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一. 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(16分)
Bb Ee
Hh Kk

Nn Qq
Tt Yy

二. 把下列英语单词和句子正确抄写在四线格内。(10分)
April hurt clean fresh Monday taxi

Life has four seasons.

It’s the empty can that makes the most noise.

三. 请为下列各题选择选项。(22分)
( )1. I’m ____than you.
A. old B. older C. kind
( ) 2. What _____you do last night.
A. do B. does C. did
( ) 3.--_____ ?
--Yes,she is..
A. Is she young? B. Is he young? C. Are she young?

( ) 4.—Good afternoon ! --____________!
A. Good evening! B. Good afternoon!
C. Good morning!
( ) 5. --How _____ are you? --I’m 1.64 meters.
A. tall B. old C. heavy
( ) 6. –What can you do? --I ___ draw cartoons.
A. do B. can C. am
( ) 7. --_____ do you like summer? --Because I can swim.
A. When B. What C. Why
( ) 8. My birthday is ____ June.
A. on B. in C. at
( ) 9. --What are you doing? -- I’m _____ a book..
A. read B. reading C. reads

( ) 10. –When do you eat breakfast? --I eat breakfast ____8:00.
A. on B. at C. in
( ) 11. Did you ______your grandparents last weekend?
A. visited B. visiting C. visit
( ) 12. He likes ______ ping-pong.
A. played B. play C. playing
( ) 13.—What ______you mother do? --She’s a teacher.
A. did B. do C. does

( ) 14. I come to school _____foot.
A. in B. at C. on
( ) 15. _____ can I get there ?
A. Where B. How C.What

( ) 16. You should ______a deep breath.
A. took B. takes C. take
( ) 17. She is ______ water now.
A. drink B. drinking C. drank
( ) 18. What do you have ______ Mondays?
A. in B. on C. at
( ) 19. –Is she quiet? -- Yes, she ____.
A. is B. isn’t C. does

( ) 20. –They are going to______ TV
A.watch B. watches C. watching
( ) 21. Teacher’s Day is on ____________.
A. Aug.10th B. Sept.10th C. Oct.10th
( ) 22. –Nice to meet you! ________________________!
A. Hello! B. Good afternoon! C. Nice to meet you too!

四. 按要求完成下列各题。(12分)
1. strong(比较级)_____________ 2.heavy(比较级)____________
3. big (比较级)__________ 4.smaller(原形)___________
5. older(原形)___________ 6.take(过去式)__________
7. read(过去式)___________ 8. have(过去式)_____________
9. sleep(-ing形式)_________ 10. eat(-wing形式)____________
五. 选出每组中不同类的单词。(14分)
(   )1. A .tall B.short C.older
(   )2. A.hurt B.happy C.angry
(   )3. A.library B.worker C.hospital
(   )4. A.bus B.sad C.subway
(   )5. A.singing B.reading C.dance
(   )6. A.tomorrow B.visit C.tonight
(   )7. A.dictionary B.spring C.postcard

六. 根据问句选择,选择相应的答语。(16分)
( ) 1.How heavy are you? A.I wear size 37.
( ) 2.How tall are you? B.I’m going to watch TV. ( ) 3.What did you do last weekend? C.I’m 1.65 meters.
( ) 4.How did you go there? D.He’s a pilot.
( ) 5.What size are your shoes? E.I’m 50 kg.
( ) 6.What are you going to do? F.I go there by train.
( )7.What does your uncle do? G.I like playing football. ( ) 8.What’s your hobby? H.I stayed at home.

六. 阅读短文,判断下列各题,正确的填(T),错误的填(F)。(10分)
I have three friends.They are Lucy,Lily and Meimei . Lily is 155cm.She is 40 kg. Lucy is 160cm.She is 50kg. I am 160 cm.Meimei is 1cm shorter than Lily .I am 5cm taller than Lily. Meimei is heavier tan Lucy.We are good friends.
( ) 1.I have three friends.
( ) 2.Meimei is taller than Lucy.
( ) 3.Lucy is heavier than Meimei.
( ) 4.I am taller than Lucy.
( ) 5.Lucy, Meimei,Lily and I are good friends.


