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【#二年级# 导语】英语日记可能几乎都没人写过或者听过,但是,不妨想一想,英语日记对英语作文会有很大的影响的,而且会涉及到英语学习各方面,从单词量、语句、语法、逻辑关系等等,是一种很不错的方式呢!以下是金笔头网整理的相关资料,希望对您有用。


In the morning, we went to West Lake to see a large musical fountain. It is sprayed out with the rhythm of the music, the first time like a lotus blossom, the second high-pitched, low less than a meter, the highest about 30 meters, so beautiful! Different music gives out different patterns. It really looks great! At this time, I couldn't help taking the camera out and photographing the beautiful scenery.
In the afternoon, we went to the Lake Pavilion and Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon by boat. Later, I went to Lei Feng tower, and at the gate of the tower, I counted the tower, which was five stories high. Entering the tower, we took the elevator to the top of the tower, and we could see the panoramic view of West Lake. On this day, we took a lot of pictures.


This evening, my parents took me to Monument for Liberation to see fireworks.
When we got to Monument for Liberation, we found a good place in the high place, waiting for the time to release fireworks. I hope, finally, when fireworks are released. I saw a ball of light flying overhead, flying like a meteor. With a loud noise, the head of the meteor burst into a circle, first red, then green and purple, and the circle expanded. At last, it sinks with golden light and dies away. And then a group of "tadpoles"...
At the end, the last fireworks sprang up with green branches, and the "bud" opened, and the golden light covered the earth and lit up half the sky. Suddenly, in people's admiration, it has become a few dandelion seeds scattered, slowly down, disappeared in midair. The smoke, which linger and linger in the sky, tells the glory of the past.
Walking on the way home, I was back, I seem to understand what. But that short moment, but also to try bright flowers of life, with their own fleeting life like a person to show their beauty and extraordinary, and why can't we?
Looking up at the night sky, everything has been restored, leaving only the stars sparkling in the sky.


I have long said that the National Day back to Hubei, and finally look forward to this day, I and grandpa, father and mother together by train back home. I visited many places in Hubei, which impressed me deeply.
X month x day
We got on the train at five p.m. and after a long journey, we arrived in Hankou on the morning of X.
X month x day
The train was half an hour late, picking us up from my mother's cousin and uncle. My father got on the train, and my uncle led us down the highway and we drove straight back to the countryside. In the countryside, I met my mother's grandmother, and her four uncles and aunts. They were very enthusiastic about our arrival and made a lot of delicious food. But I was very interested in the chickens here, I chased them, I fed them, it was fun, we went to play in the field, saw the mature golden rice and snow cotton. Cotton is taller than I am. I sometimes compare myself with them. I picked some cotton myself. My uncle told me the growing process of cotton. Rice is also very interesting, the original rice we eat every day is so long, open a grain, white rice in front of my eyes, I asked my grandfather when it is so unplugged, grandfather told me now is a modern machine, do not have to make a bowl of rice, how many ears of rice? It reminds me of the fact that "all grains are laborious".


After breakfast, my family, led by my uncle, went to the Red Cliff of Dongpo, where the scenery was pleasant and bamboo forests were like green oceans. In one of the pavilions, I saw a lovely turtle, which was once connected to the Yangtze River, and was transformed into what it is now. Climbed a lot of buildings, read a lot of calligraphy, really benefit from shallow, just when I am in high spirits, accidentally fell on the stairs, I hurt the "wow wow" cry, the leg also bruised green.
After swimming in Chibi, we returned to the place where our mother was born. We found Li's genealogy in the old house. I also found my mother's name. But the first few pages were not very good. They had been corroded. My uncle kept them. Here is my mother living in seven years to Shanxi, now the old house is empty, my mother seems to have a deep impression of here.
We had dinner in the third grandfather (mother's third uncle), in the second grandfather (mother's second uncle) led to Lin Jia Dawan, this is the hometown of Lin Biao, although I have no history, but listen to the tour guide also know a little bit, Lin Biao's home has become a museum, saw a lot of photos and introductions, we along the mountain road. Walk, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the lake is green and rippling, and the birds are singing as if welcoming friends from afar.
In the evening, we had dinner at Four Grandpa's (mother's fourth uncle) home, a lot of people came, I can not call it, we are very happy, today a little tired, but I like to play computer, I eat next to the computer, adults have a joke, very happy.














