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  1. 太小 ______________

  2. 那么大 ______________

  3. 在六点四十分 ___________

  4. 九双袜子 ______________

  5. 回家 ______________

  6. try on ______________

  7. Don’t worry. ______________

  8. have breakfast ______________

  9. It’s late. ______________

  10. Shall we …? ______________


  1. ____ my bike.


  B.Look at


  2. The jacket ____ too long.

  A. is

  B. are


  3. — ____ shoes ____ they? — Helen’s.

  A Who; are

  B Whose; are

  C What; are

  4. —____ do you watch TV? — At 7 o’clock.

  A. What’s time

  B. What’s the time

  C. What time

  5. It’s ____. It’s time to go to school.

  A. seven-twenty-five

  B. seven twenty five

  C .seven twenty-five

  6. She _____ so funny.

  A. look



  7. I get up _____ six thirty in the morning.

  A. in

  B. on

  C. at

  8. What’s forty-eight and fifty-two? It’s ____

  A. eighty-nine

  B. forty-two

  C. one hundred

  9. Let’s go to _____.

  A. park

  B. the park

  C. home

  10. —Is this your shirt?—_____

  A. Yes,it’s my father’s.

  B. Yes, this is.

  C. No, it’s my father’s.


  1. pair,this,of,shoes,is,pretty(.)

  2. at,I,to,go,nine,bed(.)

  3. is,time,what,the,please(?)

  4. jeans,whose,they,are (?)

  5. time,do,what,you,watch,TV(?)


  A:David,w __watch is t__ ?

  B:Let me see. Oh, it’s m__ watch. Thank you.

  A: N__ at all. Oh, it’s f__ now.

  It’s t __to go home. Bye!

  B: See you.


  A: Have some fruit, Mike!

  B: Thank you, Mum. What’s the time now?

  A: It’s eight thirty-five. It’s not late. You can go to bed at nine o’clock.

  B: Oh, I see. Mum, what are those(那些) on the table? Are they pears?

  A: No, they aren’t. They are mangoes.

  B: Mangoes! They’re nice. May I have a look?

  A: Sure. Six mangoes are for your grandmother. Five apples are for you.

  B: Where are the apples?

  A: They are in the fridge.

  B: Oh, here they are. Thank you, Mum.

  1. What are these on the table?

  A. pears B. mangoes C. apples

  2. Where are the apples?

  A. on the table B. on the desk C. in the fridge

  3. Who are the mangoes for?

  A. mother B. grandmother C. Mike

  4. What time is it now?

  A. eight thirty-five B. nine o’clock C. it’s late.

  5. How many apples for Mike?

  A. six B. five C. eleven