( )(1)A. pencil B. pear C. ruler D.pen
( )(2)A. sad B. present C. excited D. happy
( )(3)A. shoe B. head C. hand D.arm
( )(4)A. ate B. went C. flew D. swim
( )(5)A. monkey B. tiger C. kitchen D. giraffe
( )(6)A. taller B. short C. older
( )(7)A .horse B. goose C. home
( )(8)A. try B. often C. never
( )(9)A. third B. apple C. first
( )(10)A. science B. China C. English
( )(11)A. when B. window C. where
( )(12)A. my B. eraser C. his
( )(13)A. rainy B. windy C. baby
( )(14)A .Tuesday B. December C. Friday
( )(15)A. take B. wash C. why

(1)The book is the bed. (2)Could I Mike, please?
(3)Don't read . It's bad for your eyes. (4)It is a pencil.
(5)1 will with Mike this week.
( )1.Are these your books his books?
A. or B.and C.with D./
( )2.- on the desk?-Yes, it is.
A. What's B. Where is C. Is Bill's bag D. Are Tom's pens
( )3.These are our books. Please look after_________.
A. their B. they C. it D. them
( )4.-What's the time? -It's half ________two.
A. pass B. for C. past
( )5.-______snakes love music? -No,they are deaf.
A. Does B. Are C. Do
( )6.What do you want________?
A. to do B. do C. doing
( )7.China is one______ the first countries in the UN.
A./ B. for C. Of
( )8.-Do you like ______football? -Yes,I do.
A. play B. playing C. plays
( )9.Do you know the name the girl?
A. in B. on C. of D. at
( )10.It's a picture of family.
A. Bob B. Bob's C. Bobs' D. Bobs
( )11.BaiLing her homework last Saturday .
A. do B. did C. does
( )12.What’s your hobby ? I like .
A. ride a bike B. bike C. riding a bike
( )13.The third day is in a week .
A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday
( )14.How XiaoDong go to HuiZhou? He there by car.
A .do…goes B. does…go C. does…goes
( )15. I’m . Because my parents take a trip with me .
A. angry B.sad C. happy
( )16.On the farm, there are many cows, horses and .
A. sheep B.hen C. sheeps
( )17.When you play football. You can wear your .
A. sneakers B. slippers C. sandals
( )18.I fishing yesterday . but I’m homework now .
A. went…doing B. went…did C. go…do
( )19.This dress is very pretty .It’s .
A. Amy’s B. John’s C. Mike’s
( )20.Are there tall buildings in the city ?
A. a B. some C. any
( )21.The man blue is his brother.
A.with B.in C.on
( )22.- is this book?-Kate's.
A. Who B.Whose C.Where
( )23.The visitors London next month.
A. went to B. is going to C. are going to
( )24.I can speak English my mother.
A. better as B.better than C.good as
( )25.Who do you write to?
A.want B.want to C.to
( )26.—Where you just now?—I at the library.
A. was; were B. are; was C. were; was
( )27.It's time listen the music.
A. to; / B. for; to C. to ; to
( )28.________give the ball to him. Give it to________.
A. Not; her B. Don't; her C. Don't; he
( )29.-What _________ you usually on Sundays?
-I watch TV. But last Sunday I _________to the park with my friends.
A. did ; do ; does B. do ; do; went C. do; do ; want
( )30.- is the shopping center? -About two kilometers away.
A. How far B. How many C. How
( )31.Do you like____?
A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming D. swim, too
( )32.My father works in a hospital. He is a
A. doctor B. teacher C. cleaner D. writer
( )33.-Don't run in the classroom, David.
A. Never mind, Miss Li. B.Sorry,Miss Li. C.I'm fine, Miss Li.
( )34.Mary's uncle is doctor, her aunt is____ artist.
A. a; a B. an; an C. an; a D. a; an
( )35.“Hello ! 34776855”“ Hello! “
A. This is Tom. B. I'm Tom. C. Who are you? D. Are you Tom?
( )36.Miss Li is a teacher, Meimei is _______student.
A. his B. my C. her D. she
( )37.I usually___ books and TV in summer holiday.
A. read; read B. watch; watch C. read; watch D. watch; read
( )38.I____ a new book and my sister a new book, too.
A. have; have B. has; has C. have; has D. has; have
( )39.-How many are there in a week?-There are____.
A. day; seven B. days; seven C. days; five D. day; five
( )40.-What's his favourite drink?- .
A. Pear juice B. Tomatoes C. Pears D. Red
( )41.Ask the boy not to make any ________. I can’t fall asleep.(入睡)
A. voice B. noise C. sound D. sounds
( )42.I wrote ___________ passage in English class yesterday.
A. an eight-hundred-word B. an eight-hundred words
C. a eight-hundred-words D. a eight-hundred words
( )43.An old friend of my sister’s always helps my brother and ___ with ___ lessons.
A. I … our B. me … ourselves C. I … my D. me … our
( )44.Simon heard his neighhour ________ for help at night.
A. calls B. call C. calling D. to call
( )45.It’s cold here. Please keep the window __________.
A. close B. closed C. closing D. closes
( )46._____ your brother _______ his holidays in Beijing next year?
A. Is … going to spend B. Is … spending C. Do … spend D. Does … spend
( )47.___________ nice the watch is !
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
( )48.Let’s get __________ it and have a look.
A. close B. be close C. close to D. be close t o
( )49._______ you afraid of __________ late for school?
A. Do … be B. Are … be C. Do … being D. Are … being
( )50.It’s important _________ with fire.
A. to careful B. being carefully C. to being careful D. to be careful
( )51.A: __________ do you have a bath in winter? B: Once three days.
A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How many
( )52.____________! It’s getting dark.
