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一、选出不同类的单词 1.A teacher B father C brother D mom 2.A kitchen B bathroom C classroom D study 3.A noodles B chopsticks C spoon D knife 4.A tall B quiet C computer D strong 5.A fan B floor C wall D cook 二、单项选择 1.We ____ a new classroom. A.have B.are C.has 2.Look, he is tall ____ strong. A.to B.and C.or 3.A boy____girl? – A boy. A.or B.in C.and 4.What’s______the classroom? A.in B.under C.near 5.Let____ help you. A.go B.me C.I 6.What’s his name?. -_____name is Zhang Peng. A.me B.His C.her 7._______ is the desk?—It’s in the classroom. A.What B.Where C.How 8.She______long hair. A.have B.has C.is 9.Can I some noodles. Please ? A.like B. has C.have 10.______clean the board. A.Let’s B.Let C.Look 11.Go to the _____ and take a shower. A.living room B.bedroom C.bathroom 12 .Would you like some beef ? — ________ A. Sure. Here you are. B.Yes, please. C.OK 13.How many ________do you have? A.maths books B.maths book C.a math s book 14.He is tall and strong. He ______ black glasses. A.have B.has C.is 15.I have three _____, two _____ and a _____ in my desk . A.keys, toys, notebook B.key, toy, notebook C.keys, toys, notebooks 三、连词成句 1.name is what his ? ___________________________________________ 2.study the is she in ? ___________________________________________ 3.has friend hair long my 。 ___________________________________________ 4.vegetable I’d some like please 。 ___________________________________________ 5.are in family there people your many how ? ___________________________________________ 四、补全下列对话,将序号写在相应的横线上。 A: What’s your sister? B: Is this the kitchen ? C: How many people are there in your family? D: Are they in the kitchen? E: What would you like for Breakfast? Amy: Good morning,John.Welcome to my home! Jane: Wow,it’s so big! 1______________________ Amy: There are four. my parents,my sister and me. Jane: 2_______________________________ Amy : She’s a teacher. . Jane: 3____________________________ Amy: Yes,it is. 4______________________ Jane: I’d like some vegetables and noodles. Amy: Your noodles. Jane: Thank you. Where are the chopsticks? Amy: 5___________________________ Jane: No! they are on the table. 五、 阅读短文,选择答案 Hi! My name’s Amy. Look at my family photo. This is my father. He’s a teacher. He’s tall. He likes sports. This is my mother. She’s a teacher, too. She likes reading. This is my brother. He’s a baseball player. He’s strong. I love my family. 1. What’s Amy’s father? A. He’s a teacher. B.He’s a doctor. 2. What’s Amy’s mother? A.She’s a teacher. B. She’s a nurse. 3. Is Amy’s father tall? A. No, he isn’t. B. Yes, he is. 4. Is Amy’s brother strong? A. No, he isn’t. B.Yes, he is. 5. How many people are there in Amy’s family?


