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【#三年级# 导语】现代社会竞争激烈,大部分父母都为了让孩子赢在起跑线,在假期或者闲余时间也会给孩子报各种各样的学习、兴趣补习班。补习,不能说它是没作用的,它也确实会对学生产生一定的影响。但是我们不能跟风和一把抓,应该权衡之下做出合理科学的按排,以下是金笔头网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您。



  1. (  ) A.Yes,there are.   B. There are ten.   C. They are flowers.

2. (   )  A.Yes, there isn’t.  B. Yes,There are.  C. No,They aren’t. 

3.(   )A.Yes, it is.       B. No, it isn’t.     C. No, I don’t . 

4.(   )A .There is a bed.  B. It is blue.      C. Yes, there is. 

5.(   )A. It’s red.       B. It’s on the wall.  C. No, it isn’t.


  1. My sister has a lovely _____________.          

2.There is a _____________  on the door.                                                                                          3.The old man has a beautiful _____________.         

4.we play games after _____________.             

5.Is there a swimming ____________ at our school .


1. Is there a computer in your room?


 2. Do you have a big living room?


3. Is your school beautiful?


4. Are there any flowers in your house?


5. Where is your English book?



Ben:Look! This is our new classroom. Jiamin:__________________ What’s this? Ben:________________ Jiamin:What colour is it? Ben:_____________ Jiamin:Where is it? Ben:_________________ Let’s go to the playground. Jiamin:______________


(    )1. How many ______  are there in your school?        A. classroom   B. classrooms      C. a classroom 

(    )2. ______ there any books on the desk?        A. Is          B. Are            C. Do 

(    )3. welcome ______ our  new  school        A. to          B. for            C. on 

(    )4. Let  ______ show you our new  school.        A.I            B .my           C. me 

(    )5.There ______ a swimming pool.        A. is           B. are           C. am 

(    )6. Are there ______ chairs in that living room?        A. some        B. a             C. any 

(    )7. It  ______ three rooms in the flat.        A. has         B. have           C .is 

(    )8. —  ______ you have a big house? —Yes, I do A. Are         B. Do            C. Is 

(    )9. The toilet is next  ______ the bedroom.          A. to           B. in            C. on 

(    )10. There is a lovely bed ______ my bedroom. A. on            B .under        C .in



  1. (    )A. five       B. rice            C. nine    

2.(    )A. Chinese   B. English         C. storybook 

3.(    )A. key       B. English book    C. Chinese book 

4.(    )A. put       B. on              C. in 

5.(    )A. panda     B .eraser           C. pencil box


(   )1.I have       English book and       maths book.         A. a ; a              B. an ; a              C. an ; an 

(   )2. What’s         your schoolbag?  ---- Two toys, three keys and some candies. A. in                 B. on               C. under 

(     )3. It’s blue       yellow.     A. and           B. or         C. to 

(     )4.---          What’s this ?       ---It’s a cute panda. A. Oh, yes.             B. Sorry             C. Excuse me 

(     )5.We         a new classroom.       A. has           B. have         C. are 

(     )6---I have six notebooks, three storybooks, an English book, a maths book, a Chinese book and two toys, so it is          . A. heavy              B. small               C. light(轻的) 

(     )7-         ,Mum. Sweet dreams.    A. Good morning        B. Good night          C. Good afternoon 

(     )8. ---        is it?     ---- It’s black. A. What colour            B. What’s             C. Which colour 

(     )9---Here is it!     ---               .    A. Ok               B. Excuse me            C. Thank you so much 


  1.  in          is          what         schoolbag                                                               ?

2.  have      a       schoolbag         new       I                                                              . 

 3.   go       see          and           let’s                                                                . 

4.   your      put        in        your       desk        eraser                                                                 . 

5.   I     schoolbag         lost           my                                                                 . 

6.   so        my          heavy         is        schoolbag                                                                 . 

7.   your      put        in        your      schoolbag        toys                                                               


1、当别人帮助你时,你应该说:                                        A. Thank you so much!                 B.  You’re welcome!   

2、你想表达“把你的数学书放到你的书包下面”时,你应该说:                          A. Put your maths book on your schoolbag.      B. Put your maths book under your schoolbag. 

3.你想询问“你的书包是什么颜色时”时,你应该说:                           A.What’s your schoolbag?          B. What colour is your schoolbag? 

4.你想表达“这本笔记本是蓝色的和白色的”时,你应该说:                             A. The notebook is yellow and white .      B. The notebook is blue and white . 

5.当你想知道别人的书包里有什么时,你会问    A. What’s in your schoolbag?      B. Thank you      C. What’s  this 

6.当你想说“我有一个新书包”,你应该说          A.I have a book       B.I have a new schoolbag         C.I have a maths book 


  1. (     )我的书包丢了。                     A. My schoolbag is so heavy.

2.(     )它是什么颜色的?                   B. I lost my schoolbag. 

3.(     )我的课桌里有一个鸡蛋。             C. I have an egg in my desk. 

4.(     )在你的书包里有什么?               D. What colour is it? 

5.(     )我的书包很重。                     E. What’s in your schoolbag?




  1. What’s in your schoolbag?                A. Thank you so much!              

2. What colour is your maths book?          B. Yes. I do.              

3. I have a new pencil box.                  C. An English book and a maths book.              

4. Here is it.                              D. May I see it ?              

5.Do you have a toy?                       E. It’s blue and white.



