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一 单项选择 (10 分 )

  ( ) 1. -- Is your mother cooking lunch?-- ___.

  A. Yes, he does. B. No, she isn’t C. No, it isn’t

  ( ) 2. Do an experiment ___ me, please?

  A. on B. at C. in

  ( )3. – What do ants like to ___? – Are they ___ the honey?

  A. eat; eating B. eat; eat C. eating; eating

  ( )4. --___ collecting leaves? – Yes, ___.

  A. They are; they are B. Are they; they are C. Is they; they are

  ( )5. – What ___ doing? -- ___ visiting my friends.

  A. are you; I am B. are you; you am C. are you; I am

  ( )6. – Is ___ watching TV? – Yes, she ___.

  A. he; is B. she; is C. she; isn’t

  ( )7. – Are you ___? – No, we aren’t.

  A. pick up leaves B. play football C. playing football

  ( )8. – Where is Zhang Peng? – He’s ___ the woods. He’s ___ pictures.

  A. in; taking B. on; take C. in; take

  ( )9. – What ___ John doing? -- ___ playing chess.

  A. is; John B. are; He’s C. is; He’s

  ( )10. -- ___ are they? -- ___ in the woods.

  A. What; They are B. Where; They are C. Where; Are they

  二 . 连词成句 (10 分 )

  1. birthday, is, Mike’s, when, uncle’s (?)

  2. dishes, is, Amy, the, the, kitchen, in, doing (.)

  3. writing, a, music, our, is, report, teacher (.)

  4. trees, now, they, are, climbing (?)

  5.friends, what, are, her, doing (?)


  (eating, are, he’s, catching, there, sweet, sunny, pictures, happy, do, is, she’s )

  It’s a①_________ day. Look! ②________ are many people in the woods. Zhang Peng is ③__________ butterflies, Sarah is taking④__________. What is Mike doing?⑤________ watching insects. Sarah and Amy⑥________ playing chess. They are very⑦___________. ⑧__________ you see any ants? Yes! They are⑨________ honey. Mmm, it’s⑩___________

  四 根据上下文的意思填上所缺单词,使其意思完整、通顺、合理。

  1. A: __________ are you doing? B: ________ ________ up leaves .

  2. A: _________ is Sarah doing? B: ________ _______ pictures .

  3. A: ________ is John doing? B: ________ ________ pictures .

  4. A: ________ are John and Zhang Peng doing? B: ________ _______ chess .

  5. A: ________ are they? B: They ________ ______ the woods .

  6. A: ________ is Chen Jie? B: She ________ ______ the classroom .

  7. A: _______ they taking pictures? B: No , ________ _________ .

  8. A: ________ you eating dinner? B: Yes , ______ are .

  9. A: _______ he counting insects? B: No , ________ _______ .

  10. A: ______ Mike playing chess? B: Yes , ________ _______ .

  11. A: _______ is Amy? B: She ________ _________ there .

  12. A: ______ Amy writing a report? B: No , ________ ________ .

  13. A: _______ the ants eating the honey? B: Yes , ________ _______ .

  14. A: _________ a big nature park! B: It’s nice .

  15. A: _______ you see any animals? B: Yes , ________ _______ .

  16. A: _________ are the animals? B: They ________ ______ the forest .

  17. A: ________ are the tigers doing? B: They ________ _______ in the lake.

  18. A: _______ the birds fly? B: Yes , ________ _______ .

  19. A: ________ the pandas climb trees?

  B: Yes , ________ _______ . They are good climbers .

  20. A: ________ is the monkey doing? B: _____ is swinging .

  五 阅读理解

  It’s a nice day. We are having a good time. We are going on a field trip. Listen! The birds are singing. Look! My father is doing an experiment. My mother is catching butterflies. My grandparents are playing chess. My brother is running on the grass. What am I doing then? I am taking pictures.

  ( )1. My grandparents are ____

  A. playing chess B. playing football C. running

  ( )2. ___ is running. A. My mother B. My father C. My brother

  ( )3. My ___ is catching butterflies. A. mother B. sister C. brother

  ( )4. I am___ .

  A. playing football B. taking pictures C. catching butterflies.

  ( )5. The birds are ___ .

  A. flying. B. singing C. running



