A. It is sunny. B. It was rainy. C. Yes, it is.
9. A. Pretty good. B. I’m having supper. C. Of course.
10.A. Yes, I have. B. Yes , I can. C. Yes, I do.
( ) 11. A. He’s going to school. B. He’s waiting for a bus.
C. He’s going to a bank.
( ) 12. A. Watch TV. B. On Friday evening.
C. He doesn’t like watching TV.
( ) 13. A. A panda. B. A lion. C. A elephant.
( ) 14. A. A policeman. B. An actor. C. A doctor.
( ) 15. A. It’s rainy. B. It’s warm and sunny. C. It’s cloudy.
( ) 16. What are the students doing?
A. Having P.E. B. Playing games. C. Seeing a movie.
( ) 17. Who is the running star in the school?
A. Lily. B. Alan. C. Ann.
( ) 18. What does Linda look like?
A. She’s tall. B. She’s thin. C. She’s beautiful.
( ) 19. Who is playing basketball?
A. Lily. B. Linda. C. Alan.
( ) 20. What are the boys doing?
A. Playing tennis. B. Playing ping-pong. C. Playing soccer.
1.She has long hair and wears glasses.
2.Excuse me, but I can’t agree with you.
3.At school, we can’t arrive late for class.
4. Where did you go on vacation last year?
5.Tom and his father are eating dinner, but his mother is watching TV.
6.What does your friend look like?
7.What does your sister want to be?
8.What was the weather like yesterday?
9. How’s everything going with you?
10.Do you have to do the homework every day?
11. W: What are you waiting for?
M: I’m waiting for the bus. I’m going to the bank today.
Q: What is the man going to do?
12. W: Do you often watch TV?
M: No. I only watch TV on Friday evening. Most of the TV shows are boring.
Q: When does the man watch TV?
13. W: I have a new friend. Her name is Molly.
M: A new friend?
W: Yeah. She’s from China. She likes to play with her friends and eat bamboos.
Q: What is Molly?
14. M: Sam has an exciting job.
W: Really? Is he an actor?
M: No, he works at the police station.
Q: What does Sam do?
15. W: Hi, Li Lei. How’s the weather in Shanghai?
M: It’s warm and sunny.
Q: What is the weather like in Shanghai?
M: What are they doing, Lily?
W: They are having P.E.
M: Look, Alan is running. He’s in first place.
W: Alan is the running star in our school.
M: Do you know that tall girl? She’s playing basketball.
W: Yes, her name is Linda. Look at those boys. They are playing soccer.
M: They play very well.
W: The students are having a good time.
M: Yes, and they like P.E. a lot.



