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必修5 综合检测
第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)
从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音。1.obviousA./′bv Is/ B./′ibv Is/
C./b′v Is/ D./∶b′v Is/2.memoryA./′mimr I/ B./′memr I/
C./me′mr I/ D./m I′m Ir I/
A./′stla It/ B./′stl It/
C./′stla It/ D./s′tla It/
A./vln′t I/ B./′v∶tnt I/
C./′volnt/ D./vl′t I/5.wildlifeA./′wa Ildla If/ B./′w Ildla If/
C./′wa Ild′li∶f/ D./′wi∶ldla If/
第二节 补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
-How are you recently,Jane?
-Not very well.I have been gaining weight. 6 The doctor asked me to watch what I eat,but I can't help eating sweets whenever they are in my presence.
-Many people believe that overweight results from overeating.You need to work out.Why don't you attend an aerobics(健身)class? 7 -Can I certainly lose weight after attending that class?
-Yes,I think so. 8 So you can kill two birds with onestone.-You mean I don't need to diet(节食)?
- 9 Combining exercise with dieting may be the most effective way to lose weight.
- 10 I think I'll try that class.
A.I have to go to the doctor.
B.Thank you for your advice.
C.Perhaps it can lessen your anxiety(忧虑).
D.What I mean is that you need to keep a diet while you are working out.
E.You are sure to lose weight.
F.It's too much for my height.
G.You can not only work the fat off your body but also keep your body fit.
第三节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 、D 、四个选项中,选出选项。
11.(2009年辽宁卷)When we visited my old family home,memory came__________back.
A.flooding B.to flood
C.flood D.flooded
12.(2009年福建卷)It's helpful to put children in a situation __________they can see themselves differently.
A.that B.when
C.which D.where
13.(2009年浙江卷)The medicine works more effectively __________you drink some hot water after taking it.
A.as B.until
C.although D.if
14.(2010年湖北模拟)Children sometimes find it hard to __________ their parents expectations.
A.come up with B.live up to
C.make up for D.close up to
15.(2010年湖北模拟)Parents must allow their children to receive__________ education by law.
A.traditional B.primary
C.compulsory D.cultural
16.(2010年湖北模拟)He tried many ways of earning,and he became a enterpriser __________.
A.eventfully B.conclusively
C.timely D.eventually
17.-Oh,it's you! I __________ you.
-I've just had my hair cut and I'm wearing my new glasses.
A.didn't recognize
B.hadn't recognized
C.haven't recognized
D.don't recognize
18.It was after he got what he had desired __________ he realized it was not so important.
A.that B.when
C.since D.as
19.I grew up in Africa,__________ at least I should say that I spent much of the first ten years of my life there.
A.and B.or
C.so D.but
20.Little __________ what you said.I wish you had repeated it.
A.did I understand
B.I understood
C.I did understand
D.have I understand
21.__________ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.
A.What B.Who
C.Whatever D.Whoever
22.They wonder __________ this book__________.
A.whose;belongs to
B.whom;belongs to
C.whose;is belonged to
D.whom;is belonged to
23.__________,water will be turned into vapour.
A.Heating B.When heated
C.When heating D.Being heated
24.The coldblooded animals have no choice but__________.
A.to lie down B.lay down
C.lying down D.lie down
25.-How many students in your class failed in the exam?
A.A number of B.None
C.Nobody D.No one
第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
It was the tail end of the depression,and Mum had a(n) 26 time raising us kids on her own.
Christmas was 27 ,and we received some money for Christmas.Mum said that 28 buying food,she would use the money to pay back rent.
Unknown to Mum,I had been doing tough and odd jobs(零工)to earn enough money to buy myself new 29 .
The big day came on the afternoon of Christmas Eve.I was very 30 ,as I hurried up the road to catch the bus.But on the way,I 31 a house with Christmas lights and decorations.It was then that I realized that at our house,we had 32 for Christmas.I felt sad and I was feeling a strange 33 of guilt.Here I was going to buy a new pair of boots 34 Mum would be trying to explain to us why there were no presents.
