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一、 判断下列每小题中的大小写字母是否是正确的一对,如果是正确的在括号内划“√”,错误的划“×”。(10分)

( )1. N n ( )2. M w ( )3. B d ( )4. L l ( )5. Q g

( )6. H h ( )7. J i ( )8. E f ( ) 9.D d ( )10. A e


( ) 1. A. bus B. ship C. bike D. book

( ) 2. A. red light B.traffic light C.yellow light D.green light

( ) 3. A. Beijing B. Canada C. England D. go

( ) 4. A. stop B. go C.wait D. light

( ) 5. A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.week


( ) 1.— How do you go to Canada? — I go __________.

A. by the plane B. on the plane C. by plane D. on plane

( ) 2. __________, is there a cinema near here?

A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Thank you D. Excuse

( ) 3. How can I __________ Zhongshan Park?

A. get off B. get to C. get D. get on

( ) 4.— Thank you very much. — _______________________.

A. OK B. Don't thank me C. You're welcome D. Yes

( ) 5. _________ do you go to school?

A. How B. What C. Where D. Who

( )6. The hospital is ____the left. A. for B. in C. on

( )7. Walk straight three minutes. A. at B. for C. in

( ) 8. Stop a red light. A. for B. on C. at

( ) 9. Green light means “ .” A. go B. wait C. stop

( ) 10. Wait at a light. A. red B. green C. yellow

( ) 11. What she like ? She likes .

A. do, sing B. does, sing C. does, singing

( ) 12. –What does your father do --He is a . He teaches English .

A. singer B. writer C.teacher