A. Be careful B. Hurry up C. Don’t hurry D. Don’t worry
( )53.A: ________ B: Never mind. What can I do for you?
A. Don’t rush. B. Sorry to trouble you. C. Can I help you. D. No hurry.
( )54.He makes his class ______, so he always makes the students _______.
A. interesting … laughing B. interested … laugh
C. interesting … laugh D. interested … laughing
( )55.When the house is on fire, the firemen let people _________ the fire.
A. to keep away from B. keeping away from C. go into D. keep away from
( )56.当你打电话给对方介绍自己是凯特时,应该说:
A. Hello! I'm Kate. B. Hello! This is Kate. C. Hello! Are you Kate?
( )57.经由他人介绍后,双方用来互相问候的话语是:
A. How do you do? B. What do you do? C .How are you?
( )58.当老师提醒你上学不要迟到时,说:
A. Don't read in bed, Xiaoming! B. Don't be late for school, Xiaoming!
C. Don't close the window, Xiaoming!
( )59.在别人家做客,主人给你拿饮料喝,你接过饮料的同时应该说:
A. Oh, it's good. B. Thank you. C. Excuse me. D. You're welcome.
( )60.如果不想告诉别人你的年龄时说:
A. Don't ask me. B. I don't know. C. It's a secret. D. You're right.
( )61.当你想知道今天星期几时,你应该怎样问别人?
A. What is this in English? B. What is the date today? C.What day is it today?
( )62.怎样问天气情况?
A. What day is it today? B.What is the date? C. What is the weather like today?
( )63.在每年的9月10日那天,你应该对老师说:
A. Happy birthday to you! B. Happy Children's Day! C.Happy Teachers' Day!
( )64.当别人向你借尺子时,你应该说:
A. No, thanks. B. Sure, here you are. C. No, I don't.
( )65.当你向别人问路时,但别人不知道时,你应该说:
A. Thank you all the same. B.I'm sorry. C.Don't thank you.
It is Sunday morning. The students are going to the 1 __. Lily and Lucy like animals 2 __. They get up very 3____ in the morning. After 4____ they go to school. The students 5____ at the school gate. They go there 6____ . Miss Gao goes 7_____ them.
There are many kinds of 8_____ in the zoo. The biggest one is 9____ . But they can’t see any cats. The students 10_____ the zoo at four in the afternoon. Lily and Lucy get home at about five. They have a very good time.
( )(1)A. cinema B. zoo C. factory D. hospital
( )(2)A. very well B. very good C. very much D. very nice
( )(3)A. early B. late C. earlier D. later
( )(4)A. supper B. lunch C. breakfast D. meal
( )(5)A. see B. watch C. look D. meet
( )(6)A. by foot B. on foot C. by feet D. on feet
( )(7)A. for B. and C. with D. of
( )(8)A. animals B. birds C. cats D. boats
( )(9)A. a monkey B. a bird C. a tiger D. an elephant
( )(10)A. get to B. go to C. leave D. like
In some parts of the world there are large deserts. There are no trees and no water there. Travelers must take food and water with them. The only animal that can walk through the desert is the camel. It can go without food or water for a long time and it can carry heavy things. People call the camel “the ship of the desert”. The camel’s humps(驼峰)hold fat, and its stomach(胃)holds water in twelve deep pockets. Each pocket has a mouth which closes, and the food does not mix(混合) with the water. When the camel wants some water, it can get it out of the pockets. The camel’s food is grass and leaves of trees.
( )(1)Camels can walk through the desert because they don’t drink or eat.
( )(2)People call the camels “the ship of desert”, because all camels can swim in the desert.
( )(3)All camels have less than three humps.
( )(4)Every camel, even the young, has got twelve pockets in its stomach.
( )(5)Camels eat only grass.
One day an old man is selling(卖) a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, “Don’t say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.” “All right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, “Now, can you tell me how you found the elephant’s bad ears?” “I didn’t find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?” asked the old man. The young man answers, “Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”
( )(1)________ the elephant.
A. The young man sells B. The old man sells C. The two men sell D. The old man buys
( )(2)The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out ____.
A. which foot of the elephant is bad B. how heavy it is
C. which ear of the elephant is bad D. what it looks like
( )(3)The young man ______________.
A. knows the elephant has bad ears B. wants to buy the elephant
C. looks after the elephant D. gets some money from the old man
( )(4)The young man ______________.
A. is not interested in elephants B. knows what an elephant looks like
C. has seen some elephants before D. has never seen an elephant before
( )(5)Hearing what the young man said, the old man will probably(很可能)be_____.
A. angry B. happy C. dangerous D. hungry
This is Billy and his sister’s bedroom. It’s not very big, but it is very clean. There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between the beds. There are some books on the desk. Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone on the desk, too. There are two chairs beside the desk. One is for Billy, and the other is for his sister. There is a map of the world on the wall, too. Billy and his sister like their bedroom very much .
( ) (1)The bedroom is small, and it’s clean .
( ) (2)There are two desks in the bedroom.
( ) (3)There are some Chinese books on the desk.
( ) (4)There are two maps on the wall.
( ) (5)The chairs are for Billy and his brother.

