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  1.在星期一下午噢on Monday afternoon 2.上一堂美术课have an Art lesson 3.第一节课 have a lesson

  4.新学期 new term 5.欢迎来我家 welcome to my home 6.在早上 in the morning

  7.这个学期 this term 8.这个星期 this week 9.在一周里 in a week

  10.在下午 in the afternoon 11.在晚上 in the evening 12.在夜里 in the evening 13.在中午 at noon 14.一节有趣的课 an interesting lesson 15.非常喜欢 like very much

  16.告诉我tell me 17.立刻 at once 18.钟附近 near the clock

  19. 每天 every day 20. 每周 every week 21. 每天早晨 every morning


  1.have(现在分词) having 2.one(序数词) first 3.new(反义词) old

  4.this(复数) these 5.this(反义词) that 6.have(第三人称单数) has

  9.we(宾格) us (所有格) our 10.I (宾格) me (所有格) my

  11.you(宾格) you (所有格) your 12.they(宾格) them (所有格) their

  13.she(宾格) her (所有格) her 14.he(宾格) him (所有格) his

  15.boy(复数) boys 16.family(复数)families 17.do(第三人称单数) does

  18.study(的三人称单数) studies 21.hot(反义词) cold 22.minus(反义词) plus

  23.I(同音词) eye 24.you(同音字母) u 25.they‘re(完全形式) they are


  1. It’s Sunday.(对画线部分提问) What day is it today?

  2. I like English.(对画线部分提问) What subject do you like?

  3. We have eight subjects this term.(对画线部分提问) How many subjects do you have this term?

  4.We have Chinese, Maths and Science in the morning.(对画线部分提问)What lessons do you have in the morning?

  5. the, lesson, it, on, first, is, Monday . (连词成句) It is the first lesson on Monday.

  6. Miss Li and her students are having a lesson.(改为一般疑问句,做肯定回答)

  Are Miss Li and her students having a lesson? Yes, they are.

  7. do, and, like, my, not, I, PE, brother.(连词成句) My brother and I do not like PE.

  8. 我不喜欢语文。我喜欢体育。它非常有趣。(翻译成英文) I don‘t like Chinese. I like PE. It’s interesting

  www.2xxyy.com 江苏省中小学英语教学提供


  1. I have a Art lesson in the afternoon. ( an )

  2. Li Li is think of how to do it. ( thinking )

  3. The hot coffee near the clock is of the doctor. ( for )

  4. Can you tell I at once? ( me )

  5. I can see some birds on the tree. ( in )

  6. I like playing football and my friends. ( with )

  7. We have three lessons in Wednesday afternoon. ( on )

  8. Shall us go and play there? ( we )




  1.生病 ill 2.在学校 at school 3.跟海伦说话 speak to Helen

  4.缺席 absent 5.呆在床上 stay in bed 6.呆在家 stay at home

  7.咳嗽厉害 have a bad cough 8.午饭 lunch 9.打电话 call

  10.尽快好起来 get better soon 11.觉得不舒服 feel bad 12.吃一些药 take some medicine

  13.下课了 classes are over 14.带一些水果 get some fruit 15.呆会儿见 see you soon

  16.多休息 have a lot of rest 17.发高烧 have a high fever 18.看病 see a doctor

  19.感觉好多了 feel better 20.张开嘴巴 open your mouth 21.睁开双眼 open you eyes

  22.打错电话 wrong number 23.胖猴子 fat monkey 24.我的弟弟 my brother


  1.stay(现在分词) staying 2.wrong(反义词) right 3.bad(反义词) good

  4.good(比较级) better 5.got(动词原形) get 6.I‘m(完全形式) I am

  7.I’ve(完全形式) I have 8.hear(同音词) here 9.class(复数) classes

  10.take(现在分词) taking 11.open(反义词) close 12.he‘s(完全形式) he is / he has

  13.fat(反义词) thin 14.monkey(复数) monkeys 15.let’s(完全形式) let us

  16.brother(对应词) sister 17.mother(对应词) father


  1. This is Helen speaking?(对画线部分提问) Who‘s that speaking?

  2. I can get some fruit for you?(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答) Can you get some fruit for me? Yes, I can.

  3. I play football after school.(分为两句话来表达) Classes are over. I play football.

  4. I feel ill.(对画线部分提问) How do you feel?

  5. I hope you get better soon.(改为第三人称)) She hopes you get better soon.

  6. I’ve got a headache and a bad cough.(对划线部分提问) What‘s wrong with you?

  7. dog, wrong, your, with, is, what(?)(连词成句) What is wrong with your dog?

  8. get, sister, hope, better, your, soon, mother, I, your, and(.)(连词成句)

  I hope your mother and your sister get better soon.

  9. Chinese, got, fever, our, a, teacher, high, has(.)(连词成句)

  Our Chinese teacher has got a high fever.

  10. Goodbye!(同义句) see you.


  1. I’ve got a earache. ( an )

  2. Is there else anything with you? ( anything else )

  3. What‘s wrong with she? ( her )

  4. I’m staying on bed. ( in )

  5. I can get some waters for you. ( water )

  6. Don‘t take some medicine. ( any )

  7. Su Yang often call me in the evening. ( calls )

  8. Helen don’t absent today. ( isn‘t )

  9. My brother not at school. ( is not )

  10. What’s matter with you? ( the matter )