I went into a grocery store and bought a turkey,ham,oranges and all the Christmas 35 .I 36 every penny of my 37 money.I asked two boys to 38 them to our house.I 39 for the delivery boys to quietly 40 the groceries on the porch and pile them 41 the door.Once they had done this,I knocked on the door.I could hardly 42 to see my mother's face!When Mum opened the door,some of the groceriss 43 inside onto the floor,and she just stood there dumbfounded. 44 the tears,I yelled,"Merry Christmas Mother!!There really is a Santa Claus!"
I had a lot of 45 as we unpacked all the food.That day I got enough hugs and kisses from Mum.It was a Merry Christmas for us after all!
26.A.good B.hard
C.pleasant D.easy
27.A.approaching B.passing
C.going D.appearing
28.A.regardless of B.instead of
C.in case of D.in need of
29.A.decorations B.books
C.turkeys D.boots
30.A.disappointed B.excited
C.moved D.touched
31.A.watched B.noticed
C.observed D.recognized
32.A.everything B.something
C.anything D.nothing
33.A.sense B.emotion
C.state D.mood
34.A.while B.when
C.as D.but
35.A.goods B.things
C.lights D.treats
36.A.cost B.paid
C.spent D.took
37.A.easily-earned B.hard-earned
C.home-made D.carefully-planned
38.A.put B.lay
C.bring D.run
39.A.prayed B.demanded
C.begged D.whispered
40.A.upload B.unload
C.load D.download
41.A.on B.in
C.against D.beyond
42.A.bear B.wait
C.help D.stand
43.A.climbed B.went
C.fell D.spread
44.A.Holding on B.Holding up
C.Holding back D.Holding down
45.A.explaining B.understanding
C.quarrelling D.reasoning
第一节 阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
阅读下列短文 , 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出选项。A(2010年临沂模拟)A new Canada Prize for the Arts and Creativity could be in place by 2010,with large cash prizes for emerging(新兴的)artists in dance,music,theatre and visual arts.
The prize is the idea of Tony Gagliano and David Pecaut,founders of the Luminato festival,who were probably able to convince the federal government to back it.The federal budget has allocated $ 25 million to suport the awards open to emerging artists that have the prestige(声望)of a Nobel Prize.
"When you think about the major prizes of the world-the Nobel Prize in Sweden,the Kyoto prizes in Japan or the Booker Prize in the UK-they bring great,honor and opportunity to the countries that award them,"Pecaut said."The idea here is that every year,the Canada prizes will be awarded to the very best promising emerging artists around the world in those four fields."
A jury(评委会)of international experts would judge the 12 finalists,who would come to Canada and perform of show their work in public to win the Canada prizes.The performances would be televised,allowing Canadians across the country to see it.
The federal government liked the idea of such an international prize that would advance Canada's brand,draw tourists and arts professionals from around the world.For the Canadian arts people one of the greatest challenges is connectiong to that international arts world to come up with coproductions and foreign investment(投资)and touring chances.
A group is working toward establishing the prize by 2010,with potential for semifinal rounds to take place:about the same time as the Vancouver Olympic Games."Thiryy or forty years from now,the future outstanding dancers and performers will look back and say,'I broke out on the world scene in Toronto-that's where I was discovered.'"
46.Why did David Pecaut have the idea of founding a new Canada Prize?
A.To enlarge the content of the Luminato festival.
B.To consider his own benefits from the prize.
C.To advance Canada's honor and opportunities.
D.To make more Canadians get would prizes.
47.According to David Pecaut,the new Canada Prize will __________.
A.be divided into four detailed parts
B.have at least twelve winners
C.be held every four years in Canada
D.ofter every winner about $ 25 million
48.Those participating the final round of the new Canada Prize __________.
A.needn't experience semifinal rounds
B.will have their performances broadcast on the TV
C.need to have their performances made into films
D.must accept the judge from Canadian experts
49.Towards the founding of the Canada Prize,David Pecaut is __________.