( )(1)The students have lessons and some after school activities every day.
( )(2)They have English, Maths and every day.
( )(3)They have P. E. every
( )(4)They have Music on and Thursday.
( )(5)They have Art on .
It's warm in spring. The trees turn green and the flowers start to grow. I often go rowing in the park. In summer, the weather is very hot and it often rains. I often go swimming with my friends. In autumn, the days get shorter and the nights get longer. It's often sunny, but not too hot. I like winter best. In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. It's not very cold. I often go jogging after school.
( )⑴What's the weather like in spring?
A. Sunny. B. Warm. C. Hot.
( )(2)Does it often rain in summer?
A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesn't. C. I don't know.
( )(3)What does the writer often do in summer?
A. Go rowing. B. Go jogging. C. Go swimming.
( )(4)When do the days get shorter and the nights get longer?
A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In autumn.
( )(5)Which season does the writer like best?
A. Summer. B. Autumn. C. Winter.
Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time (准时). But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late to-day? ""Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody could answer it, but me. ""It's good to answer the teacher's questions. "”But the question was’ Who put the ink(墨水)on my chair?' "
( )(1)Tom lives near his school.
( )(2)He goes to school and comes back home by bike every day.
( )(3)Today Tom went to school late.
( )(4)Tom put some ink on the teacher's chair.
( )(5)The boy is very naughty(调皮).
This is a picture of a family. The father's name is Rex. He is forty-eight. The mother's name is Linda. She is forty-five. They have a son of fifteen and a daughter of sixteen. They are Ned and Rose. They are students in No. 1 Middle School. Linda is a teacher. Rex is a doctor.
( )(1)What picture is it? It's a picture of a
A. father B. bedroom C. classroom D. family
( )(2)How old is the mother?
A. Forty-five. B. Forty-six. C. Forty-seven. D. Forty-eight.
( )(3)What's the father? He's a .
A. worker B. student C. doctor D. teacher
( )(4)How old is Rose?
A. Fifteen. B. Sixteen. C. Seventeen. D. Eighteen.
( )(5)How many people are there in the family?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.
Buy a ball for you!
Mark likes sports. He’s a tall and strong boy in his middle school. Now his father and his mother work in London, so he begins to study in a middle school there. He's a membe

