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【#二年级# 导语】习主席已经宣布我国进入了社会主义发展新时期,并且成立了开放更加宽泛的自贸区,减少外国进入我国开创事业的一系列繁杂手续,预示着中国同世界有更进一步的交流了,那么我们当然应该从小就开始培养交流的能力,以积极地态度去面对发展。以下是金笔头网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您。 One

On Sunday, I went to Biguiyuan with my mother and my sister. I saw two robots and moved. They are made of broken copper and iron. They really save money. And their names are Qing Tianzhu and bumblebee. They are as tall as a building. I saw two wooden horses but couldn't climb. I saw that there was water in the swimming pool ahead, but no one was swimming. There is nothing interesting to buy a house, so I'll go back. I saw someone swimming, so I went swimming. First I lift up my trousers and go into the water again. Mom said, "do you want to play the water slide?" I'd like to. Then I change clothes. I sat on the water slide and flew into the water like the wind. It was exciting.


Today, the manual teacher takes us to make clay. The teacher said, "let's make clay and make a table today. First, do the table boards well, remember the two sides press. After that, you can make legs and make some patterns on your legs. I do what the teacher says, but how can I do it differently from the teacher? Ah It turned out that my desk pressed too hard and the sides were concave. But how do you feel differently after that? Oh - there's something wrong with my leg. First, the legs of the table are different in height, so the table is tilted; second, the legs of the table are different in thickness, so the table looks awkward. But I just want to change. It's too late to finish class. Alas!


The weather is so hot these days. On such a hot day, I go to music school every day. I don't understand much about the music knowledge spoken by the teacher. I'm a younger student in my class. My older brothers and sisters are quick to write and sing, and I can't keep up with them. It's sad. Fortunately, these two days my mother accompanied me to class and went home to review with me. In this way, I can barely understand. I really worried about whether I could pass the exam, my mother encouraged me: "You just listen carefully, go home and practice more, you will pass! Mama believes you! " I listened and felt confident about myself.


Today, my grandmother said she would come to my house and I was very excited. At 8:30 I was watching TV with my brother. Grandpa called and said, "Grandma is at the railway station at 9:30." I said to my father, "Daddy, pick up grandma at the railway station at half past nine." Dad said, "OK." Then my brother and I continued watching TV. It was more than 9:30 and I forgot to ask Dad to pick up my grandmother. Now I remembered to remind Dad. Then I quickly reminded Dad. I looked for it at home, but I still couldn't find dad. "Oh"! It turned out that Dad had gone to pick up grandma. After ten minutes, dad got grandma home.






