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一 、听力部分 (40分)

  1 、 听句子,选出听到的单词,把选项的字母代号写在题前的括号中。(10分)

  (1) ( ) a、 often b 、 sometimes c 、 usually

  (2)( ) a、 get up b、 go to bed c 、 get home

  (3)( ) a、 in the evening b 、 in the afternoon c 、 in the morning

  (4)( ) a 、have lunch b 、 have dinner c 、 have breakfast

  (5)( ) a、 go shopping b、 go to school c 、go home

  2 、 听录音,选择一个单词填空。 (10分)

  (1)I go to school at 700 in the ______________ . ( morning evening )

  (2) My father ____________up at 6:00 in the morning . ( get gets )

  (3) I _________go to the cinema . ( doesn’t don’t )

  (4) He ____________works in the office . ( always usually )

  (5) She __________stays up very late . (never seldom )

  3、 听录音,给下列句子排列顺序。 (10分)(注:课文12 页)

  ( ) I go to school at twenty past eight .

  ( ) I get up at seven every morning .

  ( ) I get home at about half past three .

  ( ) School begings at nine . I have classes from 9:00 to 11:30 in the morning .

  ( ) Then I do my homework .

  4、 听短文,判断对与错。对的在括号中打钩,错的在括号中打叉。(10分)(注:课文15 页)

  (1) My grandpa gets up at 7:00 in the morning . ( )

  (2) He takes a long walk from 6:15 to 7:00 . ( )

  (3) He usually waters the flowers or plays with his pet cat .

  (4) He usually goes out in the evening .

  (5) He goes to bed at about 9:30 .

  二、 读写部分(60分)

  1、 选择正确的字母组合补全单词。(8分)

  ea ie ce ee

  (1) m____t (2) m____ls (3) sc_____ntist (4) offi_____


  (1) my is new she friend

  (2) are doing what you ?

  (3) TV I watch

  (4) dinner at have I seven about

  (5) family in my is Banna

  3、 情景应答。把正确的选项填在括号中。(12分)

  (1) 当你从不在晚上出去时应这样说:( )

  a、 I seldom go out in the evening . b、 I often go out in the evening . c 、I never go out in the evening .

  (2)你经常在早上七点正去上学,应这样说:( )

  a、I go to school at 7:00 in the morning. a、 I usually go to school at 7:00 in the morning . c、 Sometimes I go

  to school at 7:00 in the morning .

  (3) 你爸爸很晚才到家,你应这样对别人说:( )

  a My father get home very late . b My father gets home very late . c My father gets home late .

  (4) 当你想问别人一些问题时应有礼貌地说:( )

  a May I ask you some questions ? b May I ask you a question . c I ask you a question .

  4、 读短文,判断对与错,对的在括号中打钩,错的在括号中打叉。(15分)(注:课文18页)

  Mr Li is a famous scientist . He usually works in the office in the morning . He often works from 6:00 to 12:00 . He usually goes on with his work . Sonetimes he meets other scientists . He seldom goes shopping . He never eats out . He always has his meals in the office ,or even in the lab . How hard he works ! We should learn from him .

  (1) Mr Li never has meals in your home . ( )

  (2) He often works from 7:00 to 12:00 in the morning . ( )

  (3) He works hard . ( )

  (4) He usually meets other scientists .( )

  (5) We should learn from him .( )

  5、 请制定一个你认为很好的学习生活作息表。(10分)



