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  ( )1、A.book B. rubber C. robot

  ( )2、A.Mr B.Miss C. Mrs

  ( )3、A.up B. sit C. stand

  ( )4、A. I B. my C. you

  ( )5、A. milk B. egg C. Pie

  ( )6、A.not B. no C.yes

  ( ) 7. A. blue B. ball C. black

  ( ) 8. A. pie B. stand C. sit

  ( ) 9. A. come B. listen C. me

  ( ) 10. A. talk B. book C. Shout

  ( ) 11. A. sleep B. skirt C. T-shirt


  吃这个蛋糕 一本英语书

  my robot this window

  在图书馆 进来 不要喊叫

  听..... 打开你的书 不要跑

  坐下 在上课 起立

  三、选择填空 。

  ( )1、Look the blackboard . A.up B. in C. at

  ( )2、This is Zhang . my uncle .

  A. Miss; He’s B. Mr ; He C. Mr ; He’s

  ( )3、Wang Bing has two big .

  A. book B. Books C.books

  ( )4、Would you like ice cream ? A.a B. an C . /

  ( )5、I want sleep . A. to B two C . too

  ( )6、客人来到你家门口,你说:

  A.Stand up B. Open the door , please . C. Please come in .

  ( )7、睡觉前,爷爷请你关上窗户,他会说:

  A.Please close the window . B . Please open the window . C . Please close the door .

  ( )8、 你想知道这是不是小明的书,你问他:

  A. Is this your rubber ? B . Is this your book ? C . Is that your book ?

  ( ) 1. —Look at the blackboard. —________.

  A. I’m sorry. B. Yes, Mr Green. C. It’s nice.

  ( ) 2. —What’s this? —__________.

  A. It’s a parrot. B. It’s parrot. C. No, it’s a parrot.

  ( ) 3. —Hello, class. —_________.

  A. Hello, Mike. B. Hello, Miss Li. C. Hello, Helen.

  ( ) 4. I like to _______ juice. A. eat B. drink C. run

  ( ) 5. It’s too cold(冷). ___ the window, please.

  A. Don’t open B. Open C. talk

  ( ) 6. —Don’t talk in the library ! —_________

  A. I’m sorry. B. Thank you. C. OK.

  ( ) 7. —Please close the window. —___________ .

  A. Goodbye. B. Yes , Mr Green C. I’m sorry

  ( ) 8. —May I come in? —_______ .

  A. Sit down , please B. Come in , please C. OK

  ( ) 9.—Don’t listen __________ Sam , Bobby . —OK .

  A. / B. for C. to

  ( ) 10.Bob has two big _________ . A. book B. a book C. books


  1、is What this

  2、you egg like an Would

  3、my Don’t pie eat

  4、book It’s my English

  5、your this Is cap

  6、to listen Don't parrot the

  7、like sweet a Would you


  ( )1、What’s this ? A. Yes , please .

  ( )2、Don’t sleep in class , Liu Tao . B. It’s my English book .

  ( )3、Would you like a sweet ? C. Nice to meet you , too .

  ( )4、Nice to meet you . D. Come in , please .

  ( )5、I’m sorry , Mr Green . E. I’m sorry .

  ( ) 1.What colour is the window ? A. Sit down , please.

  ( ) 2. Stand up , please . B. It’s a robot .

  ( ) 3.What’s this ? C. Good morning .

  ( ) 4.Good morning . D. OK, Miss Li .

  ( ) 5.Don’t open the book . E. It’s yellow .


  ( )1、公交车上,你给老爷爷让座,你会说: A.Look at the blackboard .

  ( )2、上课时,老师让小明看黑板,老师说: B.I'm sorry , Mr Green .

  ( )3、Bobby让Sam不要听鹦鹉的,他说: C.Don't listen to the parrot .

  ( )4、你想知道近处的物品是什么,你说: D.What's this ?

  ( )5、你上学迟到了,你对老师说: E.Good afternoon , class .

  ( )6、下午上课时,格林老师对同学们说: F.Sit down , please .



