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A.. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

A. B. C. D. E.

1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______

B. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

( )6. A. She likes watching TV. B. Yes, she does. C. No, he doesn’t.

( )7. A. Yes, thanks. B. Of course. C. You’re welcome.

( )8. A. It’s interesting. B. I like science best.

C. I don’t like math at all.

( )9. A. A tall building. B. A kind of house.

C. A farmhouse with two floors.

( )10. A. Monday. B. February 1st. C. Fine.

C. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分)

( )11. Where does the woman want to go?

A. The bookstore. B. The post office. C. The station.

( )12. What’s Jack doing?

A. He is flying a kite. B. He’s taking a photo. C. He’s riding a bike.

( )13. How can the woman get to the bus stop?

A. Turn right twice. B. First turn left and then turn right.

C. First turn right and then turn left.

( )14. How often does the boy write to his parents?

A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year.

( )15. Is there a lamp on the man’s desk?

A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn’t. C. We don’t know.

D. 听短文,填上你所听到的单词,每空一词。短文读三遍。(5分)

David is an American school boy. His school is not 16 from his home. It takes him only 17 minutes to go to school by bus. But he’s often late for school because he can’t get up early.

It’s a fine day today. David gets up early. He has breakfast and goes to school. He walks to the bus 18 . He takes a bus at seven o’clock. His classes 19 at half past seven. But today he is also late. Do you know why ? Because he takes a 20 bus!

16._______ 17. ________ 18. _________ 19._________ 20.__________



( ) 21. I always play _______ basketball in the gym.

A.the B. a C. /

( ) 22. —Where is the big tree, Lin Tao?

—Oh, it’s _______ our classroom building.

A. in the front of B. in front of C. in the center of

( ) 23. You can park your car here when you see the sign “_______”.

A. B. C.

( ) 24. There _______ a beautiful clock and some pencils on the desk.

A.has B. is C. are

( ) 25. —Why not _______ this Sunday?

—Good idea.

A. visit the Great Wall B. to visit the Great Wall C. visits the Great Wall

( ) 26. Listen! The students _______ in the classroom.

A. sing B. sings C. are singing

( ) 27. —_______ is it today?

—It’s Friday.

A.What B. What time C. What day

( ) 28. Tina is _______ her pet dog everywhere, but she can’t _______ it.

A. finding; look for B. looking for; finds C. looking for; find

( ) 29. It’s good _______ sports in our free time.

A. does B. to do C. for do

( ) 30. —_______ do you have an art lesson?

—Four times a month.

A. How long B. How far C. How often

( ) 31. —How do you usually come to school, Michael?

—I usually _______to school.

A. on foot B. walk C. by foot

( ) 32. —Could you _______ me something _______ the story?

—Of course. It’s very interesting.

A. tell; with B. say; about C. tell; about

( ) 33. Li Ping’s sister is two years old, but she can speak _______ English words .

A. a few B. a little C. few

( ) 34. —Happy New Year, Lily,


A. Thank you. B. The same to you. C. Thank you all the same.


( ) 35. A. forty B. work C. horse

( ) 36. A. great B. head C. bread




For Rent

A big apartment for a family of three people. ¥ 650 a month. Call Mr. Zhang.

Tel:(010) 8838-7166.


Looking for a quiet single(单人的)room under ¥ 120 a month. Please call

Harry at 138-7682-5856.


ID card



Please call (010) 8433-9211.


A red bag with some books.

Come to Room 402 in the evening or call White at (010) 6378-3021.


( )37. Please call _____ to rent a big apartment for a family of three people.

A. (010) 8838-7166 B. 138-7682-5856

C. (010) 8433-9211 D. (010) 6378-3021

( )38. You can rent your single room to _____ for ¥ 120 a month.

A. Dick B. Harry C. White D. Mr. Zhang

( )39. If you find _____, you can call Dick at (010) 8433-9211.

A. an apartment B. a red bag C. ID card D. a single room

( )40. If you can’t find your bag, you can _____ to get it back in the evening.