(1)I take my dog out for a walk __________(one) a day.
(2)There’s somebody ________(hide) behind the door.
(3)Sandy does her homework ________(careful) than Tom.
(4)There are many tall ________ on both sides of the street.(build)
(5)Why does she look ________ today? What’s the matter?(worry)
(6)He is old enough. He can do it by __________.(he)
(7)It’s great _______ to play with my pet.(funny)
(8)Please write a short passage about your dog at _______ 100 words.(little)
(9)Many _________ come to visit the Great Wall every year.(visit)
(10)Don’t climb over the wall. Look! It says, “It’s ________”(safe)
(11)It often (snow)here in winter.
(12)is going to see
(13)I (meet)her just now.
(14)No.7 bus (车站)is in front of our school.
(15)Please turn left at the (two)crossing.
(16)He can help me (mend)the bike.
(17)One of the children (fly)a kite now.
(18)Let Li Lei (clean)the classroom.
(19)It's six. It's time (read)English.
(20)Look! Are they (eat)apples?
(21)There are five____(钢笔)on the desk.
(22)— (是)you students? -Yes,we are.
(23)She often____(去)shopping on Sunday.
(24)—How (多少)is the book? -Five yuan.
(25)1 love my father and mother and they love____(我),too.
(1)She found it interesting to listen to music.(同义句)
She ______ ______ ________ music.
(2)Maybe you can find it somewhere.(否定句)
Perhaps you ______ ______ ________ __________.
(3)You must look after your pet.(提问)
________ ________ you __________?
(4)There’s a little milk in the bottle. (提问)
______ _______ _______ _____ there in the bottle?
(5)The weather is very bad today.(改为感叹句)
_______ bad ________ it ______ today!
(6)Did you hear from your parents last week?(同义句)
Did you______ _______ _______ from your parents last week?
(7)They are looking for the bag.(对画线部分提问)
they looking for?
(8)I can speak English.(改成一般疑问句)
______ speak English?
(9)She buys some food in the supermarket.(改成否定句)
She any food in the supermarket.
(10)Do you like growing flowers?(作否定回答)

(11)my, with, will, make, model, classmates, on,I, planes, Sunday. (连词成句 )

(12)We like coffee.(用tea改成选择疑问句)

(13)I’m ten years old. Danny is nine years old.(改成比较句)

(14)Do you want any pencils or pens?(用pens回答)

(15)That is a wolf.(改成复数句)

(16)She often washes her clothes.(改成一般疑问句)

(17)I flew a kite last Sunday . (就划线部分提问)


(19)I went to a park last weekend .(改成一般疑问句并作否定回答)

(20)What’s your English teacher like ? (根据实际情况回答)

(21) I usually go to school on foot .(用how提问)

(1)heavy(反义词) (2)health(形容词) (3)cheap(反义词) _____
(4)swim(过去式) (5)fly(过去式) (6)study(第三人称单数)_____
(7)can not(缩写形式) (8)run(现在分词) (9)watch(第三人称单数)
(10)child(复数) (11)bad(反义词)____ 12)have(过去式)
(13)big(比较级) (14)sang(动词原形) (15)play(过去式)
(1)where on you go your holiday did ( ? )

(2) matter with you what’s the ( ? )

(3)the do you what on weekend do usually ( ? )

(4)you stronger am than I taller and ( . )

(5)visit I’m tomorrow my going grandparents to ( . )

(1)Andy 想查出烟从哪儿冒出来的。
Andy wanted to ________ where the smoke __________.
Don’t read _______________. It _______________ your eyes.
Dogs are our friends. We shouldn’t _________________ them.
She is a very ________ girl and never _______________.
(5)他找不到他的包。He his bag.
(6)你能看见一个英国女孩吗? an English girl?
(7)他们是英国人还是美国人? they or ?
(8)那些苹果在树上。Those apples the tree.
(9)他是我的一位老朋友。He is old friend .
A little monkey is p by the lake. He sees some fish swimming i the lake. H interesting they are!
Now s frogs(青蛙)are j into the water and others are swimming happily in the lake. The monkey t it’s easy to swim. So he wants to jump into the lake.
The fish and frogs all say, “You c swim. Don’t come d or you’ll be dead.” But the monkey doesn’t believe(相信)that. The monkey is in the water now. Of course he can’t swim and he is going to b dead. The fish and frogs are putting h out of the water and saving him.
Remember: “It’s easy to say, but hard to do.”

The Spring Festival is Chinese New Year's Day. It usually _______(come/comes / coming)in February. Almost everybody in China likes the Spring Festival_________(very good/very well/very much). When the Spring Festival comes,people ______(play/water/clean)the houses and buy new clothes. ___________(In/On/At)the first day of the festival,most people in China________(eats/ate/eat)dumplings.