A.unconcerned B.doubtful
C.hopeless D.optimistic
50.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.Canade-the Capital of the Would in Arts
B.A Canada Prize for Arts May Take Place by 2010
C.The Nobel Prize in Arts will Come into Beijing
D.David Pecaut Takes Charge of a Canada Prize for ArtsBGUATEMALE CITY (Reuters)-A fish that lives in mangrove swamps(红树沼泽)across the Americas can live out of water for months at a time,similar to how animals adapted(适应) to land millions of years ago,a new study shows.
The Magrove Rivulus,a type of small killifish,lives in small pools of water in a certain type of empty nut or even old beer cans in the mangrove swamps of Belize,the United Stated and Brazil.When their living place dries up,they live on the land in logs(圆木),said Scott Taylor,a researcher at the Brevard Endangered Lands Program in Florida.
The fish,whose scientific name is Rivulus marmoratus,can grow as large as three inches.They group together in logs and breathe air through their skin until they can find water again.
The new scientific discovery came after a trip to Belize.
"We kicked over a log and the fish just came crowding out,"Taylor told Reuters in neighboring Guatemala by telephone.He said he will make his study on the fish known to the public in an American magazine early next year.
In lab tests,Taylor said he found the fish can live up to 66 days out of water without eating.
Some other fish can live out of water for a short period of time.The walking catfish found in Southeast Asia can stay on land for hours at time,while lungfish found in Australia,Africa and South America can live out of water,but only in an inactive state.But no other known fish can be out of water as long as the Mangrove Rivulus and remain ative,according to Patricia Wright,a biologist at Canada's University of Guelph.
Further studies of the fish may tell how animals changed over time.
"These animals live in conditions similar to those that existed millions of years ago,when animals began making the transition(过渡)from water onto land,"Wright said.
51.The Mangrove Rivulus is a type of fish that__________.
A.likes eating nuts
B.prefers livng in dry places
C.is the longest living fish on earth
D.can stay alive for two months out of water
52.Who will write up a report on Mangrove Rivulus?
A.Patricia Wright.
B.Researchers in Guatemala.
C.Scientists from Belize.
D.Scott Taylor.
53.According to the text,lungfish can__________.
A.breathe through its skin
B.move freely on dry water
C.remain alive out of water
D.be as active on land as in water
54.What can we say about the discovery of Mangrove Rivulus?
A.It was made quite by accident.
B.It was based on a lab test of sea life.
C.It was supported by an American magazine.
D.It was helped by Patricia Wright.CScientists say California's special landscapes are changing gradually as the world gets warmer.Now,with a new generation of computer models,they're trying to make clear what those changes will be: Less snow? More wildfires? Fewer animals?
The new computer models allow scientists to divide the state into much smaller regions than ever beforejust thirty-six square miles.These regional models give scientists a way of draping climate over California's complex landscape.
Scientists want to Understand how warming will affect the state's people,its economy,and the thousands of species that only live in California.The states Climate Action Team has organized a meeting last month in Los Angeles on the economic impacts of these targets.
California started the only statesponsored climate research program three years ago and is spending about $ 5 million a year on it.The goal of the research is to limit the impact of such changes.
California is part of an internationally recognized A
"hot spot" of biodiversity that extends north across the Oregon border and south into Baja California.It's home to 4,426 species of plants,nearly half of which are found no-where else.
What happens in California could have broad influence.If California were a nation,it would be the fifthbiggest economy in the world and the 12th-biggest generator of greenhouse gases.
Scientists are also looking beyond the greenhouse effect.For instance,urban development warms climate; cities give off more heat than natural areas.Cities also absorb more heat from the sun.This phenomenon is known as the "urban heat island effect".
55.The writer intends to tell readers__________.
A.studies on the future wildlife in California by computer
B.predicting the future results economy of California caused by getting warmer
C.a programme to study the future of California carried by the California government
D.research on the future effect on California caused by getting warmer by high technology
56.The underlined word "impact" in the fourth paragraph
probably has the same meaning as__________.
