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  Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

  Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn

  Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt

  Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

  二、5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu


  /eI/ Aa Hh Jj Kk

  /i:/ Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv

  /aI/ Ii Yy

  / / Oo

  /ju:/ Uu Qq Ww

  /e/ Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz

  /a:/ Rr


  动物:a dog 狗 a cat 猫

  颜色:red 红色的 blue 蓝色的

  衣服:a sweater 毛衣 a jacket夹克衫

  文具:a book 书 a pen 钢笔

  物品:a desk 书桌 a bed 床

  食物:an egg 鸡蛋 a cake 蛋糕

  交通工具:a bus 公交车 a car 汽车

  水果:a banana 香蕉 an apple 苹果

  地点:a zoo 动物园a park公园

  人物:a boy 男孩 a girl 女孩


  1.a bird ________ 2.yellow _____ 3.a mango,mangoes______

  a zebra ________ green _____ an orange,oranges______

  a panda ________ white _____ a peach,peaches_______

  a tiger _________ brown _____ a pineapple,pineapples______

  an elephant________ black ______ a watermelon,watermelons______

  a monkey ________ orange ______ a pear,pears________

  4.a fridge __________ 5.a pencil,pencils ___________

  a bookcase ________ a pencil-box,pencil boxes ___________

  a table _________ a ball pen,ball pens _____________

  a sofa _________ a pencil sharpener,pencil sharpeners ________

  a chair _________ a ruler,rulers ____________

  a telephone ______ a rubber,rubbers ___________

  a light __________

  a door ___________ 6.a shirt _________ 7.a bike _________

  a window ________ a T-shirt __________ a plane ________

  a Walkman _______ a skirt_________ 8.father ________

  a box _________ a blouse_________ mother________

  a basket _________ a coat_________ brother_______

  a TV ____________ a dress __________ sister _______

  a tap ___________

  9.an ice cream ________ 10.man _______ 11.a cinema________

  a hamburger ________ woman ______ a supermarket________

  a cup of tea _________ tall,short _______the Great Wall________

  a cup of coffee ________ long,short ______ Beijing________

  a glass of milk ________ fat,thin __________ Xi‘an_________

  a glass of juice ________ big,small ________ Shanghai_________




  1.Hello! Hi! 你好!

  2.Good morning! 早上好!

  Good afternoon! 下午好!

  Good night. 晚安!

  3.What’s your name? I‘m... 你叫什么名字?我叫...

  也可以回答: My name is ...

  4.This is Nancy Black/ David Black/Mr Black/Mrs Balck. 这是...

  (That’s) Helen Brown/Mike Brown/Mr Brown/Mrs Brown 那是...

  Wang Bing/Liu Tao/Yang Ling /Gao Shan


  Miss Li/Mr Green.

  my father/mother/brother/sister

  a cat/an apple/...

  (Mr 先生,Mrs夫人,Miss小姐,


  5.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。

  Nice to meet you,too. 见到你也很高兴。 (too是“也”的意思)

  6.What colour is it? It‘s red/blue/... 它是什么颜色?它是...

  7.I can see a .../some ... 我看见一个.../一些...

  8.A:How are you? 你好吗?

  B:Fine/I’m fine. 我很好。Thank you/Thanks.谢谢。

  (Not bad. 不错。)

  (Not so good. 不太好。)

  And you? 你呢?

  A:I‘m fine, too. 我也很好。

  (Not bad,thank you. 不错,谢谢。)

  (Not so good. 不太好。)

  当别人说“不太好”时应说:Sorry./I’m sorry.

  9.Get up. 起床吧。

  Go to school now. 现在去上学吧。

  Go home now. 现在回家吧。

  Go to bed now. 现在睡觉吧。

  回答OK./All right. 好的。

  “平时道别”要说Goodbye./See you. 再见。

  “晚上道别”要说Good night. 晚安。

  10.Here‘s ... 这里有...

  11.A:Look at my ... 看我的... 也可以说:Look,this is my ...

  your ... 你的... (that’s)your...

  his ... 他的... his...

  her ... 她的... her...

  B:It‘s smart/pretty/nice. 真漂亮!

  How nice! 多漂亮啊!

  12.Let’s go to the zoo/park/cinema/supermarket/Great Wall.让我们去...

  可以回答OK./All right. 好的。

  也可以说Good.太好了。 Great.太棒了!

  接着可以问But how? 但是怎么去呢?

  回答:By bike/car/bus/plane. 骑自行车去/坐车去/坐公交车去/搭飞机去。

  还可以说:Let‘s go to the ...by ... 让我们...去...

  13.Turn on the light/TV/tap/Walkman,please. 打开...

  Turn off the ... 关掉... (please是

  14.Open the door/window/box/basket,please. 打开... “请”的意思)

  Close the ... 关掉...

  可以回答OK./All right. 做了不好的事应该说I’m sorry.

  15.Guess.What is it? It‘s ... 猜。它是什么?它是...

  16.Some cakes? 来些蛋糕? 可以回答:Yes,please.

  ice creams? 冰淇淋? No,thanks.

  hamburgers? 汉堡? 如果你需要更多数目可以说:

  eggs? 鸡蛋? Yes,two,please.

  milk? 牛奶? Three,please.等

  tea? 茶?

  juice? 果汁?

  coffee? 咖啡?

  也可以问一个:A cake?An ice cream?A hamburger?An egg?同样回答。

  A glass of milk?A glass of ...juice?

  A cup of tea?A cup of coffee?

  买东西要注意:询问别人“...好不好?”要用升调,例如A green pencil?

  告诉别人“请给我...。”要用降调,例如A green pencil,please.

  17.I’m a Chinese ... 我是一个中国的...

  an English ... 一个英国的...

  I‘m from ... 我来自...

  I’m nine/ten. 我九岁/十岁。

  I‘m tall/short/fat/thin. 我很高/很矮/很胖/很瘦。

  My eyes are big/small. 我的眼睛很大/很小。

  My hair is long/short. 我的头发很长/很短。

  还可以说I’m not ... 我不...

  18.He‘s /She’s ... 他/她是 ...

  His /Her ... 他的/她的 ...

  19.Who are you ? 你是谁?

  Who am I? 我是谁?