㈡以“My Bedroom’’为题,写一篇小短文。

请用Last holiday为题写一篇作文。注意写清楚去了哪里,和谁一起去的,怎么去的,做了什么,心情怎么样等。50个单词左右。


㈤仿写。仿照例文写出一段话,至少五句。 (共5分)

Dear Tom,


一、 Listen and tick or cross.(听录音,判正误,用T或F表示。)(5分)

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )
( )1. A. My brother is 40 kg . B. My sister is 70 cm. C.Size 37.
( ) 2. A.He watched TV. B. She is swimming. C.She goes camping.
( ) 3.A.I read books there . B.She went to HongKong C.He went there by plane.
( )4. A. No,there aren’t. B.Yes, there is . C.Yes,they did.
( ) 5. A. I’m singing. B. I saw a film. C.I’m going to clean my room.
三.Listen and fill in the blanks.(听音,填空,完成句子。10分)
1、Tom to school the day before yesterday.
2、Listen! The students .
3、Last week we a running race at school.
4、I books last night.
5、Did you last weekend?
四、Listen and tick or cross。听录音,根据短文的内容判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)
( ) 1.Everyone had not a good time. .
( ) 2. Yesterday was Children’s Day.
( ) 3. Nacy got a new bike from her grandpa.
( ) 4. Nacy’s grandmother can make a birthday cake.
( ) 5. Nacy had a birthday party in the classroom.
( ) 1. A. bus B. taxi C. subway D. slow
( ) 2. A.sled B.washed C. stayed D. cleaned
( ) 3. A. gym B. ferry C. dining D. hall
( ) 4. A.cycling B. ice-skate C. badminton D. traffic
( ) 5. A.yellow B.yesterday C.last weekend D.last night
( ) 1. A: How was your weekend? B: .
A. It was good B. I don’t think so C. It’s OK
( ) 2. A: What did you do last weekend? B: I and stayed at home all weekend.
A. have a cold B. had a cold C. has a cold
( ) 3. A: last winter holiday? B: I went to Sanya and it was beautiful there.
A. Where are you going B. Where did you go C. Where do you usually go
( ) 4. A: How did you ______ there? B: We ______there by plane.
A. Went; went B. Go; go. C. go; went.
( ) 5. I was short, so I couldn’t ______ my bike well.
A. rode B. ride C. riding
( ) 6. ____did you go over your summer holiday?
A. What B. How C. Where
( ) 7. Sarah’s feet are_______ than _______.
A. biger; my feet B. bigger; mine C. biger; mine
( ) 8. I usually go to work______. That’s a good exercise.
A. by bus B. by ship C. on foot.
( ) 9. A: What size are your shoes? B: .
A. Size 8 B. I’m 48 kilogram C. I’m 1.61 metres
( ) 10. A: What did you do last weekend? B: .
A. I’m going to school. B. I ride a horse. C. I went camping.
A. Where did you go last summer holiday? B. No, I’m not.
C. Oh, that sounds good. D. What are you going to do there?
E. Did you have a good holiday last year?
John: Hi, This is John. Can I speak to Mike please?
Mike: Hello, John. This is Mike speaking.
Mike: No, I didn’t have a good holiday at that time.
Mike: I went to Hainan last summer holiday.
John: How did you go there?
Mike: I went there by plane. Because it is too far.
John: Are you going to Hainan this summer holiday?
Mike: I am going to Sichuan.
Mike: I am going to take pictures and eat good food.
1、I washed my clothes yesterday.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)
2、I often read books at night.(用last night 改写句子)

_____________________________________________________ 3、We played the piano last week.(就划线部分提问)

4、talked, it, of, new, a, lot, about, films(.) (连词成句)

5.There was a library in my old school.(变否定句)
( ) 1、What do you do on Sundays? A、I watched TV.
( ) 2、Do you like cartoons? B、No, I didn’t
( ) 3、How was your weekend? C、Yes, I do.
( ) 4、Did you have a good time? D、It was not well.
( ) 5、What did you do yesterday? E、I usually read books.
十、用括号里所给词的适当形式填空( 10分)
1. There are many _________(people) in the park.
2. Let’s ________(go) to the zoo this afternoon.
3. There _______ (be) some water in the glass.
4. Look! The students ___________(dance) in the classroom.
5. There___________(be)no library in my old school many years ago.
Mike had a busy weekend. Last Saturday morning he washed his clothes and went to a park. In the afternoon he did his homework and went fishing. Last Sunday morning he cleaned his room and visited his grandparents. In the afternoon he played football and watched TV. Oh! Mike needs another weekend.
( ) 1、Mike didn’t have a busy weekend.
( ) 2、He washed his schoolbag Saturday morning.
( ) 3、Saturday afternoon he went swimming.
( ) 4、Sunday morning he played the computer games.
( ) 5、Mike didn’t needs another weekend.
十二、以“Changes in me”为题写一篇小作文,写一写自己过去和现在有些什么变化。不少于6句话。(5分)