A.importance B.result
C.effect D.cost
57.What did the writer really mean when he or she supposed
California to be a nation?
A.The writer hoped it would become a separate country.
B.The writer regarded California as a very important area.
C.The writer believed that California was a very large area.
D.The writer thought that California was the most important state of America.
58.All the following statements are "urban heat island effect" phenomena except__________.
A.cities absorb more heat from the sun
B.cities give off more heat than natural areas
C.warming affect plants and animals
D.urban development warms climateDSOUND
Dogs bark,cats meow,birds chirp.We're pretty familiar with these forms of communication.
Sometimes making the right sound can be a matter of life and death.With some spiders,including the black widow,the male is much smaller than the female.When the male wants to approach a female to mate,he climbs onto her web and then steps carefully to vibrate the web in a certain pattern.This vibration tells the female:"I'm not dinner I'm one of your kind."
Anyone who has used a dog whistle knows that dogs can hear sounds pitched so high that humans can't hear them.Other animals,such as cats,bats,moles,hedgehogs,and dolphins,can also hear high-pitched sounds,or ultrasounds.TOUCHAnimals use touch to communicate in many ways.Biting,kicking,and hitting send obvious messages,but touch can also be used in friendly ways.Chimpanzees will touch hands to greet each other. Many primates groom each other as a way to show friendship,removing bits of dirt or insects from each other's fur. Elephants touch trunks in greeting.SIGHTElephants also use their trunks for signals.A baby elephant will raise its trunk in the air when it wants attention from its mother.Body language is important to other creatures,too.When a gorilla is startled,it may stand still and shake its head back and forth.This means it does not
intend to harm you.A chimpanzee will wear a special "play face" when it wants to let you know it's friendly.
Some creatures even put their message in lights.Each type of firefly has its own flashing code.This helps males and females find mates of the same species.The lights not only tell what kind of firefly it is,they also guide the insects to each other.SMELLAnother way to communicate without actually being there is through smell.A gazelle has special scent glands near its eyes that it rubs on branches to mark its territory.When other gazelles pick up the smell,they
realize that this territory has already been claimed.Many animals mark territory by smell,including domestic cats and their wild cousins.
59.The best title of this passage should be__________.
A.Animals "Speak" Many Strange Languages
B.Animals Communicate a Lot
C.Friendship Shown between Animals
D.Interesting Animal Behaviours
60.The author mentioned the dog whistle in order to prove__________.
A.only those who keep a dog can realize the matter
B.some animals have a particular sense of recognizing certain smells
C.some animals have special ability of receiving certain sounds
D.animals have good hearing than human beings
第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
A.We'll "manage"the earth.
B.We'll have a brain map.
C.We'll use gene technology to explore brain.
D.We'll solve the puzzle of genetic code.
E.We'll know where we came from.
F.We'll live longer(120 years).
5 scientific breakthroughs in the 21st century
It is predicted that there will be 5 scientific breakthroughs in the 21st century.
Why does the universe exist?Since the 1920s,scientists have developed theories that give a detailed picture of the evolution of the universe.Over the next couple of decades,these theories will be refined by data from extraordinary powerful new telescope.We will have a better understanding of how matter behaves at the extremely high temperatures and pressures of the early universe.
As scientists learn more about the genetic code and the way cells work at the molecular level,many serious diseases will become less threatening.Using manmade "therapeutic"(治病的)viruses,doctors will be able to replace cancercausing damaged DNA with healthy genes.
The 2lst-century strides in genetic medicine may let us control and even reverse the normal aging process that we will live longer.But before we push scientists to do more,consider:Do we really want to live in a world where no one grows old and few children are born?Where would new ideas come from?What would we do with all that extra time?
In the next millennium,we'll stop talking about the weather but will do something about it.We'll gradually learn how to predict the effects of human activity on the Earth,its climate and its ecosystems.And with that knowledge will come an increasing willingness to use it to manage the workings of our planet.