A. call (010) 8433-9211 B. go to Room 402

C. call Harry D. go to look for a single room

( )41. Maria and her parents want to rent a big apartment, so they need _____.

A. ¥ 650 B.¥ 1,300 C. ¥ 1,950 D. ¥ 2,600


My name is Xiao Jun. I come from the countryside. Now I’m studying in a big city. People can eat all kinds of foods and do lots of things. It’s so convenient(便利的). Many people like living in the city. But I don’t like it very much. In the city, the traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high. It’s noisy, too.

I miss the life in the countryside. There are many houses with big yards. The air is fresh and the water is clean. We can see green trees and colorful flowers here and there. More people like living in the countryside now.


( )42. Xiao Jun is studying _______ now.

A. in the countryside

B. in a big city

C. in a tall building

D. in a big house

( )43. What does Xiao Jun think of the traffic in the city?

A. The traffic in the city is heavy.

B. The traffic in the countryside is heavy.

C. The traffic in the city is not heavy.

D. We don’t know.

( )44. What can people see in the countryside? _______

A. Heavy traffic.

B. Noisy streets.

C. Green trees and colorful flowers.

D. Tall buildings.

( )45. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. In the city there aren’t any tall buildings.

B. The air in the countryside is not fresh.

C. Xiao Jun misses the life in the countryside.

D. The cost of living in the city is not high.

( )46. What does the passage (短文) talk about?

A. Many people like living in the city.

B. Xiao Jun doesn’t like the city life very much.

C. People can see green trees in the countryside.

D. Life in the city is different from that in the countryside.

Ⅳ. 交际应用:(10分)

A. 从方框中选择句子补全对话。(每空1分,计5分)

A. Don’t play on the street.

B. It’s on your right.

C. It’s not safe to play on the street.

D. What are you doing on the street?

E. But how can I get there?

A: Hello, Mary. 47

B: I’m playing football with my friends.

A: Be careful! 48

B: Why not?

A: 49

B: But where should we go and play?

A: How about the playground?

B: Good idea! 50

A: Go up this street to the end. 51

B: Thank you very much.

47. _________ 48. _________ 49. _________ 50. _________ 51. _________


Helen: Maria, what 52 of home do you live in?

Maria: It’s a townhouse 53 two floors.

Helen: Do you live with your grandparents?

Maria: No, they live in a big farmhouse in the 54 . What about yours?

Helen: It’s an apartment.

Maria: How 55 floors are there in your building?

Helen: There are seven.

Maria: Do you like living there?

Helen: Yes, I 56 it very much.

52. _________ 53. _________ 54. _________ 55. _________ 56. _________

Ⅴ. 句型转换:根据要求变换句型,每空填一词。( 每空1分,计8分)

57. They are swimming in the swimming pool.(改为否定句)

They_________ _________ in the swimming pool.

58. Does he often speak English with his classmates?(做肯定回答)

_________, he _________

59.The photo is on the wall. (划线部分提问)

_________ _________ the photo?

60.How can I get to the hospital? (改为同义句)

_________ _________ a hospital near here?



61. /sit/ _________ 62. /pa:k/ _________ 63. /laif/ _________

64. /bed/ _________ 65. /wi:k/ _________ 66. /fə: st/ _________


67.You must return them _______ ________ (按时).

68. It’s time for class. _______ ________(快点儿)

69.You must ________ ________ (保管) your things.

70.The stamp show is _______ 9:00 _______(从…到…)5:00 every Saturday.

71.Please ________ ________ (把…收起来) your things.

72.The post office is ________ the supermarket ________ the parking lot (在…之间).

Ⅶ. 综合填空:(每词1分,计10分)


when,safe, never, both, on, we ,second ,obey, accidents,cross

Every year many people get hurt or lose their lives in traffic 73 . How can we keep __74 when we are walking 75 the street? First, we must 76 the traffic rules. We can cross the street only 77 we see the green “walk” sign. 78 , before we cross the street, we must stop and look 79 ways—look left, look right and look left again.Third, we must __80 play on the street. Last, it’s good to help children and old people 81 the street. All of 82 should be very careful when we are walking on the street.