(  )1.A. dog       B. desk        C. chair        D.bed 

(  )2.A. room     B. kitchen      C. bedroom      D.bathroom 

(  )3.A. key      B. he         C. she           D.they 

(  )4.A. in         B. on         C.under         D.no 

(  )5.A. fridge      B. table       C. sofa          D.apple 

(  )6. A. study      B. fan        C. light          D. computer 

(  )7. A. cat        B. dog        C. duck         D. bedroom 

(  )8. A. father     B. mother      C. sister         D. phone 

(  )9. A. apple      B. banana     C. fridge         D. orange 

(  )10. A. thin      B. kitchen     C. strong         D. quiet 

 (     )11、冰箱   A. fridge          B. friend           C. floor  

(     )12、电话   A. please          B. phone           C. elephant  

(     )13、在旁边 A. on             B. under           C. near  

(     )14、桌子   A. table           B. make            C. twelve  

(     )15、笔记   A. not            B. note             C. hot  

(     )16、鸡肉   A. key            B. kitchen           C. chicken 


Go to the            . Watch TV. Go to the             . Read a book. Go to the             . Have a snack . Go to the             . Have a nap . Go to the              . Take a shower .  


 (   ) 1.  A. bedroom          B. kitchen           C. book   

(   ) 2.  A. juice             B.sofa                C. fridge 

(   ) 3.  A. classroom        B. bedroom            C. here 

 (   ) 4.  A. she              B. we                 C. her 

 (   ) 5.  A. friend           B.friendly              C. sister 


(   )1.Where are the keys? _____ A. They are in the door.   B. It's in the door.  C. We are in the living room. 

(   )2.Is Chen Jie in the bedroom? _______    A. Yes, it isn't.           B. No, he's in the kitchen      C. Yes, she is. 

(   )3. Is she in the kitchen? _____ A.No, she is                B.Yes, she isn’t.         C.No, she isn’t 

(   )4.Are they in the door? ______ A. No, they aren't.           B. No, it isn't.           C. Yes, it is. 

(   )5.How many English books do you have? ________  A. I have 9.              B. I can see 10.          C. Yes, I do. 

 (   )6. There is a bed        the window.   A. in     B. on      C . near 

(   )7. How many    are there in your school? A. homes                  B. classrooms           C. kitchen 

(   )8.Who's he? ________ A. She is Bai Ling.    B. He's Zhang Peng.        C.It's a book. 

(   )9. Is this your bedroom?-     . A. Yes, it isn’t.  B. Yes, it is.   C .Yes, he is. 

(   )10.Where is the cat ?-     . A. It’s Mimi.         B. I like the cat.            C. It’s in the kitchen. 


  1. Where      the keys?  

2. ___  _the keys on the table?   

3.She    in the bathroom .  

4. I      a Chinese girl ?   

5.      this your bike ?      

6.They        in the door. 

 六. 连词成句。 

 1.    in     the    she    is     living room ?

2.are    the    where       keys?

3.big        my          room            is

4. are     the      on        table       They

5.  is     Where    your    book?



(     ) 1.Is this your school?              A. It’s in the kitchen.         

(     ) 2.Where is your cat?               B. Yes, it is. .        

(     ) 3.Where are your books?.           C. No, he isn’t.         

(     ) 4.Is he in the kitchen?              D. Yes, they are.           

(     ) 5.Are they near the phone?          E. They are under the table. 


(  )1.Is she in the study?            A. It's on the desk.      

(  )2.Is this your bedroom?          B. No, they aren't.      

(  )3.Where's my pen?              C.No, it isn't.      

(  )4.Are they on the chair?          D.Yes, she is.      

(  )5.Where are my books?          E.They are on the bed 

八. 重新排列下列句子的顺序,使其成为一个意思完整、通顺的对话 

(    )Look !She is in the kitchen .   

 (     ) Where is she? 

(     ) No, she isn’t.    

( 4   ) No, she isn’t.    

(     ) Is she in the study? 

(     ) I have a cat . She ‘s cute.    

(     ) Mmm.Is she in the livingroom? 


(   )1. 你想告诉朋友:去客厅看电视,你应该这样表达:       A. Go to the living room take a shower.     B. Go to the study watch TV.                       C. Go to the living room watch TV. 

(   )2.别人的卧室很漂亮,你可以这样说:         A. The living is nice.          B. The bedroom is nice.   C. The study is nice. 

(   )3.你不知道你朋友陈洁在哪里,你可以问:       A. Where is she?     B. Where is he?      C. Where is your friend? 

(   )4、如果别人说对了,你可以说:       A. Thank you.        B. All right.      C.  You’re right. 

(   )5.你想知道钢笔是否在对方手里,你可以这样问:       A. Where is my pen?      B. Where is your pen?    C. Is it in your hand? 

(   )6.如果你想叫别人开门,可以这样说:       A. Go to the door.      B. Open the door, please. C. Close the door, please. 

(   )7.你想知道他是谁,应该怎么问:       A. Who is it?        B. Who is she?       C. Who is he? 

(   )8. 请整理床铺,应该这样表达:       A. Sit on the sofa.         B. Make the bed.     C.  Watch TV. 

(   )9.欢迎来我家,可以这样表达:       A. Welcome to my school.  B. Welcome to my bedroom   C. Welcome to my home.














