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  1. 穿上它 2. by bike

  3. 步行 4. It fits .

  5. 离……远 6. at the prince’s house

  7. 脱下 8. come to school

  9. 有害的 10.in the forest


  1. She can’t_________(put) on the shoe, and it doesn’t ________(fit).

  2. I like__________(sing), but my sister doesn’t, she ________(like)________ (dance).

  3. (do) Mike have (some) snacks?

  4. Su Yang __________(live)near the City Library.

  5. Cinderella (put) on the new clothes and shoes.

  6. Bobby wants (ride)the bike.


  ( ) 1. -What _____they like doing ? - They like watching cartoons.

  A do B does C doing D did

  ( ) 2. I usually come to school ______metro.

  A. on B. by C. at D in

  ( ) 3. -_____are you in bed now? - Because I’m very tired.

  A What B When C Why D Where

  ( ) 4. Yang Ling’s house is far _____ our school.

  A. from B. away C. behind D with

  ( ) 5.Bobby _______ ________ a bike in the park .

  A like; ride B like; riding C likes; riding D likes; rides

  ( ) 6. We can’t eat these mushrooms they are bad for us .

  A. so B.because C. that D behind

  ( ) 7.Sam wants ________ his new T-shirt to Bobby.

  A show B shows C showing D to show

  ( ) 8.A: How do we come to Beijing , Yang Ling ? B: _____________

  A On foot . B. By bike. C. By taxi. D. By plane.

  ( ) 9. _____you like your new home ? Yes, I ______ .

  A. Are, aren’t B. Do, don’t C. Does, doesn’t D. Do, do

  ( ) 10. Tom’s dad think so.

  A. not B. doesn’t C. don’t D aren’t

  四、搭配题。选择相应的答句, 将序号填在题前括号类。(10分)

  ( )1. Why is he so happy ? A. Hurry up.

  ( )2. Would you like a cake? B. I live in Baoji Town.

  ( )3. Where do you live ? C. OK .

  ( )4. Dad, can I go to school by bike ? D.Because he has to do his homework.

  ( )5. These mushrooms are bad for us . E. Yes, please.

  ( )6. Please come back before 12 o’clock . F. I like eating ice cream .

  ( )7. Why can’t he watch TV? G. No, you can’t.

  ( )8. Do you have any water ? H. Because he has a new friend.

  ( )9. What do you like eating ? I. What a pity !.

  ( )10. It’s late. J.No , I don’t .


  1. can’t I why the to go party (?)


  2. how go City Library you do to (?)


  3. I any nice because clothes shoes don’t have or (.)


  4. off your take clothes please ( .)


  5. Sam in always basket the sits (.)



  ( )1. 你想知道王兵是如何来学校的,你会对王兵说:t .

  A. How do you come home? B. How does Wang Bing come to school? C.How do you come to school ?

  ( )2. 当你问别人父亲的工作时,别人会说:

  A. What does your father do ? B. My father is a bus driver .C. I love my father and mother .

  ( )3. 当你们想一起去看电影时,自行车却坏了,你会说:

  A. Let's go . B. What a pity ! C. It’s late .

  ( )4. 当你询问刘涛住哪时,他会说:

  A. When do you get up ? B. I live on Moon Street . C. Where do you live ?

  ( )5. 你问爸爸星期天能不能去公园,爸爸会说:

  A. No .Because you have to do your homework . B. Yes ,I am . C. Yes , you can .



  My brother often ___________ to the park ___________ ___________ at weekends .


  She her .


  Why don’t you __________ __________ your coat?


  Su Hai lives Moon .


  It’s Saturday morning. There are some boys and girls in the park. Look! Liu Tao is taking photos. He likes it very much. Under the tree, there are some boys. They are playing football. Oh, there is a girl under the tree. She’s playing the guitar. Wang Bing is drawing pictures. He likes making model ships, too. There are two girls over there. They are making clothes for their dolls.

  ( ) 1.It is Saturday morning.

  ( ) 2.Some children are in the garden.

  ( ) 3.The girl under the tree is playing the violin.

  ( ) 4.Wang Bing likes making model planes.

  ( ) 5.The girls can make clothes.



