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  ( )1. Simon has got some chopsticks, ____ they are difficult.

  A. and   B. but   C. or

  ( )2. Pandas eat ____ twelve hours a day.

  A. for   B. to   C. on

  ( )3. She sometimes ____ the classroom after school.

  A. clean   B. cleans   C. cleaning

  ( )4. Let’s _____ to see films. Good idea!

  A. go   B. goes   C. going

  ( )5. Please ____ quiet! Mum is sleeping.

  A. is   B. am   C. be

  ( )6. I want to _____ the UN building someday.

  A. visit   B. visits   C. visiting

  ( )7. They are our good friends. They play with children. What are they?

  They are_____.

  A. bears   B. tigers   C. dogs

  ( )8. Believe it ____ not. Snakes can’t hear. I believe it.

  A. or   B. and   C. but

  ( )9. ______is my hobby.

A. Collecting cars B. Swims C. Read stories   ( )10. He likes to______ but not to say.

  A. look   B. looks   C. looking


  ( )1. Do you want to visit the Summer Palace?   A. Sanya.

  ( )2. Where are you going?            B. By bus.

  ( )3. What’s your favourite city?         C. Yes, I do.

  ( )4. Are there any pandas at the zoo?      D. To the library.

  ( )5. How do you go to school every day?     E. Yes, there are.


peace all around present bamboo fantastic   1. There are flags from _________ the world.

  2. What a _______ present!

  3. They want to bring ________ to the world.

  4. Boys and girls, please _________ the blackboard.

  5. I found my lost bag. I’m .


  Jim: Hi, Sam. _____1_____

  Sam:I’m going to visit the China Pavilion(中国馆)。

  Would you like to go with me?

  Jim: _____2_____

  But how to get to the China Pavilion?


  Jim: Let’s go.

  (at the entrance入口)

  Jim: Here are our tickets.

  Volunteer(志愿者) :_____4_____

  Jim: Okay. Can you tell me the theme of the World Expo (世博会主题)?

  Volunteer:Better city, better life.

  Jim: Thank you very much.


1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______   五、连词成句。

  1. often, Laura, dolls, plays with, ( . )


  2. you, want to, do, visit, the Chinatown, ( ? )


  3. talk, in, don’t, the hospital, ( . )


  4. some stamps, I’ve got, China, from, ( . )


  5. countries, in the UN, how many, are, ( ? )



  It is a rainy day. Little Tom can’t go out. He goes into the kitchen. Mum is at the table. She has got a large album(相册) and some cards. “What are those, Mum?” asks Tom. “They’re postcards,” says Mum. “Collecting postcards is my hobby.” Tom walks into the sitting room. Dad is at the desk. “What are those, Dad?” asks Tom. “This is my stamp collection,” says Dad. “I want to collect something, too.” Tom thinks and goes to his room. He’s got some picture books and some balls. But Tom doesn’t like them. He opens his box. There are lots of model planes in it. Tom feels very happy. “Wow! Now I can collect planes.”

  ( )1. It’s _______outside.

  A. rainy   B. windy   C. sunny

  ( )2. Mum has got many _______.

  A. stamps   B. postcards   C. photos

  ( )3. ________is Dad’s hobby.

  A. Collecting postcards

  B. Watching TV

  C. Collecting stamps

  ( )4. Tom has got some _______.

  A. balls   B. postcards   C. stamps

  ( )5. Tom wants to collect ________.

A. picture books B. planes C. toys cars



