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一、 读一读,选择恰当的词完成句子。

( )1.—What are you going to do, Le le?

— _____ going to plant trees. (A. I’m B. We’re)

( )2.—Why do you love zebra?

—_____ they have stripes. (A. But B. Because)

( )3.—What season is it?

—It’s _____ spring. (A. a B.不填)

( )4. —Where do monkeys _____?

—They live in the mountain. (A. live B .lives)

( )5. —Where do you live?

— I live ____the earth. (A. in B. on)

( )6.—Do you like squirrels?

—Yes, I _____. (A. do B. can)

( )7. —What do you wear in spring?

—I wear a _____. (A.T-shirt B. sweater)

( )8. —Why do you love squirrels?

—____they have nice tails. (A. But B. Because)

( )9. —What colour is spring?

— It’s _____.Because plants grow.(A. green B. red)

( )10.He _____ an Easter egg. (A. need B. needs)

二、 读一读A栏中的句子,在B栏中找出合适的答语。


( )1.What are you going to do? A. It’s yellow.

( )2.What season is it? B. I live in Sichuan.

( )3.Why do you love turtles? C .We’re going to dance.

( )4.Do you like dolphins? D . It’s summer.

( )5.Where do you live? E. Because they are cute.

( )6.What colour is autumn? F. No, I don’t.

三、 单项选择,选择合适的答语并将其编号填入题前括号内..

( )1.---What do you wear in summer, Le le? ----________.

A. I wear a dress. B. I wear jeans. C. I wear a blouse.

( )2. Winter is here. It’s getting ______.

A. hot B. cold C. warm

( )3. We live in ______.

A. Sichuan B. china C. chongqing

( )4. Look! There is a bird _____ the tree.

A. on B. in C. at

( )5. It’s hot. It’s time to _______.

A. go skating B .go for an outing C. go swimming

( )6.---What do you _____? ----T-shirt.

A. wear B. needs C. put on

( )7. Flowers ____in spring.

A. bloom B. blow C. plant

( )8. Spring _____ from March to May.

A. last B. lasts C. are

( )9. It’s hot. She ____ a hat.

A. want B. needs C .have

( )10.---Sorry! ---_____.

A. That’s OK. B. That’s ok. C .that’s OK.

( ) 11. ---_What are you going to do?

--- I’m going to _____________ .

A. water flowers B.playing football C. singing a song

( )12.I’m looking ____my pen.

A. from B. for C. at

( )13. I’m ______ your dad.

A. is B. no C.not

( )14. ---_____ you Ting Ting?

--- Yes, _____ am.

A. is , I B. are, I C. Are , I

( )15.---What colour ______?

---It’s purple.

A. is it? B. it is C. are they

( )16. What is the date today?

A.June 2th B. Sunday C. February 10th

( )17.--- Hello.This is Rose.Who’s calling?

--- ._______TingTing speaking.

A. This is B. I’m C.That is

( )18.----Why do you love zebras?

---- Because they have -_____.

A. beautiful feathers B. hard shells C. nice furs

( )19.----where do they live?

----They live_____ England.

A. in B. from C. on

( )20.----What do you wear in spring? -----We wear ______ .

A. shirt B. coat and gloves C.T-shirt


( )1.---_____________ ---We wear sweaters.

A .What do you wear in summer?

B. What do you wear in autumn?

C. What do you wear in spring?

( )2.---What do you wear, Dad? ----_____________

A .I wear jeans. B. I wear a skirt. C .I wear a blouse.

( )3.---When is spring? ---__________.

A. From March to May. \

B. From June to August.

C From September to November.

( )4.---What colour is spring? ---__________

A. It’s green. B. It’s yellow. C. It’s red.

( )5.---It’s cold.


A. I needs a hat. B. I need gloves. C. He need a cap.

五、 选词填空。(请把下列词填在横线上,每词限用一次.)

spring summer autumn winter

1. Leaves turn yellow and fall. It’s _______.

2. Trees are green and flowers bloom. It’s _______.

3. It snows. It’s ______.

4. Plants grow and birds sing. It’s _______.


1. earth ________ 2. shirt ________

3. dumplings_______ 4. snow ________

5 .dig a hole _________ 6. desert _________

7. It’s time to go swimming._______________________

8. I need a paintbox. ___________________

9. I wear a blouse and jeans. __________________

10. Autumn is here, it’s getting cool. __________________


1.she(复数形式)______ 2.I(复数形式)_____

3. big(反义词)_______ 4. no(反义词)_______



